Guidelines to Writing Conformance Clauses for OASIS Specifications

Rev 24

15 October, 2014

Guideline URIs:


Martin Chapman (editor emeritus)

Patrick Durusau

Ashok Malhotra

Jacques Durand


This document provides guidelines on how to write conformance statements for OASIS specifications. The target audience is primarily specification writers and TC members.


This document is not yet approved. The template is only being used as an editing and review convenience, and will not be used when publishing to the wiki.

Interested parties should send comments on this specification to the TAB by using the “Send A Comment” button on the TAB’s web page

[Document Identifier] [October 15, 2014]

Copyright © OASIS® 2014. All Rights Reserved. Page 1 of 26

Table of Contents

1 Non-Normative References 2

2 Introduction 3

3 Terms and Definitions 3

4 Normative Content 4

4.1 Indicating Normative Content 4

4.2 Normative versus Non-normative Content 5

4.3 Writing Normative Content 6

4.4 Conformance Clauses vs. Normative Content 8

4.5 Referring to Normative Content External to the Specification 9

5 Conformance Section and Clauses 9

5.1 Identification 9

5.2 Conformance Target(s) 10

5.3 References to Normative Content 10

5.4 Related Conformance Clauses 11

6 Ten Rules for writing Conformance Clauses 13

7 Examples of Conformance Clauses 14

7.1 Good Conformance Clauses about the MQTT OASIS standard 14

7.2 Good Conformance Clauses about the XML standard 15

7.3 Examples of Bad Conformance Clauses 18

7.4 Examples of Related Conformance Clauses 19

8 Appendix A: Conformance Clause Tutorial 20

1  Non-Normative References

[ISO/IEC Part 2] ISO/IEC Directives, Part 2, Rules for the structure and drafting of International Standards (2011, 6th edition)

[OASIS] Conformance Requirements for Specifications v1.0

[QAFRAME-SPEC] QA Framework: Specification Guidelines , K. Dubost, L. Rosenthal,

D. Haza��l-Massieux, L. Henderson, Editors, W3C Recommendation, 17 August 2005, .

Latest version available at

[RFC2119] Bradner, S.,Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels, S., BCP 14, RFC 2119, March 1997.

[WSI-Profile] Basic Profile Version 1.0

2  Introduction

As of 1 June 2007, the OASIS TC Process requires that each specification contain a separate conformance section containing “numbered conformance clauses, to which any implementation of the specification must adhere in order to claim conformance to the specification (or any optional portion thereof)." This document provides guidelines on how to write conformance clauses (statements) for OASIS specifications. While it is not a requirement to follow these guidelines, it is recommended that TC adopt the advice herein in order to achieve consistency across OASIS specifications. The topic of conformance testing, covering validation of implementations with respect to a specification, is not covered in these guidelines.

This document describes the purpose and scope of conformance clauses, and provides guidelines for writing conformance clauses. Wherever possible, sample text and examples are provided.

Sample text has a pale yellow background


recommended text has a blue-grey background

The information contained is produced as the result of extensive experience by OASIS Staff and TAB Members in the writing and reviewing of specifications, and draws upon guidelines and requirements from [ISO/IEC Part 2], [OASIS], [QAFRAME-SPEC], [RFC2119], [WSI-Profile] which are included in the References section.

3  Terms and Definitions

For the purposes of this document and specifications following its guidance, the following terms and definitions apply:

NORMATIVE CONTENT: Content of a specification that specifies prescriptive requirements or options for an implementation. Content of any nature - textual or not - qualifies as “normative” if stated so by a specification.

CONFORMANCE: The fulfillment of specified requirements by an implementation – i.e. a product, document, process, or service.

CONFORMANCE CLAUSE: A statement in the Conformance section of a specification that that defines precisely how an implementation can conform to a specification and references one or more portions of normative content, directly or indirectly, and may refer to other conformance clauses.

