Biome Project: Visual Display Rubric Name: ______Per: ___
Required Element / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1Feeding Relationships / All feeding relationships and what each organism feeds upon are described in depth, going beyond what is obvious. The account is revealing and fully supported with evidence.
Arrows drawn in the direction of energy flow. Multiple organisms (specific to the biome) at each trophic level demonstrate sophisticated understanding of interrelationships. / All feeding relationships and what each organism feeds upon are described and supported with evidence. The account reflects some in-depth thought.
Arrows drawn in the direction of energy flow. Organisms (specific to the biome) at each trophic level demonstrate good understanding of interrelationships. / Feeding relationships and what each organism feeds upon are described with limited support. The account reveals partial understanding of feeding relationships.
Arrows drawn do not clearly show direction of energy flow. Organisms at different trophic levels demonstrate partial understanding of interrelationships. / Feeding relationships and what each organism feeds upon are described incompletely. The account is limited and/or incomplete.
Arrows drawn do not show direction of energy flow. Organisms do not show all trophic levels and demonstrate limited understanding of interrelationships.
Energy Flow / Pyramids and discussion are unusually thorough, elegant and inventive, and fully supported and verified with information and examples from the biome. Implications are clearly stated and demonstrate sophisticated understanding. / Pyramids and discussion are thorough, fully supported and verified with information and examples from the biome. Implications for the biome demonstrate understanding. / Pyramids and discussion are partially supported and verified with information and examples from the biome, revealing partial understanding. The description reveals partial understanding. / An incomplete or inaccurate pyramid and/or discussion without supported examples from the biome. The description reveals limited understanding.
Limiting Factor/
Environmental Variables / The limiting factor is thoroughly described with specific examples from the biome. Interpretation of biotic effects is supported with examples.
The climatogram is accurate and closely tied to the biome. The significance to biotic components is thoroughly analyzed with examples from the biome. / The limiting factor is thoroughly described with specific examples from the biome. An understanding of the effects of limiting factors is evident.
The climatogram is accurate and tied to the biome. The significance to the biome is explained and shows understanding of interrelationships in the biome. / The limiting factor is discussed with limited examples from the biome. A partial understanding of biotic is evident.
The climatogram is accurate and partially tied to the biome. The significance to the biome is included but shows only partial understanding of interrelationships in the biome. / Discussion of limiting factors is incomplete and/or includes limited examples from the biome. Limited understanding is demonstrated.
The climatogram is inaccurate or incomplete. Connections to and examples from the biome are limited.
Population Growth and Control / Profound interpretation of predator/prey relationship with the importance, meaning, and significance analyzed. The account tells an insightful story.
A masterful application of accurate density dependent and independent factors of the biome. The student is clearly able to adjust knowledge to the context of the biome. / Complete interpretation of predator/prey relationship with the importance, and meaning analyzed. The account tells a story demonstrating understanding.
A competent application of density dependent and independent factors of the biome. There is evidence the student is able to adjust knowledge to the context of the biome. / Predator/prey relationship is discussed in general terms, but is not interpreted completely with respect to the biome. The account tells an incomplete story.
Density dependent and independent factors are correctly described, with limited application to the biome. / Inaccurate and/or incomplete predator/prey relationship. Limited connections to the biome are made.
Incomplete or incorrect density dependent and independent factors described without application to the biome.
Works Cited / Works Cited is thorough, containing a variety of sources. All citations correctly follow MLA format. / Works Cited contains multiple sources. Citations generally correctly follow MLA format, but may contain errors. / Works Cited contains limited and/or unverifiable sources. Citations do not correctly follow MLA format.
Overall Appearance/
Creativity / Presentation is inventive and unusual. Appearance and organization adds to the interpretation of the biome. / Presentation is neat, organized, and thoughtfully laid out. Attention to detail is clearly evident. / Presentation shows thought, but organization and appearance lack attention to detail. / Presentation organization and appearance distracts from the presentation of information.
Comments: Project Grade: ______