January 9, 2014 7:00 PM

CALL TO ORDER/PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE/ROLL CALL:Chair Dave Johnson called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM and the Pledge of Allegiance was said. Those present: Bill Carrington, Brenda Silgjord, ArleneSchmit, Dave Johnson,Greg Bennett, Board LiaisonYvette Adelman-Dullingerand Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk.Sign-In sheet attached.

Agenda:Arlene Schmit moved to approve the amendedagenda, seconded by Brenda Silgjordand the motion carried.


December 12, 2013 Verizon Wireless Public Hearing Meeting Minutes amend/approve: Arlene Schmit moved to approve the amended minutes, seconded by Bill Carrington and the motion carried.

December 12, 2013 Regular PC Meeting amend/approve:Arlene Schmitmovedto approve theminutes as amended, seconded by Greg Bennett and the motion carried.

Public Input:


Correspondence Received:

Tracey Malone Letter — Faulk & Foster — Representing Verizon Wireless: A letter was received from Tracey Malone dated December 18, 2013 stating Verizon Wireless was asking to postpone their application for a conditional use permit at the Sylvan Town Board meeting on January 2, 2014. In the letter it states Tracey asked for the application to be tabled during the December 12, 2013 Planning Commission hearing and her request was denied. The Planning Commission members want it on record that she did not request the application be tabled nor is it on the audio, therefore they did not deny her request.

Anthony Dorland-Moss & Barnett — Representing Verizon Wireless: A letter was received from Anthony Dorland whose firm represents Verizon Wireless. The letter states Verizon Wireless's application for a Conditional Use Permit for a Telecommunication Tower meets the Township's zoning code and the specific tower ordinance requirement. The letter states Verizon Wireless is asking the Sylvan Town Board to approve the application at their January 2, 2014 Board meeting. The Planning Commission members stated it does not meet sections of the Sylvan Township Ordinance for a CUP, the Cass County Ordinance nor the desires of the Sylvan Comprehensive Plan.

Dave Johnson - Letter of Interest for Planning Commission position: Dave Johnson submitted his letter of interest to serve another term on the Planning

Commission. The letter was read and Greg Bennett moved to recommend to the Sylvan Town Board they accept the letter of interest from Mr. Dave Johnson to continue to serve on the Planning Commission Board, seconded by Brenda Silgjord. The question was called and the motion carried.

Correspondence Sent:

Letter to Tracey Malone from Board Chair Greg Booth: Chair Booth sent a letter to Tracey in response to her letter. Chair Booth stated in the letter the Board can consider their request for postponement at the regular Board meeting on January 2, 2014. It also states the Board could consider a waiver of the 60-day rule. Chair Booth also stated the Planning Commission Public Hearing meeting minutes would be available after they are approved at the Planning Commission January 9, 2014 but the other documents requested would be forwarded on to Tracey.

Notice of Extension of Time Limits — Verizon Wireless: After receiving correspondence from different representatives for Verizon Wireless the Town Board passed the correspondence on to Township Attorney Steve Qualley who recommended the Town Board do a one-time 60 day extension. This extension would give the Town Board and Verizon Wireless time to do more research. The Notice of Extension of Time Limits was signed by Chair Booth with the Township attorney passing this on to the Verizon attorney.


Yvette Adelman-Dullinger –Town Board Liaison:Yvette informed the Planning Commission members of the following items discussed at theirlast meeting:

  1. There were snow plowing complaints
  2. Verizon Wireless Application for CUP – tabled until February meeting for discussion. The Town Board did a Notice of Extension of Time Limits (see above under Correspondence Sent).
  3. Public Hearing for Comp Plan – the Town Board set April 10, 2014 for the Public Hearing at 6:00 PM. This would be before the PC regular meeting.
  4. Reorganization meeting – Greg Booth is Chair and Weeds; Lee Shade is Vice Chair and Fire Representative; Roland Anderson is Co-Road Supervisor and Park; Yvette Adelman-Dullinger is Co-Road Supervisor and PC Liaison andJohn Wulff is Co-Road Supervisor.