CONFORMANCE TARGET: An implementation of all or part of a specification such as a protocol, document, platform, process or service, which is the subject of conformance clauses and normative statements. There may be several conformance targets defined within a specification, and these targets may be diverse so as to reflect different aspects of a specification. For example, a protocol message and a protocol engine may be different targets.

CONFORMANCE CLAIM: – A declaration that a product or artifact meets the requirements of one or more conformance clauses defined in the standard. A Conformance claim MUST accompany a statement of use declaration when a Committee Specification is being advanced to OASIS Standard.

4  Normative Content

4.1 Indicating Normative Content

OASIS TCs should use RFC 2119 keywords to define "requirements" to be met by implementations and create conformance clauses based on these requirements. This is recommended as these keywords are widely used and understood by the technical community of which OASIS is a part. RFC 2119 keywords play two roles: they signal the statement of a requirement, and they assign a degree of importance to the requirement. RFC 2119 keywords must be in upper case. Other keywords, such as ISO keywords, may be used in specifications only after consultation with TC Admin.

RFC 2119 keywords are not appropriate for every type of normative content. For example, many technical specifications do not use an imperative style - with keywords such as MUST or SHOULD – but instead use a declarative style.

We have all seen text in standards that reads:

“The style attribute of the <copyright> element MUST be of datatype xsd:text”.

There are at least three problems with that style of standards writing:

·  It reads awkwardly, especially if an entire standard says “MUST,” SHOULD, MAY, every time an element, attribute or anything else is defined.

·  It makes it difficult to write conformance clauses that specify different levels of conformance for the same normative content, since requirements have been stated at a micro-level.

·  It enables referencing statements (MUST/SHOULD/MAY) out of the context that makes such statements meaningful.

Instead an editor can use direct, declarative prose to specify normative content of a work product. For example: “The style attribute of the <copyright> element is of datatype xsd:text” or “The message header is following the structure described below <followed by a schema-like definition> ….”

In that case, the normative quality of this content must still be indicated somehow, in any of the following ways:

·  The section or subsection is introduced as “Normative”.

·  The section or subsection contains a blanket normative requirement such as “A message header MUST be structured as described in this table/schema/section.”

4.2 Normative versus Non-normative Content

Non-normative content isn't any less important than normative content, but it serves a different purpose in the standard.

For example:

In the *** we maintain separate attributes of *** for those two classes of relationship, and separate enumerations,***and***, rather than multiple parameter values. This mirrors current programming practices favoring explicit unitary value enumerations rather than logically combining a set of values. Moreover, the use of text***adds brackets around every string, no matter how short. The implicit repetition of a parameter, each with its attendant brackets, may not be a correct interpretation.

Poor writing style aside, what does this mean in normative content? Seems to say nothing. But that isn't to say that everyone would take this as supplemental and non-normative text.

Non-normative content enables standards editors to make comments, hopefully more helpful than the example, without it becoming confused with requirements for the standard itself.

You can distinguish normative from non-normative content by asking the question:

Does this content impact how I implement this specification?

For example, assume the content:

full_name (Unicode string, required):

The full name of the person sought or found, combined in the order and fashion customary to the person, language, and culture. For example, a typical English name would be formatted as a first, middle, and last name with spaces between them, whereas a typical Chinese name would be formatted with the family name first and no spaces between characters. If the person has more than one full name (for example, both an English name and a Chinese name), begin with the most commonly used full name and use newline (Unicode U+000A) characters to separate the full names. EDXL-TEC-1.0-Draft-01

This is a mixture of normative and non-normative content.

Here is one way to separate the content in to normative versus non-normative content:

Normative: The full name of the person sought or found, combined in the order and fashion customary to the person, language, and culture. If the person has more than one full name begin with the most commonly used full name and use newline (Unicode U+000A) characters to separate the full names.

Non-normative: In Western cultures names are usually formatted as first name, middle name, last name separated by spaces; whereas in Eastern cultures – Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese -- the last name comes first, followed by the first name often with no separator. There are additional conventions having to do with honorifics such as “Esquire” and qualifiers such as “Jr” and multiple last names. For more information see the Wikipedia article.

