Primary Goals / Notes
  • Review idea with manager/AVP and OHR Fiscal Officer
  • Prepare Business Case to provide rough estimates for project costs, duration, resources and proposed start date. Submit to Program Director.Decision Matrix may be required to appropriately and cross-functionally vet options.
  • Add project to PPM tool, place in the Pipeline portfolio. Enter estimated costs and expenses into PPM.
/ Define the type of project: process support, process improvement, IT project (enterprise or local app), PeopleSoft support or upgrade, legal requirement or regulation, operational?
Provide initial project goal and estimates.
  • Project is approved or denied by OHR leadership/PMO. If approved, the project is assigned a sponsor and PM
  • Complete Stakeholder Analysis form to identify all areas affected by the project
  • Complete Communication Plan – this is the initial plan to communicate updates to project stakeholders
  • Prepare Test Plan – Using the Use Cases to tie back to the Requirements Doc
  • Complete Issues/Risk Log – list possible risks, probability and reaction plan
  • RACI chart – matrix shows roles and expectations (Responsible, Accountable, Consulted and Informed
  • Change Management Plan – shows how changes to the project will be controlled, governed, communicated and approved.
  • Create Project Financials to help control the budget
/ The goal is to assure projects have enough information to make quality decision. Governance process needs to be established to assure proper project selection, schedules, technical alignment, and options are maintained and the overall portfolio is properly managed. The PM works closely with the Sponsor and Stakeholders to assure initial estimates are complete, project is appropriately authorized and communicated. All estimates are refined and the project is baselined. Kick Off meeting allows the team to collaborate, brainstorm, select the best course of action and build out the project plan.
  • PM completes Requirement Doc, performs Kick-Off Meeting to refine requirements and update the project plan.
  • Sponsor reviews and provides approval to proceed
/ Meetings are run using agendas and minutes to record discussions and action items. Sponsor communication is required, approval methods should be determined at the start of the project.
  • Project tasks are worked and marked complete. Software development tasks are updated in Trello
  • Project team meets regularly to discuss the project status and issues. Work may be broken up into iterative sprints.
  • Sponsor is kept up-to-date on the progress of the project and issues/risks.
  • Sponsor approves final product and go live date
/ The bulk of the work is completed in this stage. Once the process, product or service is built and tested, the PM attains sign off from the Sponsor and the go live date is selected.
  • Project is deployed as planned
  • Training and documentation are completed
  • Support team is included as planned
/ Project is communicated, deployed, documented and properly supported. Users are trained (if necessary) and actively working in the “production” environment.
  • Team conducts Lesson’s Learnedsession with Sponsor. Findings are documented and shared appropriately. All tasks are marked 100% complete in the PPM tool and the project is archived.
  • PM sends notification the project is done, resources are released
/ Typically, there is a warranty period where issues are resolved by the project team and there is a graceful hand-over to the operations team.
Phase / Stage
Template / Description
  • Business Case
/ Document the opportunity with project objective and rough estimates for ‘who’, ‘what’, ‘where’, ‘when’ and ‘how much’.
Detail the financial impact and rationale for proceeding with the project
  • Decision Matrix
/ Document options with detailed information and make recommendation. Collect information and collaborate with sponsor, SME, stakeholders and leadership as needed.
  • Requirements Doc (includes Use Cases)
  • Risk Matrix
  • Test Plan
  • Project Plan (may be 1, phase level or complete list of tasks)
  • Staffing Plan
  • Change Form
  • Communication Plan
  • Financial Plan
  • Project Charter
  • Risk Issue Log
  • Stakeholder Analysis
/ All estimates are refined, the project plan is developed and fully vetted with project team, sponsor, stakeholders and leadership.
  • Detailed Specifications
  • Go No-go
  • Testability Review
  • Traceability Matrix
/ Project tasks are completed, the final solution is fully tested. All completed functionality is traced back to the original requirement.
  • Communication Documentation
  • Training Documentation
  • User Manuals/Job Aid
/ Project is communicated, deployed, documented and properly supported. Users are trained (if necessary) and actively working in the “production” environment. Deployment includes operations to prepare for a successful hand-off.
  • Lesson’s Learned
  • Warranty period, then official hand-off to Operations
  • Resources are release
  • All project tasks are marked 100% and project is archived
/ Project team reflects on the project and develops a list of what went well and what did not.
Phase / Stage