Hourly rate for Board and PC members was increased from $17.00 to $18.00 per hour. The meeting amount stayed the same. Increased the life insurance policy from $5000.00 to $10,000.00. The mileage rate dropped to .56 per mile.

Previous Board Minutes: You are receiving in your packets, please read them

over for your information.

Old Business:

Comp Plan:Public Hearing for the Comp Plan will be held on April 10, 2014 at 6:00 PM.

Cost Analysis County VS Township Residential Zoning: Greg Bennett contacted Cass County again to ask how many applications from Sylvan Township were given in 2005 plus other years. He is waiting to hear back from them and will then do an analysis and bring the information back to another meeting.Dave Johnson contacted East Gull Lake as they were doing their own permitting.East Gull Lake had been contracting with a company called Community Growthwho handled the administration portion. East Gull Lake still had their Planning Commission and did the site visits and brought their findings to their City Council. The professional services cost in 2010 was $62,000.00 from Community Growth, adding in office supplies, legal fees, publishing, etc. the total cost was $71,000.00. East Gull Lake then switched and contracted with Cass County who charges East Gull Lake mileage and an hourly rate which are: Environmental Specialist - $40.00 per hour; P&Z Administrator - $60.00 per hour; Office staff - $34.00 per hour; site visits - $40.00 per hour; hourly Planning and Zoning meetings are $60.00with a 3 hour minimum. The City Administrator (Brenda Thomes) handles the basic permits but if any questions on permitting Cass County would be contacted for review. When handling variances or conditional uses Retta Freeman from Cass County comes down and meets with the City Administrator to do a site visit and takesmeasurements. Prior to a public hearing Paul Fairbanks from Cass County will also do a site visit. Cass County staff will present their findings and possible conditions to East Gull Lake Planning Commission.The East Gull Lake Planning Commission takes into consideration the findings from Cass County and also their own findings and makes a recommendation to East Gull Lake City Council. East Gull Lake is satisfied with their collaboration with Cass County. Dave Johnson contacted Lake Shore due to the fact they handle all their own permitting and also comparable to Sylvan Township in size. The City Administrator (Terri Hastings) of Lake Shore is split 65/35 with sixty five (65) percent of her time dedicated to planning and zoning. Lake Shore’s budget for 2013 was $61,000 which includes Terri’s time. They have processed 37 permits through November 2013 with seven (7) or eight (8) being variances. Lake Shore does site visits but not post site visits. They have contracted with an individual who will go to the site once the building process has started and take measurements and check to be sure it is a permitted building. Lake Shore’s process for variances or conditional use permits consists of overseeing a public hearing with the Planning and Zoning staff viewing the sitea few days before the public hearing, gathering information and returning to the office with Terri creating the findings and conditions which is then brought to the Planning Commissionwho would then make their recommendation to their City Council.

Sylvan Township Planning Commission members discussed having a meeting with Cass County in regard to having an official from Sylvan Township do the post visit and follow up on the permits and report back to Cass County. After further discussion in regard to fees it was decided Greg Bennett and Dave Johnson will meet and analyze Sylvan Township’s Planning Commission expenditures and put together three (3) different scenarios one being total control of permits; one being partial control; and the final one would be no change at all.

Feedlots – Bill Carrington willdo some background research on feedlots.

Maps from Cass County:The Town Board did not look at the maps so it was decided that the maps will go into the Comp Plan, however the zoning map will need to be changed. This can be done when we work on the ordinance changes which will be put on next month’s agenda.

New Business:

Carlyon Sylvan Lake Park:Planning Commission members felt they would like to go in the springwhen the trees are removed to get a better idea of what the park will look like.

Annual Reviews:

Fornshell Bus Service – CUP: Greg Bennett still has not heard back from Eric Fornshell so it was decided Greg and Dave Johnson would just stop at the bus garage and look over everything to be sure he is in compliance with his CUP.

Announcements: Read

Adjournment: Bill Carrington moved to adjournand the motion carried with the meeting being adjourned at8:30 PM.

Minutes submitted by:


Colleen Putnam, Deputy Clerk

PC Member ______moved to approve the minutes as presented/as amended, seconded by ______and the motion carried.


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