The normative text controls what an implementation must do to conform to the specification.

The non-normative text is informative but does not control what an implementation must do to conform. For example, some Chinese and Japanese names have adopted Western name order and there are typographic conventions to indicate that fact.

You can label non-normative content as “non-normative” or you can put language like:

All labeled notes, examples, and content explicitly labeled as non-normative, is non-normative and does not impact conformance to this specification.

along with your specification of definitions and conventions for your specification.

Which means you can then say:

Note: Typically, an English name such as John Albert Smith would be formatted as “John Albert Smith” with spaces as separators, whereas a typical Chinese name would be formatted with the family name first and no spaces between the characters.

without having to repeat non-normative at every turn.

4.3 Writing Normative Content

Now that we can distinguish normative from non-normative content, the next question is: How do we write normative content?

Many people, following the RFC tradition, insert in the body of their specification, requirements material.

Here are some examples of rewriting normative text so it can be referenced by

a conformance clause.

Each Client Registry Exchange (CLIENT-REGISTRY) repository MAY contain original records and clone records.

The above normative statement appears to be weak and to describe an optional feature, while, in fact, the statement is meant to say that the repository MUST contain either kind of records. “MAY” is actually meant as “is (only) allowed to”, i.e. a strong requirement, not an option.

This is a typical example of misuse of the “MAY” keyword. The use of MAY prevents separate conformance clauses for repositories that contain only original records, only clone records or than can contain both. Finally, the use of ‘and’ to indicate alternatives covered by a same normative keyword, is imprecise: do we mean here that both original records and clone records must be found in a repository? Or either one?


A Client Registry Exchange (CLIENT-REGISTRY) repository contains original records, clone records, or both.

Note that the rewriting takes away the implied requirement that repositories contain both original and clone records.

Whenever a CLIENT-REGISTRY repository adds a new original record or clone record, it MUST set the entry_date field to the current time. This time value MUST never decrease as records are added. A client can incrementally update its copy of a repository by querying for all records with an entry_date greater than or equal to the entry_date of the last received record.


When a CLIENT-REGISTRY repository adds a new original record or clone record, it sets the entry_date field to the current time.

Note: A client can incrementally update its copy of a repository by querying for all records with an entry_date greater than or equal to the entry_date of the last received record.

The final example reads:

If present, the expiry_date field indicates when a record should be deleted to preserve the privacy of the personal information it contains. Conforming CLIENT-REGISTRY implementations MUST meet the following requirements:

Here “should” is not a keyword; it is in lower case, and because of that we can consider the statement as non-normative and should be clearer about that – e.g. put it in a note.


Note: If present, the expiry_date field indicates when a record should be deleted to preserve the privacy of the personal information it contains.

and remove “Conforming CLIENT-REGISTRY implementations MUST meet the following requirements:” because it makes part of the conformance clause appear separate from other conformance clauses in the document.

With normative text that declares data types, operations, profiles, conformance clauses can then mix and match those declarative sections to define clients, servers, services with multiple levels and the like. Editors and more importantly readers, no longer have to worry about missing a requirement and being incompatible with other conforming implementations.

4.4 Conformance Clauses vs. Normative Content

Normative content is not a substitute for conformance clauses. Conformance clauses are explicit about the features (“what”) a conformance target must implement, while normative content (with or without keywords) is often more focused on “how” a feature must operate or behave, Adding separate conformance clauses to a specification allows the editor to separate the normative logic from practical requirements for implementations, which may vary depending on conformance levels or profiles.

Normative content in the body of a specification must never mention “conformance”, e.g. must not use expressions such as “In order to conform, an implementation MUST….” Or “The following section describes conformance requirements for…”. Only a conformance clause can do this.

An editor can use direct, declarative prose to specify normative content of a work product. Then, in the conformance section the editors can define related conformance clauses to say, for example:

CC1. In order to claim CC1 conformance a server implementation MUST follow the definitions set forth in Section 1