Woodville Centre
130 Sale Road
Northern Moor
“A One Stop Shop for Education Provision” Manchester
M23 0BX
Mobile: 07940097364
Tel: 0161 945 8940
EdStart WhitHoliday Clubs!!
I am delighted to inform you that EdStart are delivering a Dance and Football club to interested children during the Whitholidays at BroadoakPrimary School. Please see below.
Club / Ages / Dates / Times / CostWk1 / Football / 5-11 / Mon 28th – Thurs 31st May / 9am – 3pm / £15 per day / £50 wk
Places will be offered on receipt of tear off slip along with payment and confirmed via text, phone call or email (Please remember to complete correct contact details on the slip). Children are required to bring a packed lunch and plenty of fluids for each of the days. Please ensure that your child has suitable clothing and footwear.
EdStart accept Childcare Vouchers from the following providers:Edenred, Sadexo, KU Kids Ltd & Kiddi Vouchers, Computer Share, Apple and Care4. If your employee uses another childcare voucher scheme please let us know as we may be able to register with your provider.
We are also using social networking sites to update parents and schools of upcoming clubs and events...... Please spread the word by liking and sharing EdStart on Facebook and following EdStart on Twitter!!
Child’s Name(s):______Year:______
Club(s): ______Date:______
I have enclosed cash / cheque* for £______(cheques made payable to EdStart).
I am using ______childcare vouchers to the value of: £______
Attending on: ______(select days of attendance).
Tel: ______Mob:______(emergencies only)
Email: ______(for information of future clubs and activities)
*Delete where applicable Ref: HOL-01
Delivered by highly skilled and qualified Dance teachers. All children will have an opportunity to perform and develop in the following forms of dance: street dance, break dance, cultural dance, contemporary and fusion dance. Children will also benefit by improving their confidence in a fun and engaging environment. At the end of the week children will also have an opportunity to perform a dance routine to parents and carers.
Delivered by highly skilled, FA qualified male and female football coaches. Each day will consist of a warm up, coaching topic, small sided games, fun games and cool down with de-brief. All children will be required to bring football boots (trainers if grass area is unsuitable), shin pads, shorts, socks, T-shirt and a tracksuit (waterproof) in case of rain.
Please do remember to check out our website and provide your email for further details on our after school clubs and future Holiday Clubs.
Principal / 13-16 Manager: Mr. James Lowe. School address: 130 Sale Road, Northern Moor, Manchester, M23-0BX. School Telephone: (0161) 945-8940Management Committee (ProprietorialBody): Mr. C. Irwin & Mr. J. Lowe.
Registered Office: 130 Sale Road, Northern Moor, Manchester, M23-0BX. Tel: (0161) 945-8940
Company No: 6509870 - Ofsted No:352/6003 – VAT No: 118/6523/14