(Featured articles)
1. Boreіko V. I.
2. Dzhun’ І.V.
3. Ovdiіchuk L. M.
4. Soiko I. M.
UDC 378.126
Boreіko V. I., Doctor of Economics, Professor (Private Higher Education Establishment «Academician Stepan Demianchuk International University of Economics and Humanities», Rivne)
Анотація. В статті розкрито роль наукових досягнень та людського капіталу в розвитку національної економіки; оцінено динаміку зміни кількості вищих навчальних закладів та конкурс абітурієнтів при вступі до них, підготовлених ними фахівців та видатки України на освіту; досліджено якість підготовки студентів та роль вітчизняних ВНЗ у формуванні людського капіталу України; визначено рівень безробіття серед спеціалістів із вищою освітою та розроблені пропозиції для підвищення якості послуг, які надаються вітчизняними вищими навчальними закладами.
Ключові слова: людський капітал, вища освіта, наука, якість підготовки спеціалістів, національна економіка.
Аннотация. В статье раскрыта роль научных достижений и человеческого капитала в развитии национальной экономики; оценено динамику изменения количества высших учебных заведений и конкурс абитуриентов при поступлении в них, подготовленных ими специалистов и расходы Украины на образование; исследовано качество подготовки студентов и роль отечественных вузов в формировании человеческого капитала Украина; определен уровень безработицы среди специалистов с высшим образованием и разработаны предложения для повышения качества услуг, предоставляемых отечественными вузами.
Ключевые слова: человеческий капитал, высшее образование, наука, качество подготовки специалистов, национальная экономика.
Annotation. In this article the role of achievements in science and human capital in the development of the national economy is disclosed; the dynamics of the number of universities and institutes and a competition for admission to them, trained professionals and Ukraine’s expenditures on education are evaluated; quality of students training and the role of local universities in human capital formation of Ukraine are researched; the level of unemployment among professionals with higher education is defined; suggestions for improving the quality of services provided by domestic institutions of higher education are made.
Keywords: human capital, higher education, science, quality of training, the national economy.
At the time of Ukraine’s secession from the Soviet Union, Ukraine had significant scientific and economic potential to provide its dynamic development. However, in twenty-three years of independence, our country has lost a considerable part of the potential. As a result, Ukraine is backward compared to the industrially advanced countries. The reason is the issue of highly educated staff training able to carry out basic and applied research, develop and implement innovative projects and the latest technologies was not taken into consideration in our state.
During Ukraine’s independence the number of universities of the III-d and IV-th accreditation level has increased considerably. They prepared specialists with higher education, candidates and doctors. This has made higher education and scientific researches in our country public. However, the quality of undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students training in Ukrainian universities and institutes has declined. Therefore, nowadays the problem of increasing state expenditures on human capital and the role of national universities in it is of urgent importance.
The fact that Ukraine is backward in the economic development compared to the industrially advanced countries draws attention to the issue of the quality of training in the local universities and their role in the formation of human capital. The issue is highlighted in the works of such Ukrainian scholars as A. Amoshf, V. Heyts, Y. Goncharov, Y. Buravlyov, B. Danylyshyn, Y. Karakai, A. Kasych, V. Kutsenko, K. Pavliuk, V. Semynozhenko, V. Stohnii, V. Fedosov, A. Fisun, V. Chizhova, S. Yurii and others.
Y. Goncharov and A. Kasych note: «The expenditures on scientific research and higher education are seen as investments in knowledge, it is a crucial factor in ensuring economic progress, activation of professional creativity, improving of living standards» [1, p. 42].
However, as noted above, our state and the national high school failed to provide thorough training for highly qualified professionals and scientific staff. It determined the topicality of our research.
The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the expenditures on education and science, quality of professional and scientific staff training, the role of higher educational establishments in the formation of human capital and making suggestions for improving the quality of higher education.
To implement a specific purpose the following tasks are solved:
– the views of scientists on the role of higher educational institutions in the formation of human capital and its impact on social and economic development are investigated;
– the dynamics of the number of higher educational establishments of Ukraine and the number of trained professionals are analysed;
– Ukraine’s expenditures on financing national universities and education have been estimated;
– the level of unemployment among professionals with higher education has been determined and the suggestions to improve the quality of services provided by the higher educational institutions of Ukraine have been made.
The basis of the dynamic development of the economy of any country is the latest equipment, technologies and high productivity of population. For this reason future scientists, engineers, managers, teachers, doctors, social workers and others must get a high-quality education that higher educational institutions provide. So, national universities must play a key role in the highly educated and highly qualified staff training or human capital formation.
Investigating the state expenditures on education and science, on the basis of generalisation of different approaches, K. Pavliuk defined the term «human capital» in such a way: as a result of investments it is accumulated knowledge, skills, motivation, health which are an integral personal property of every individual, they are used in social production, facilitate productivity, economic and social manufacturing efficiency and at the same time affecting the increase in personal and social income» [2, p. 33].
Proceeding from the stated above, a state that is interested in the dynamic social and economic development and increase in the material well-being of its citizens, as a priority should ensure financing of expenditures on education, science and public health. In this case, higher educational institutions play an important role in the formation of human capital.
Already in 2005, B. Danylyshyn and V. Kutcenko mentioned: «There is an increased demand for specialists with higher education in the world and in our country. This is due to many factors: the gradual revival of production, which requires qualified professionals of various levels and occupations; strict demands of the private sector, where after the first wave of commercial enterprise business began to strengthen actively, it requires highly qualified personnel in management, advertising, protection of legal rights and so on» [3, p. 26].
Y. Buravlyova and V. Stohnii think: «Ukraine with its high scientific potential can take leading positions in its sector as a part of a single international market space due to the focus on high-tech commercial products and services» [4, p. 37]. Therefore, to overcome the current stagnation period and ensure the dynamic development of the national economy of Ukraine it is necessary to increase the role of national institutions of higher education in the formation of highly intellectual human capital to implement innovative policy.
In addition, the state itself must play a key role in this process. As to this, Y. Karakai states: «The content of training programs in public schools should promote the creativity development of the idea men and their receptivity to innovations. It is necessary to try to achieve a balance between universal and special knowledge and ideas about the commercialisation of innovations» [5, p. 20].
In the early nineties of the twentieth century in Ukraine the focus was on the accessibility of higher education for all. However, the increasing number of higher educational institutions in the country and the number of accredited places to provide educational services for the students was at random. It caused decline in quality of future specialists training for the national economy.
Thus, from 1990 to 2010 the number of higher educational institutions of the III-d and IV-th accreditation levels increased from 149 to 349, or 2.34 times. However, during this period the number of students they trained increased from 881 to 2130 thousand, or 2.42 times, and the number of graduates increased from 73 to 544 thousand, or 7.45 times (Table. 1).
Table 1 *
Activity of higher educational institutions of Ukraine
Figures / Years1990 / 1995 / 2000 / 2005 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012
The number of institutions of the I-st-II-d accreditation levels / 742 / 782 / 664 / 606 / 505 / 501 / 489
The number of students / 757 / 618 / 528 / 505 / 362 / 357 / 345
The number of graduates / 229 / 191 / 149 / 143 / 111 / 97 / 92
Competitive entrance exams / 1,91 / 1,56 / 1,38 / 1,29 / 1,80 / 1,67 / 1,90
The number of institutions of the III-d-IV-th accreditation levels / 149 / 225 / 315 / 345 / 349 / 345 / 334
The number of students / 881 / 923 / 1403 / 2204 / 2130 / 1955 / 1825
The number of graduates / 73 / 92 / 189 / 200 / 544 / 530 / 521
* Prepared according [6].
Such trend in national higher educational institutions of the the III-d-IV-th accreditation levels could be considered positive if the increase in the number of students enrolled result in improving the quality of their training. However, competition during entrance examinations to universities of the III-d-IV-th accreditation levels decreased from 2.05 in 1990 to 1.53 in 2005 and 1.34 times.
In the following years, it is hard to investigate competition in these universities, since all applicants have an opportunity to apply to several higher educational institutions and for several specialities. However, comparison of the number of school-leavers and accredited places in universities, institutes and Academies suggests that nowadays higher education in Ukraine became public.
At the same time, the number of universities of the I-st-II-d levels of accreditation in Ukraine has decreased from 782 in 1990 to 489 in 2012, or 1.60 times, while the number of students enrolled there decreased from 757 thousand in 1990 to 345 thousand 2012 year, or 2.19 times. Also, the number of graduates of these universities decreased from 229 thousand in 1990 to 92 thousand in 2012, or 2.49 times.
Thus, in Ukraine reduction in the number of specialists with basic higher education was replaced by increasing the number of specialists with higher education. In addition, students training in the national universities did not meet the requirements of the national economy, and training was based on the wishes of the students. As a result, for the past twenty years, Ukraine has trained thousands of economists, accountants, financiers, lawyers and social scientists who joined the ranks of the unemployed.
During 2005-2012 the number of unemployed which could take up senior government and managerial positions in Ukraine, with the exception of 2007, was more than 50 thousand, the number of professionals was more than 40 thousand, the number of specialists was more than 50 thousand, except 2011. However, during that period the total number of highly qualified professionals (most of them were university graduates) who were not employed exceeded 140 thousand. Moreover, each year more than 14 thousand people could not find jobs after graduating the secondary and higher educational institutions of the Ist-IVth accreditation levels (Table 2).
Table 2 *
Labour supply of certain professional groups in the labour market registered in Ukraine
Figures / Years2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012
Legislators, senior government officials, executives, managers / 56,0 / 55,2 / 47,5 / 66,9 / 51,8 / 51,4 / 49,8 / 53,2
Professionals / 48,1 / 44,0 / 38,1 / 54,6 / 45,0 / 48,1 / 45,7 / 45,8
Specialists / 78,4 / 67,6 / 55,3 / 72,0 / 51,7 / 53,0 / 47,4 / 50,6
Unemployed people after graduating the secondary and higher educational institutions of the Ist-IVth accreditation levels / 16,3 / 17,0 / 17,4 / 18,3 / 14,1 / 16,2 / 18,7 / 17,1
* Prepared according to [6].
From stated above it can be concluded that the share of government funds and public funds allocated for the financing of higher educational institutions in Ukraine was used inefficiently. Moreover, it should be noted that the share of state expenditures on specialists training funding increased from 39% in 2005 to 53.2% in 2012. However, during this time the state budget expenditures on education funding increased in general. Thus, in 2005 Ukraine had spent on education 18.9% of its budget, by 2009 this figure rose to 21.7% (Table 3).
Table 3 *
State expenditures on funding of higher education and education in Ukraine
Figures / Years2005 / 2006 / 2007 / 2008 / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / 2012
Share of state expenditures on specialists training funding in the higher educational institutions in Ukraine / 39,0 / 40,0 / 41,0 / 47,9 / 49,2 / 47,3 / 50,2 / 53,2
The share of the state budget expenditures of Ukraine on education funding / 18,9 / 19,2 / 19,5 / 19,5 / 21,7 / 21,1 / 20,7 / 20,6
* Prepared according to [5].
The above demonstrates that despite a difficult period in its development, Ukraine is increasing state expenditures on funding of higher education and education. However, efficiency of state expenditures on funding of higher education would increase if the state budget spent on training of those professionals who are in demand for the national economy.
This would increase the wages of scientific and pedagogical staff of national universities, institutes and academies, to develop their facilities and also to increase scholarships for students. As a result, this would improve the future specialists training for the national economy and thus the role of national universities in the formation of human capital would increase.