Egypt at its Origins. Studies in Memory of Barbara Adams

Proceedings of the International Conference “Origin of the State. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Egypt”, Krakow, 28th August - 1st September 2002

Stan Hendrickx, Renée F. Friedman, Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz and Marek Chłodnicki (eds.)

Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta

Leuven: Peeters Publishers, 2004.

Excavation Reports

Álvaro Figueiredo. Locality HK6 at Hierakonpolis: Results of the 2000 Field Season

Nicola Harrington. Human Representation in the Predynastic Period: the Locality 6 Statue in Context

Helena F. Jaeschke. The HK6 Statue Fragments

Wim Van Neer, Veerle Linseele and Renée F. Friedman. Animal Burials and Food Offerings at the Elite Cemetery HK6 of Hierakonpolis

Renée F. Friedman. Elephants at Hierakonpolis

Richard L. Jaeschke. A Case for Reconstructing Pottery in the Field

Thomas Hikade. Urban Development at Hierakonpolis and the Stone Industry at Square 10N5W

Fathy Abu Zeid. The Predynastic Cemetery of el-Adwa

Pierre M. Vermeersch, Wim Van Neer and Stan Hendrickx. El Abadiya 2, A Naqada I Site near Danfiq, Upper Egypt

René T.J. Cappers, Thijs Van Thuyne and Laila Sikking. Plant Remains from Predynastic El Abadiya-2 (Naqada Area, Upper Egypt)

E. Christiana Köhler. On the Origins of Memphis - The New Excavations in the Early Dynastic Necropolis at Helwan

Jane Smythe. The Pottery from Operation 3/ Tomb 1 at Helwan

Ulrich Hartung. Rescue Excavations in the Predynastic Settlement of Maadi

Marek Chłodnicki. Tell el-Farkha and Explorations of the Central Kom 1987-2002

Krzysztof M. Ciałowicz. Tell el-Farkha 2001-2002. Excavations at the Western Kom.

Tomasz Herbich. Magnetic Survey at Tell el Farkha or How to Interpret a Magnetic Map

Renata Abłamowicz, Joanna Dębowska and Mariusz Jucha. The Graves of Tell el-Farkha (Seasons 2001 – 2002)

Agnieszka Mączyńska. Pottery Tradition at Tell el Farkha

Maciej Jórdeczka. Stone Implements from Tell el-Farkha

Béatrix Midant-Reynes, François Briois, Nathalie Buchez, Morgan De Dapper, Sylvie Duchesne, Bruno Fabry, Christiane Hochstrasser-Petit, Luc Staniaszek and Yann Tristant. Kom el-Khilgan. A New Site of the Predynastic Period in Lower Egypt. The 2002 Campaign

Edwin C.M. van den Brink and Ram Gophna. Protodynastic Storage Jars from the Area of Sheikh Zuweid, Northern Sinai: Another entrêpot along the Way(s)-of-Horus ?

Eliot Braun. Egypt and the Southern Levant in the Late 4th Millennium BCE: Shifting Patterns of Interaction


Joanna Aksamit. Predynastic and Early Dynastic Antiquities from Edfu in the National Museum in Warsaw

Branislav Andelkovic. The Upper Egyptian Commonwealth: A Crucial Phase of the State Formation Process

Alain Anselin. Problèmes de lecture et d’écriture - les noms des polities nagadéennes

Masahiro Baba and Masanori Saito. Experimental Studies on the Firing Methods of the Black-topped Pottery in Predynastic Egypt

Tine Bagh. First Dynasty Jewellery and Amulets - Finds from the Royal Naqada Tomb: Proposed Reconstructions, Comparisons and Interpretations

Laurent Bavay, Dina Faltings, Luc André and Thierry De Putter. A Bladelet Core from Tell el-Fara‘in - Buto and the Origin of Obsidian in the Buto-Maadi Culture of Lower Egypt

Stijn Bielen. The Funerary Objects from the Early Dynastic Royal Tombs at Abydos (Egypt) in the Royal Museums of Art and History in Brussels

Janine Bourriau, Alfredo Bellido, Nick Bryan and Vincent Robinson† Neutron Activation Analysis of Predynastic to Early Dynastic Pottery from Minshat Abu Omar, Hemamieh and Armant

Nathalie Buchez. The Study of a Group of Ceramics at the End of the Naqada Period and Socio-economic Considerations

Marcelo Campagno. In the Beginning was the War. Conflict and the Emergence of the Egyptian State

Eva-Maria Engel. The Domain of Semerkhet

Ahmed Gamal-El-Din Fahmy. Review Insights on Development of Archaeobotanical and Palaeoethnobotanical Studies in Egypt

Diane Victoria Flores. Funerary Sacrifice of Animals in the Egyptian Predynastic Period

Gwenola Graff. Les peintures sur vases Nagada I-Nagada II. Nouvelle approche sémiologique

Fekri A. Hassan. Between Man and Goddess: The Fear of Nothingness & Dismemberment

Stan Hendrickx and David Depraetere. A Theriomorphic Predynastic Stone Jar and Hippopotamus Symbolism

Dirk Huyge. A Double-powerful Device for Regeneration: The Abu Zaidan Knife Handle Reconsidered

David Jeffreys. Hierakonpolis and Memphis in Predynastic Tradition

Alejandro Jiménez Serrano. Elephants standing on Hills or the Oldest Name of Elephantine

Karla Kroeper. Minshat Abu Omar - Aspects of the Analysis of a Cemetery

Candelaria Martín del Río Álvarez and Eduardo Almenara Rosales. An Analysis of the Theriomorphic Representations on Combs and Hairpins from the Predynastic Period

Edyta Maria Nowak. Egyptian Predynastic Ivories Decorated with Anthropomorphic Motifs

Diana Craig Patch. Settlement Patterns and Cultural Change in the Predynastic Period

Maciej Pawlikowski. Reasons for the Predynastic - Early Dynastic Transition in Egypt. Geological and Climatic Evidence

Kathryn E. Piquette. Representing the Human Body on Late Predynastic and Early Dynastic Labels

Ilona Regulski. Second Dynasty Ink Inscriptions from Saqqara paralleled in the Abydos Material from the Royal Museums of Art and History (RMAH) in Brussels

Heiko Riemer. News about the Clayton Rings: Long Distance Desert Travellers during Egypt’s Predynastic

Joanne M. Rowland. The Application of Mortuary Data to the Problem of Social Transformation in the Delta from the Terminal Predynastic to the Early Dynastic Period

Margaret Serpico. Salvaging the Past: Analysis of First Dynasty Jar Contents in the Petrie Museum of Egyptian Archaeology

Izumi H. Takamiya. Development of Specialisation in the Nile Valley during the 4th Millennium BC

Angela P. Thomas. Some Comments on the Predynastic Cemetery at El Mahasna

Joris van Wetering. The Royal Cemetery of the Early Dynastic Period at Saqqara and the Second Dynasty Royal Tombs

David Wengrow and John Baines. Images, Human Bodies, and the Ritual Construction of Memory in Late Predynastic Egypt

Helen Whitehouse. Further Excavation amongst the Hierakonpolis Ivories

Toby A.H. Wilkinson. Before the Pyramids: Early Developments in Egyptian Royal Funerary Ideology