Minutes - General Assembly CECA 2013

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Tuesday, August 13th, 9am

1. Opening

Agenda (all the documents in the agenda were posted on ICOM CECA website before the GA, so to give all members the opportunity to read them in advance)

The agenda is accepted.

Minutes of the General Assembly 2012 – Yerevan

The minutes are accepted.

2. Elections and new Board

The new board members, elected in 2013, and the co-opted members are introduced:

Emma Nardi (Italy), president (re-elected);
Cinzia Angelini (Italy), secretary (elected);
Ani Avagyan (Armenia - elected);

Margarita Laraignée (Argentina - elected);
Pino Monaco (United States of America – re-elected);
Ayumu Ota (Japan – re-elected);

Arja van Velhuizen (The Netherlands – elected);
Zeljka Zelavic (Croatia – elected).

Daniel Castro (Colombia – co-opted);

Colette Dufresne-Tassé (Canada – co-opted);

Nicole Gesché Köning (Belgium – co-opted);

Sonia Guarita do Amaral (Brazil – co-opted);

3. President’s report (annex 1) – Emma Nardi

·  CECA members:

·  due to their professional situation, two board members, José Duhaime and Jenni Fuchs, left the Board. Many thanks to them for their contribution to CECA work;

·  there were eleven candidates to the elections for the new Board, which envisaged only six positions. Emma is grateful to CECA members who are always eager to participate in CECA activities;

·  compliments to Ayumu Ota for the successful conference organized in Tokio.

·  Publications:

·  ICOM Education 24 has been published in time for the Rio Conference. This is the second issue of the journal issued by Stella Chryssoulaki, warmly thanked by Emma for taking care of this patient and accurate work;

·  Best Practice 2. A tool to improve museum education internationally is ready as well. All the winners received a copy of the book;

·  both ICOM Education 24 and Best Practice 2 are downloadable from ICOM CECA website:



4. Secretary’s report – (Emma Nardi for Josée Duhaime)

·  Membership

·  1096 individuals

·  82 Countries

·  A decrease of 1%. Emma asks all members to encourage people to join the International Committees

·  Budgetary issues

·  the budget for the year 2013 is on the website (annex 2). A paper copy is also given to the members who attended the Conference;

·  Emma says that most of the money used during this year (roughly 11.000 euros) was spent in activities involving CECA members, and this is very good, but there are around 30.000 euros left that must be spent as soon as possible. Roughly 15.000 euros are funds obtained to finance CECA Distance School.

5. Regional Reports

·  Europe - Marie-Clarté O’Neill

·  Marie-Clarté did not attend the Conference, but Emma reminds that she was very active in writing the Best Practice model and make it known among members;

·  the report is available on the website (annex 3).

·  North America - Pino Monaco

·  the report is available on the website (annex 4).

·  Latin America and the Caribbean - Daniel Castro

·  the report is available on the website (annex 5).

·  Africa - Umebe N. Onyejekwe

·  Emma explains that although Umebe sent no report about the activities in Africa, a successful seminar was organized in Nigeria, in co-operation with Brazil (Sonia Guarita do Amaral co-organized the seminar). In order to establish continuity, Emma suggests that a second seminar between these two countries be planned for next year.

·  Asia and the Pacific - Ayumu Ota

·  the report is available on the website (annex 6).

6. Projects

·  Website

·  the migration to the new website has taken place; the Distance School will be hosted in a new web environment.

·  Best Practice Award

·  all the winners of the 2013 edition gave their presentations during the Rio conference. The success of the initiative opens the way to the launch of the third edition of the award.

·  Distance School

·  this ambitious project is supported by ICOM Paris and could initiate new types of cooperation with the Eastern world.

·  Professional development

·  Arja’s report is on the website and she invites all members to read it (annex 7);

·  she is proud to point out that the pre-conference workshops in Yerevan were really successful and they should be repeated in the future;

·  as for the website, members are encouraged to join ICOMmunity and other CECA social media.

·  Researchers’ network

·  Colette informs that there are 63 members in the network and three groups, one on history, one on visitors, one on exhibitions. An additional group is working on the validation of the best practice model;

·  the report is available on the website (annex 8).

·  Intercommittee activities

·  Nicole is in charge of organizing CECA conference 2014 in Alexandria in collaboration with UMAC;

·  the report is available on the website (annex 9).

7. Next conferences

2014 – Alexandria, Egypt

Dates: 7th to 14th of October 2014

Provisional theme: Scientific communication in museums

2015 – Washington

End of Session