History of the Americas

Myers Park High School (2013-2014)

Mr. Chris Murphy

The Course

The Diploma Programme is a rigorous pre-university course of study designed for students in the 16to19 age range. It is a broad-based two-year course that aims to encourage students to be knowledgeable and inquiring, but also caring and compassionate. There is a strong emphasis on encouraging students to develop intercultural understanding, open-mindedness, and the attitudes necessary for them to respect and evaluate a range of points of view.

This history course provides both structure and flexibility, fostering an understanding of major historical events in a global context. It requires students to make comparisons between similar and dissimilar solutions to common human situations, whether they are political, economic or social. It invites comparisons between, but not judgments of, different cultures, political systems and national traditions. The content of history is interesting in order to develop a lasting interest to promote international understanding and intercultural awareness to prepare students for global citizenship. This class will give students the framework and skill to understand and evaluate the various topics in the History of Americas course. In order to succeed on the required IB HL exams and the United States History End of Course Exam, students must attend class daily, listen carefully, read exhaustively, work diligently, speak respectfully, and THINK intelligently.

Course Topics

-Independence Movements

-Nation building and challenges

-United State Civil War: causes, course an effects (1840-1877)

-The development of modern nations (1865-1929)

-The emergence of the America in global affairs (1880-1829)

-The Mexican Revolution and Entrance into WWI (1910-1917)


Grading ScaleGrading Matrix

93-100 ATests - 70%

85-92 BQuiz / Papers / Other - 30%

77-84 C

70-76 D

69 or lower F

Required Texts: The American Pageant: 13th Edition

*You WILL be assigned a book and you WILL turn in THAT book at the end of the year.


Tests / Exams

-Goal / Thematic exams will occur every 2 to 4 weeks. Tests will be short answer only. Test days are ______


-You will undertake a number of in class assignments and projects, either on an individual basis or with groups. Project topics will be varied and details for each project will be forthcoming throughout the year.

-Essays / Quizzes

-You will have SEVERAL in class essays to write throughout the year. You will be responsible for the notes (in any fashion you see fit). Quizzes will be throughout the course. Be prepared.

Classroom Donations are welcome! (NOT REQUIRED)

- Copy paper- baby wipes- paper towels- markers- construction paper

- Tissues- Hand Sanitizer- dry eraser- Blue / Black Pens

General Classroom Policies

-All work (in class or out) must be YOUR work. The CMS Code of Conduct and the MPHS Honor Code will be enforced on ALL assignments.

Bell Policy:

-Respect the teacher, not the bell. When the bell rings, you leave. Do not line up at the door. The “first and last” 10 minute rule will be enforced. Take a pass and your ID with you if you leave the room.

Classroom Rules and Discipline:

In order to maintain a positive learning environment and foster self-control and responsibility, the following classroom policies will be in effect EACH day. Please review the following:

  1. Come to class prepared to learn with your text, pencil or pen, highlighter and notebook

2 Complete ALL assignments on time

(Simply showing up every day is no guarantee that you will pass the course)

  1. PRINT OFF all guided notes / slides for class
  2. Food and Drinks are allowed in the room UNTIL there is a mess to be cleaned up. Please clean up after yourself.
  3. Be respectful to other classmates, Myers Park staff, and classroom equipment.
  4. No sleeping
  5. Don’t be late!
  6. No cheating
  7. Follow ALL Myers Park High School rules

Consequences are as follows:

  1. Verbal Warning
  2. Parent Contact
  3. Extreme behavior will result in office referral and possible O.S.S.

Contact Information:

If you need clarification on any aspect of the course, you may find me in my room, S-15. I will stay after school for the necessary questions you may have. I have 3rd period planning for the entire 2013-2014 school year. The best way to reach me would be by email: