


Pottawatomie County, Kansas



Randy Kufahl, Board President, called the March 21, 2016 regular meeting to order at 7:00PM in the school library.


Board Members Present:

Nueva Bean-Smith Randy Kufahl

Scott Brunkow Tasha Lara

Jeff Koelzer Marcus Weiser

Mark Kopp

Others Present: Superintendent Adam McDaniel, Clerk Janell Schmidt, Tawni Myers, Sherri Alverson, Greg Schmelzle, Jo Harris, Judy Glessner, David Schmidt, Dr. Vicki Vossler, Tina Haefke, Angie Sauvage, Travis Altenhofen, Darrin Reith, Anne Suther, Sherri Brunkow


Bean-Smith moved to add IIIb Personnel Executive Session; NB2a KC Royals Trip; NB14 FSB/Cash 4 Teachers Grants, FSB/Alert Solutions Donation, Mainstar Trust/BackSnack Donation; and to approve the agenda as amended. Kopp seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

OHS Yearbook staff member Lara Brannan-Cole took a group photo of the School Board.


Koelzer moved to approve the January and February Treasurer’s Reports and February bills as presented. Weiser seconded. Motion carried 7-0.


Lara moved to enter executive session for 5 minutes to discuss nonelected personnel matters to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed. Kopp seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The Board was in closed session with Mr. McDaniel from 7:08-7:16. No action taken.




1. Sherri Brunkow thanked Social Worker Angie Sauvage for getting the Harvesters BackSnack program for USD322 which provides food items for children on weekends. Sherri stated Angie was a good hire for USD322.

2. Randy Kufahl, representing Farmers State Bank, presented teachers Judy Glessner (balance ball student chairs) and Jo Harris (iPads) with their Cash4Teacher Grants of $500 each.


1.  Superintendent/Principal Report; Adam McDaniel

§  Budget Update – Reviewed the percent of budget remaining in district funds.

§  Legislative Update

§  Elementary Happenings – Upcoming activities are an Easter egg hunt at the nursing home, and Havensville Kansas Living History Day. The BackSnack program has begun.

§  Middle School Happenings – Working on possible field trip options

§  High School Happenings – A basic pre-enrollment schedule has been sent to staff. KAYS sponsored TAG day before spring break.

§  Summer Time Positions – Will be posting the following summer positions; full time custodian, custodian/mower (minimum age 16), technology.

§  Retirement Plaque – Recognized Don Pinick (not present) upon his retirement.

§  Handbook – approval in April

§  Teaching Assignments – The current 2nd grade split will move to the 3rd grade next year. Staff has been informed to request transfer if they wish.

§  Maintenance – Installation of hand dryers in the schools has saved $1,700 in 1st year.

2.  Social Work Update; Angie Sauvage

§  The Harvester’s BackSnack program has been implemented at Onaga Grade School and currently serves 25 children, 17 families. Overall the program has been well received by the families it serves. Mrs. Sauvage regularly meets with students and tracks their progress. She observes in the classrooms for behavior issues. Researching student attendance and trying to address issues. Works directly with students and their families.

3.  Technology Update; Darrin Reith

§  Continuing to hone the handbook for the 1:1 Laptop Initiative.

4.  Holton Special Education Cooperative; Dr. Victoria Vossler, Director

§  President Kufahl asked Dr. Vossler to keep her presentation non-specific. The Board prefers this item be on the April agenda as the Board has not had time to discuss concerns regarding the Holton Cooperative. Dr. Vossler reported that she was informed on February 4th by Superintendent McDaniel that the USD322 Board has been discussing concerns regarding the Holton Special Education Cooperative (was given a list of these concerns by Mr. McDaniel) and that the Board is looking into changing Cooperatives. Currently the Holton Cooperative membership consists of Onaga, Royal Valley, Prairie Hills, Holton and Jackson Heights. Onaga student count as of December 1st is 62 and 7 gifted students being served by the Cooperative. This accounts for 10% of the Cooperative population. The Holton Board of Education is the operating sponsor of the Cooperative. Dr. Vossler reviewed the budget and how USD assessments are determined (USD322 FY16 $133,536). Onaga students are meeting standards; the State is behind 2 years on data. “Onaga students are just as important as students in the other districts’.” Jeff Koelzer asked how many years she has been director and how many times she has been here. Dr. Vossler replied that she has been director of the Holton Cooperative for 6 years and 5 years prior at Topeka 501. President Kufahl said the BOE would contact her regarding the April meeting agenda.

5.  Travis Altenhofen, Pottawatomie County Commissioner Candidate

§  Mr. Altenhofen is visiting constituents in District 3 to hear their concerns. He emailed a list of questions to Mr. McDaniel. He is a graduate of K-State with degrees in aeronautics and finance and is a licensed pilot. Mr. McDaniel indicated that he would like to see an increased School Resource Officer presence at school activities. Housing in the district was mentioned as another area of concern.


1.  Laptop Handbook Adoption

Bean-Smith moved approval of the laptop handbook adoption with typo corrections. Lara seconded. Motion carried 7-0.


1.  Approve Minutes

Lara moved to approve the minutes of the February 8th regular and February 15th special board meetings as presented. Weiser seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

2.  Student Matter; Executive Session

Koelzer moved to enter executive session for 15 minutes to discuss student matters to protect the privacy rights of a student(s) who is identifiable. Lara seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The Board was in closed session with Mr. McDaniel from 8:14-8:35pm. No action taken.

2a. Out-of-State Travel Request; KC Royals Trip

Mr. McDaniel reported that grades 3-6 will be attending the School Day at The K on May 4th. Koelzer moved to approve the out-of-state travel to Royals Stadium in KC MO on May 4th with the district to pay for fuel only and that the group report back to the Board on the event. Lara seconded. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Bean-Smith abstained).

3.  Personnel; Executive Session

Weiser moved to enter executive session for 25 minutes to discuss nonelected personnel matters to protect the privacy interests of the individual(s) to be discussed. Kufahl seconded. Motion carried 7-0. The board was in closed session with Mr. McDaniel from 8:37-9:44. No action taken.

4.  Negotiations

Tabled to April

5.  Personnel; Classified – Custodian Retirement

Bean-Smith moved to accept Donald Pinick’s resignation/retirement as custodian effective 3/7/16 and to thank him for his 32 years of service. Brunkow seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

6.  Personnel; Classified – Custodian Employment

Koelzer moved to approve an employment-at-will agreement as Custodian with LeAnne Hochstedler effective 3/21/16 through the probationary period of June 30, 2016 at an hourly wage of $13.25. Brunkow seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

7.  Personnel; Classified – Custodian Employment

Brunkow moved to approve an employment-at-will agreement as Custodian with Roderick “Dale” Bean effective 3/21/16 through the probationary period of June 30, 2016 at an hourly wage of $11.75. Kopp seconded. Motion carried 6-0-1 (Bean-Smith abstained).

8.  Personnel; Classified – PreK-1 Para-Professional Employment

Lara moved to approve an employment-at-will agreement with Rhonda McLaughlin as PreK-1 Para-Professional serving both regular and special education students effective 3/3/16 at an hourly wage of $11.21. Koelzer seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

9.  Personnel; Certified – ELA Teacher Contract 2016-2017

Weiser moved approval of a contract for the 2016-2017 school year with Jeffery Koch as English/Language Arts Teacher (MS/Step 14 $45,700). Lara seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

10.  Personnel; Certified – Additional Kindergarten Teacher 2016-2017

Preliminary enrollment numbers for next year’s kindergarten class is 30-35. Koelzer moved to give the Superintendent the authority to create and advertise for an additional Kindergarten teacher for the 2016-2017 school year. Lara seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

11.  Personnel; Licensed – Social Worker Contract Renewal

Kopp moved to renew the contract of Angie Sauvage as Prek-12 Social Worker for the 2016-2017, 2017-2018 school years placing her on a 2-year contract with salary to be determined at the conclusion of negotiations for SY17. Brunkow seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

12.  Personnel; Supplemental – 2nd Track Assistant Coaches for JH and HS

The track numbers for HS are 30+ and JH 40+. Due to safety and supervision concerns, additional assistant coaches are being requested. Kufahl moved to hire Ramon Fisher as the 2nd HS track assistant coach for the 2015-2016 season (Step 1/$1,950) and to fill the 2nd JH track assistant position. Lara seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

13.  Exempt Fundraiser(s)

Policy set by the Kansas State Board of Education regarding exempt fundraisers allows for one exempt fundraiser per school organization per semester that does not meet the nutrition standards for all foods sold in school during the school day on the school campus.

Brunkow moved to approve the OHS STUCO Easter Bags Fundraiser held March 7 & 8, 2016 and the OHS Publications Class Krispy Crème Fundraiser held April 8 & 13, 2016. Koelzer seconded. Motion carried 7-0.

14.  Gift/Donation

Bean-Smith moved acceptance and appreciation of the following donations to be used for their designated purposes: PATHS $1,500 to purchase technology; Farmers State Bank Cash4Teachers Grants of $500 each for Judy Glessner (Balance Ball Chairs) & Jo Harris (iPads); Farmers State Bank $400 for Alert Solutions; and Mainstar Trust $250 for BackSnack Program. Brunkow seconded. Motion carried 7-0.


There being no further business, President Kufahl adjourned the meeting at 9:53PM.

Board President

Date Approved Clerk of the Board

March 21, 2016 Page 4 Board of Education Minutes