RA V/MG-12/Doc. 4, p. 1

World Meteorological Organization / / RA V/MG-12/Doc.4
Management GROUP
TwelFth SESSION / Submitted by: / Secretariat
Date: / 20.VI.2014
Agenda item: / 4
Geneva, 23 June 2014 / English only

Agenda Item 4: Report on the 15th Session of RA V Tropical Cyclone Committee

(Submitted by the Chairperson of the Tropical Cyclone Committee)



The MG-12 is invited:

(a)to note the main outcomes from the fifteenth session of the RA V Tropical Cyclone Committee (TCC-15);and

(b)to note that the TCC-15 designated its current Chairperson, Mr Mike Bergin (Australia) to lead the Committee.


4.Report onthe Fifteenth Session oftheRA V Tropical Cyclone Committee (agenda item4)

4.1.The Group was pleased to note that the fifteenth session of the Tropical Cyclone Committee for the South Pacific and Southeast Indian Oceans (TCC-15) was held in Port Vila, Vanuatu from 26 to 30 May 2014, and expressed its appreciation to the Government of Vanuatu for hosting and providing support for the TCC-15.

4.2.The Group noted that the TCC-15designated its current Chairperson, Mr Mike Bergin (Australia) to continue to lead the TCC with the understanding that the Committee would discuss and designate a new Chairperson to replace Mr Bergin, during its sixteenth session in 2016.

4.3.The Group further noted that the TCC-15 discussed the idea of designating a vice-Chairperson, and would continue discussion on the idea either during its sixteenth session in 2016 or during the RA V session in 2018.In the meantime, the Group was informed that the TCC would maintain its current practice of designating a vice-Chairperson during, and for a period of each of its sessions.

4.4.The Group was also informed that the TCC-15 discussed the Terms of Reference of TCC approved bythe RA V-16 regarding the formation of the Task Team on Severe Weather Forecast Demonstration Project including Data Processing and Forecasting Systems (TT-SWFDP/DPFS) and the Task Team on Coastal Inundation and Storm Surges (TT-CISS),and noted that the TCC would like to postpone discussions on the inclusion of the TT-SWFDP/DPFS and TT-CISS to the TCC until its sixteenth session in 2016, taking into full consideration of its views summarized in Annex I to this document. The Group noted that the TCC would continue discussion onthe RA V-16 decision on the formation of the TT-SWFDP/DPFS and TT-CISS and designation ofthe Task Teams to the TCC focusing on how to deal with the southern and northern hemisphere membership of the TCC and Task Teams.

4.5The Group was pleased to note that the TCC discussed and identified its specific regional priorities and activities for 2016-2019, and contributed its deliverables and activities to the RA V Operating Plan 2016-2019.
