Kristina Staykova Performance Contract

Tel: 917. 941. 0392 (Kristina Staykova, performer, choreographer)

This contract represents the complete terms and conditions between ______(“client”)

And Kristina Staykova (vendor), agreed upon this date: April 26th, 2009.

1. Vendor shall provide:

a)  A dance performance of __2_ dancers on the _8th of May, 2009___ at the below specified location in addendum section exhibit B. The time of performance shall be 2 sets of 13 min in the frame of two and a half hours starting @ 8 and 10 PM.

b)  The total performance time shall be for the duration will consist of 25 minutes in the period of 2.5 hours, with pre-approved songs.

c)  Dancers will take pictures with guests between sets

d)  The performer will wear an appropriate, authentic, professional costume.

e)  If appropriate, the performer will encourage audience participation through dancing. Guests of honor may be invited onto the stage to dance, but the performer will not force those who are uninterested in participating. Vendor will not be held liable in the event an invitee injures him/herself while dancing or while watching the dance.

f)  The music shall be focused on _1.Flamenco and Belly Dance or 2.Two sets of Brazilian Samba with a costume change

g)  The performer shall provide music in the form of a CD/IPod.

h)  If for any reason there is a delay in the performer's arrival time, the performer will call the phone number given below as exhibit A to inform the hiring party of the delay.

2.  The client shall provide:

a)  Payment for performance in cash for the amount of _$800_ having __$200_ deposit 2 weeks before event (Deposit can be in Cash or Check)

b)  Payment is included to cover the cost of the transportation

c)  Payment on Cash _$600_____ is due immediately prior to the performance on the day in which the dance will be performed (payment must be given to Kristina Staykova)

d)  A safe and adequate space for the performer shall be provided. This includes a floor or stage space that is free of broken glass, spilled liquids, or other hazardous objects. In the event a dancer injures him/herself as a result of a messy or unclean area, client shall indemnify the vendor and provide compensation for damages or losses sustained, including expenses incurred for immediate medical attention and all medical bills.

e)  A sound system with CD/IPod playing capabilities shall be provided, preferably in the same room in which the performance is to take place. The sound system is an important part of the show and should be tested prior to the arrival of the performers.

f)  The client shall communicate any special suggestions or requests at least 72 hours prior to the night of the performance.

g)  It is important to pay the performer in a timely manner once services have been rendered. If the performer is required to wait more than 30 minutes for payment, an extra charge of $50 will apply. Often for weddings, payment is left with either the wedding planner or the DJ so that the bride and groom will not be disturbed with this detail.

h)  A secure private space will be provided for the performer to change clothes and to store dancer’s personal items while performing.

i)  A safe parking spot will be available for the performer close to the event venue.

j)  In the event audience feedback is so responsive to the performance, the client has the option to negotiate with the client for additional dances at the venue. In the event a new agreement occurs, all terms & conditions of this agreement apply and client will pre-pay client for the additional dances.

k)  In the event an audience member becomes inebriated or attempts to interrupt the performance, client has to attempt to provide security protection for the dancer(s). Further, should a dancer be harmed during their performance, the vendor intends to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

*If the hiring party or anyone at the event wants to videotape the performance, they must provide the entertainer with a copy of the recording. Any recordings or photographs shall not be duplicated or used for commercial purposes, without the expressed written consent of the vendor.

Agreed to and accepted:

______date ______

Kristina Staykova

______date ______

( Client )


Exhibit A: Tel:

Exhibit B: Performance address: