Youth Hunter Education Challenge Program

What is Y.H.E.C.?

YHEC is short for “Youth Hunter Education Challenge”.

YHEC is a National Rifle Association sponsored youth program that challenges young participants in eight separate events combined into one complete competition/training program. It is basically an advanced Hunter Education Program.

There are Four Responsibility Events:

1.  Hunter Guide Book Responsibility Examination/Test

2.  Orienteering

3.  Hunter Safety Trail

4.  Wildlife Identification

Plus there are Four Shooting Events:

1.  Archery

2.  .22 Light Rifle

3.  Sporting Clays (shotgun capable of holding at least 2 shotgun shells)

4.  Muzzle Loader (no scope)

The Jack O’Connor Hunting Heritage and Education Center requires participation in the Hunter Responsibility Examination/Test and the Hunter Safety Trail. The remaining events may be participated in as you feel you are ready.

The Jack O’Connor Center’s YHEC welcomes all youth as well as accompanying adults who want to improve their outdoor skills.

Y.H.E.C. Mission:

Recognized as the most comprehensive youth hunting program anywhere in North America, the YHEC program is NRA’s “graduate studies” in outdoor skills and safety training for young/beginning hunters that want to become outdoors men/women.

Open only to those who have competed the basic hunter safety training at the state level, the program is conducted under simulated hunting conditions to provide the best practical environment for reinforcing and testing a beginning hunter’s skills.

But…….you don’t have to do it all! Remember….if the eight events seems like a lot for you the first year you participate you do not have to do it all in the first year. You can still be a part of the YHEC program by attending and participating. You be the judge of what you think you can handle, but we will encourage you to eventually participate in it all.

Dates to remember

·  December 15- – Return Applications to Jack O’Connor Center

·  December 15-20 – Participants will be selected (20 only in 2015)

·  Jan 7, 2015 – Orientation meeting at 7:00pm at the Jack O’Connor Center

Tentative 2015 Field Training days out at the Lewis-Clark Rifle Range in Lapwai, Idaho:

·  Saturday, January 17

·  Saturday, January 31

·  Saturday, February 14

·  Saturday, February 28

·  Saturday, March 28

·  Saturday, May 9

·  Saturday, May 23 Wrap-up

·  June 1 -13 preparation for a regional shoot

There will be one archery classroom session and two archery field training days at Hells Gate State Park in Lewiston, Idaho:

·  Wednesday, March 18 – Classroom

·  Saturday, April 11 - Field Training

·  Saturday, April 25 - Field Training

Wednesday evenings from January 21 thru May 27 will be classroom sessions. Plan to meet at the Jack O’Connor Center at 7:00pm. Classes will run approximately 2 hours. Any changes to this schedule will be provided by advanced notice.

·  Wednesday 21 January -Classroom Session

·  Wednesday 4 February -Classroom Session

·  Wednesday 18 February -Classroom Session

·  Wednesday 4 March -Classroom Session

·  Wednesday 18 March -Classroom Session

·  Wednesday 1 April -Classroom Session

·  Wednesday 15 April -Classroom Session

·  Wednesday 29 April -Classroom Session

·  Wednesday 13 May -Classroom Session

·  Wednesday 27 May -Classroom Session - Final


Youth Hunter Education Challenge


Participant Application

Lewiston, Idaho

YHEC participants and families;

Welcome to Lewis-Clark Valley

All eight events will be provided using the most up to date rules available from the NRA. Look on the NRA's web page under youth programs for the new rule book. It is on the web now.

1.  Shotgun Ammunition will not be provided to participants in the sporting clays practice sessions. You must bring your own approved Ammunition.

2.  “NO RELOADS”. All Shotgun shells must be inspected and approved by the sporting clays event director. NO EXCEPTIONS

3.  Muzzle loader ammunition will not be available. NRA YHEC rules apply. There will be a True /False written exam in this event. You will need to furnish all of your own Muzzle Loader supplies.

4.  Archery targets will be 3D targets and/or life size paper game targets. (sight bars, stabilizers and bows will be checked prior to and during the event. Follow the rules or you will receive a zero practice and competition score. Sharing of equipment is permitted but the users will not be in the same relay.

5.  The rifle event will use the NRA YHEC rules for weight etc. and rifles will be checked. This event will not have ammunition available. You need to bring your own. Check it in with the one of the instructors prior to shooting.

All firearms shooting courses will be held either at the Colton Gun Club, Genesee Gun Club or out at the Lewis-Clark Wildlife Club’s rifle range near Lapwai, Idaho. Archery shooting and archery classroom training will be conducted at Hells Gate State Park. Always be prepared for the weather. It may be hot and sunny – bring sun screen. Or it may be wet and windy. Dress accordingly. Due to harsh conditions: No open toed shoes or shorts, will be allowed. This is Idaho, if you don't like the weather give it 10 minutes and it will probably change.

Date Received______


January 7, 2015 – May 27, 2015

Lewiston, Idaho

“Participant Application”

Registration is required

Must be RECEIVED by December 15, 2015

Mail to: Jack O’Connor Hunting Heritage and Education Center

PO Box 394, Lewiston, Idaho 83501

Name of Participant ______

Last First Middle Initial

Responsible Adult / Guardian attending ______

Hunter Education card ID # ______Birthday ____/____/______

“Birth certificate” (Copies are required)

Address ______

City State Zip Code

Phone ( _____)______Other Phone ( ______)______

Age______School Grade______T-shirt size: Adult S M L XL

Boy _____ Girl ______(Check one please) Youth S M L XL

Competition Class:______(How old will you be on June 1 , 2015?)

Junior _____ 11-14 yrs Senior _____ 15-18 yrs (Check one please)









Have you been a YHEC participant before? Yes ______No ______

Equipment participant has: (check only those you have on hand for your use and list make/model if known)

Muzzle Loader Rifle and Possibles Bag (Not over 54 caliber and no scope)

Compass with Movable Dial

.22 Rifle with either Iron Sights or Scope (not over 9 power)

Shotgun (capable of holding at least 2 shells)

Archery Supplies (Bow and arrows matched to bow)

Hunter’s Guide Book (furnished)

Wildlife Identification Book (furnished)

As the parent or guardian of ______, I do hereby give my permission for my child to participate in the National Rifle Association’s Youth Hunter Education Program and any/all practice sessions.


Parent or Guardian Signature Date

Required Documented Information:

Copies of: Hunter Safety Certification Card and Birth Certificate

Mail Application and the required information to:

The Jack O’Connor Center, P.O. Box 394, Lewiston, Idaho 83501

If you have any questions or concerns please call the director @ 208-743-5043

Statement by applicant as to why they want to participate

(Applicant must fully commit to the requirements of this program and practice safety at all times)

Statement by sponsor supporting applicant

Statement by parent why they want their child to participate (Parents must commit to transportation to and from training/competition events, ammo purchases, and must assure child understands level of commitment required by this program)

Do you or family members have an automobile that will be able to bring you to training sessions, events, and field trips? ______Would you be willing to transport other participants? ______

We are trying to keep all of the cost to you at a minimum. We do need volunteers to help with driving, preparing and serving any meals that we may be having during the training sessions or field trips. Volunteers help keep everyone’s cost down.

In Case of an Emergency Contact:

Name: ______Phone: (______)______

Address: ______Work Phone: (______)______

HEALTH INFORMATION: (Please state the facts in connection with the following)

Describe any medical condition that may require medication as a treatment: ______


List any medications which have been prescribed by the family doctor for the participant to take on his/her own while participating in this program: ______


List any allergies: ______

Describe any physical limitations: ______


Any surgery in the past year (if yes, describe)? ______


Date of last Tetanus injection: ______

Is the participant up to date on all childhood vaccinations? Yes No


Must be signed by a parent or guardian

I hereby authorize you, in the event of an emergency, that is, when you are unable to reach me for authorization or when circumstances require immediate action, to proceed according to the good medical practice with treatment of my daughter/son. Also, I authorize the hospital attending physician, or other health care specialist administering the treatment to release pertinent information to the insurance company assuming coverage for the same:


Parent or Guardian Signature Date


Home Address City State Zip code


Home Phone Number Other Phone Number

Primary Insurance Co. Name: ______

Address: ______

City State Zip code

Policy Number: ______

Assumption of Risk, Waiver and Release

In consideration of the allowed to participate in the NRA Youth Hunter Education Challenge Program and the Jack O’Connor Hunting Heritage and Education Center, related events and activities, the undersigned appreciates, acknowledges and agrees that:

1. There are risks of injury from participating in the activities involved in this program of events, including the potential of paralysis, disability and even death. I knowingly and Freely ASSUME ALL SUCH RISKS (known or unknown, present, future, direct, or consequential and whether physical, psychological, social, economic, or otherwise and including all treatment, hospitalization or other care rendered to me in the event of my illness, injury, or emergent circumstances in connection with my participation in this program of events) EVEN IF ARISING FROM THE NEGLEGENCE OF THE RELEASES or others, and I assume full responsibility for my participation and all such risks.

2. I willingly agree to comply with the stated and customary terms and conditions for participation in this program of events. If I observe any unusual significant hazard during my participation, I will remove myself from participation and immediately bring such to the attention of the nearest staff/official member.

3. I, for myself, and behalf of my heirs, assigns, personal representative and next of kin, HEREBY RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS the NRA Youth Hunter Education Challenge Program and the Jack O’Connor Hunting Heritage and Education Center, officers, committee members, volunteers, and other agents, other participants, organizing and sponsoring agencies, National Governing Bodies, sponsors, advertisers, and if applicable, owners, lessors of premises used to conduct the program of events. (“Releases”), WITH RESPECT TO ANY AND ALL INJURY, PARALSIS, DISABILITY, OR DEATH, and all liabilities, losses, claims and causes of action (including attorney’s fees) and any nature, incurred, suffered or associated with the participation in this program of events, WHETHER ARISING FROM THE NEGLIGENCE OF THE RELEASES OR OTHERWISE.

4. I hereby give my permission to the event organizers for the free use of my name, likeness and or pictures for use in broadcasts, telecast, newspaper, etc., for the promotion of the program of events,

5. I will follow and abide by the rules, policies, and code of conduct of the NRA Youth Hunter Education Challenge Program and the Jack O’Connor Hunting Heritage and Education Center. I HAVE READ THIS ASSUMPTION OF RISK, WAIVER AND RELEASE AGREEMENT, AND FULLY UNDERSTAND ITS TERMS AND CONDITIONS AND SIGN IT VOLUNTARILY WITHOUT ANY INDUCEMENT.


Signature Date


I, as parent/guardian with legal responsibility for this participant, consent and agree with his/her assumption of risk, waiver and release as provided above, and for myself, my heirs, assigns and next of kin, release and agree to indemnify the Releases from any and all liabilities, losses, damages, claims and causes of action (including attorney’s fees) incident to my minor child’s involvement or participation in the events provided for above, even if arising from negligence of the Releasees.

I understand every effort will be made to contact me in the event of an emergency requiring medical attention for my child. However, if I cannot be reached, I authorize the NRA Youth Hunter Education Challenge Program and the Jack O’Connor Hunting Heritage and Education Center, their personnel and medical staff, to call an ambulance (including air transportation) or transport my child to the nearest medical care facility and secure emergency medical treatment, additional emergency transportation including hospitalization, injections, anesthesia or surgery.

In the event of injury, medical costs must be paid by the athlete, parent or guardian. Entry will not be accepted unless this release and waiver are agreed to.


Parent/Guardian Signature Date

YHEC Reserves the right to terminate any participant from the program for repeated lack of attendance, flagrant safety violations, behavior or attitude problems.

*** Be ready for a SAFE and FUN 5 months!!!



ATK, Lewiston, Idaho

Friends of the NRA, Lewiston, Idaho

Idaho Department of Fish and Game

Washington Hunter Education Program