Instructor (IN) In this module I will bediscussing a few different ways ofobtaining information using JAWS. I willdiscuss what the Window-Eyes hotkeys areand the equivalents in JAWS. Thesehotkeys that I talk about are notgiven in any specific order.

First, is thetitle hotkey. Window-Eyes users willpress CTRL+shift+T to hear the titleof the active application. The equivalentwith JAWS is insert+T. Right now I haveseveral programs open so I will press insert+T to verify which one has focus.

JAWS: Title is Document one,Word,print view.

IN: JAWS tells me the name of the documentand the name of the program; and in thiscase, it also tells me that I am in printview. This is perfect for Microsoft Word.

If I switch to another program, forexample, pressing ALT+tab,

JAWS: Task-switching, running applications list box untitled Notepad, 2 of 6, untitled Notepad, edit.

IN: I am now in Notepad. I will verify this by pressinginsert+T.

JAWS: Title is untitled Notepad.

IN: The next hotkey I want to show you isgetting the date and time. Window-Eyes users will press insert+T to hear thedate and time. The JAWS equivalent isinsert +F12. If I press it once, Iwill get the time. If I press it twice, Iwill get the date. So, I will hold down the insert key and I will press F12 once.

JAWS: 6:49 p.m.

In: Now I will hold down the insert key and press f12 twice.

JAWS: Friday May 5th2017.

IN: The next hotkey I would like toshow you is how to read a dialog box oractive window. Window-Eyes users willpress CTRL+shift+W. The equivalent in JAWS is insert+B. Right now I am focused on a Notepadwindow; and it has some text in it. I willpress ALT+F4, which is the windows hotkeyto close the active program. A dialog box will come up.

JAWS: Notepaddialog,Do you want to save changes tountitled? save button

IN: JAWS read me thisdialog and it told me which button hasfocus. However, I will now press insert+B to read this dialog box.

JAWS: Untitled Notepad dialog, Do you want tosave changes to untitled? save button, don’t save button, cancel button.

IN: You'llnotice that in this case, it gave me thethree buttons that are available in thisdialog. Whereas before, when it read the dialog automatically, it only gave me the button which has focus.

The next two hotkeyscan go hand-in-hand, especially if youare on the desktop or on certain buttons. The first hotkey is to read the currentline. The Window-Eyes hotkey for this isCTRL+number pad 5. The JAWSequivalent is insert +uparrow. Whenusing this hotkey from JAWS, you can useeither the dedicated up arrow or thenumber pad 8. It is important that,when using a lot of these number pad functions, thatthe number lock is off. In this case, right now I am still in this dialogwhere Notepad is asking if I want tosave this file. I will go ahead and pressmy current line hotkey, insert +uparrow.

JAWS: Save button.

IN: JAWS speaks the factthat I am on the Save button. If I press tab, I will move to the nextbutton.

JAWS: Don’t save buttonALT+N.

IN: And I am placedon the don't save button. I will nowpress the read line hotkey again

JAWS: Don't save button.

IN: the second key as partof this portion, is insert +tab. Insert +tab is a way I can get JAWSto reread the place that I am in. Itbasically reads the prompt or the windowlabel. I will go ahead and press it now.

JAWS: Don't save button.To activate, pressspacebar, ALT+N.

IN: So it reads the factthat I am on the don't save button andit gives me the shortcut for it. I willgo ahead and press tab back to the savebutton and then press insert tab to showthe difference.

JAWS: Cancel button, save button, ALT+S.

IN: And now I'm pressing insert+tab.

JAWS: Savebutton, to activate press spacebar,ALT+S.

IN: The reason I am showing you the insertup arrow and insert tab hotkeys togetheris because Window-Eyes has a featurewhich is speak summary that's CTRL+shift+S. In a lot of cases, using thathotkey can give you some of the sameinformation. So, these are two ways withJAWS that you can obtain this kind ofinformation.

I will close this dialogwith escape.

JAWS: Edit.

IN: Now I will move tothe desktop. The hotkey for this iswindows key +M.

JAWS: Desktop,folder view, list view, Thunderbird 21 of 35.

IN: I am now placed on thedesktop and my focus icon is myThunderbird email client. I will nowpress the read line hotkey, insert+uparrow.

JAWS: Thunderbird.

IN: As you can tell itreads me the name of the icon. I will nowpress insert+tab.

JAWS: Folder view, listview, Thunderbird, 21 of 35. To move to itemsuse the arrow keys. To edit the selecteditem, press F2.

IN: Pressing insert tab gives me the entire verbose message aboutwhere I am. It tells me that I am in thedesktop or rather, a folder, in this case, because it's looking at it that way. Ittells me that I'm in Thunderbird and gives me the tutor message. I havetutor messages turned off and eventhough I have them turned off, it isstill giving me that information becauseof the way this feature works. Tutormessages are discussed in a differenttransition module.

The last hotkey I wantto show you in this module is thedefault button feature. Window-Eyes userswill press insert +number pad periodto get Window-Eyes to tell them what thedefault button is. The default button isuseful if you are in a dialog box that has multiple buttons and you want toknow which one is the default. So that, ifyou press Enteryou'll know which one is activated. TheJAWS equivalent for that is insert+E. So if you find yourself in an application and you wantto know what the default button is, remember insert+E.

So to summarize, reading the title with Window-Eyes isCTRL+shift+T. The equivalent in JAWS is insert+T. Getting the date and timewith Window-Eyes is insert+T. Theequivalent with JAWS is insert+F12 (oncefor the time, twice for the date). Readingthe current line in Window-Eyes isCTRL+number pad 5 and the summaryis CTRL+shift+S. The JAWS equivalentsare insert+up arrow for the currentline and insert+tab to get thewindow prompt label information.

Thankyou for listening.