Crucible Act III Study Questions

1.  How does Hawthorne question his subjects?

2.  Who has been condemned to hang? How many are in jails?

3.  When Proctor brings up that Marry Warren has signed a deposition, Parris claims “They’ve come to overthrow the court.” Why might Parris be alarmed by this deposition?

4.  Danforth says “I judge nothing.” What is ironic about this comment?

5.  Why may Danforth be willing to let Elizabeth live another year?

6.  Why might this news change Proctor’s decision to go ahead with his presentation of the deposition? What does Proctor choose to do? What is his reason?

7.  Danforth states, “. . . a person is either with this court or he must be counted against it, there be no road in between.” What does this quotation reveal about Danforth’s views?

8.  What does Giles Corey believe is the reason George Jacobs is in jail? Is his argument justified? Why or why not?

9.  Why does Corey refuse to give Danforth the name of the man who gave Corey the information?

10.  Rev. Hale claims “There is a prodigious fear of this court in the country.” Why does Danforth seem unwilling to listen to Hale’s argument?

11.  How many death warrants has Hale signed? Whose death warrant is among those? How does Hale feel about this?

12.  Why does Danforth feel lawyers are unnecessary in witch trials? How is his argument a logical fallacy?

13.  Does the information that Abigail danced seem to alter Danforth’s view of her? Support your answer with text.

14.  How does Hathorne change the nature of the questioning at this point? Why does he do this?

15.  Are Danforth, Hathorne and Parris objective in the way in which they question Mary? Abigail? Pull from the text to support.

16.  How does Abigail’s manner of responding to Danforth differ from the way in which the others respond to him? Why?

17.  Does it seem Danforth believes John or Abigail? Explain and support your answer.What is it that causes Mary to change her allegiance from John to Abigail? Is her change of the heart surprising? Why or why not?

18.  Proctor says “A fire, a fire is burning… we will burn together.” Explain what Proctor means by this.

19.  Explain an example of dramatic irony. (Explain what the situation is and why it is dramatic irony).