September 5, 2017

The Board of Trustees of Marion Township, Marion County, Ohio met in its regular meeting. Mr. Ballinger called the meeting to order at 5:30 p.m. with the following members and visitors present:

Mr. Larry BallingerPresentMr. Lynn ClabaughPresent

Ms. Karen McClearyPresentMs. Sheila PerinPresent

EMPLOYEES: Chief Meddles, Larry Brown, Charlie Fosnaugh, Darrin Hollenbaugh

GUESTS: Dave Ewonce, Kathie Seckel

Mr. Clabaugh made a motion to approve the meeting minutes from August 15, 2017. Ms. McCleary seconded the motion. Motion carried.


No correspondence was received except what has been emailed to the trustees.


Kathie Seckel from Jackson Insurance was in attendance to inquire if there were any concerns with the insurance and if we had heard from the county prosecutor. All paperwork has been submitted to county prosecutor and the trustees have not heard anything from the prosecutor.

Dave Ewonce was in attendance to provide an update to the health insurance situation.

Belmont Drainage Project update – Mr. Brown reported the project has not been started as yet. Should be sometime next week.

Township and fire records – still working on this project.

Real estate property update – no new updates.

Levy discussion –nothing to report.


Chief Meddles brought up the subject of charging for EMS reports. He will do research with other agencies and find out what they charge.

Mr. Brown proposed an additional 12” overflow tile on Dennis Ave in the far north catch basin. This would double out flow capacity of catch basin from one 12” tile to two 12” tile. The overflow tile would run into a catch basin in the grass swale in the township right of way. Chuck Miller owner of the grass swale will be notified. Ms. McCleary made a motion to proceed with the overflow improvement at the end of Dennis Ave. at a cost of $4,500.00 to the contractor Josh Daniels. Mr. Clabaugh seconded the motion.

Zoning Report

Marion Township conducted a survey on how surrounding townships (Pleasant, Prospect, Claridon, Big Island, Grand, and Scott) dealt with township residents who neglected to obtain a zoning permit for various reasons, not knowing they needed one, forgot, etc.

Currently Marion Township contacts the home owner or contractor who neglected to obtain a permit to resolve the issue, this is exactly how the surrounding townships handle this situation. There are no fines in the township resolutions or imposed on the residents by the township. However, there is a section in our code (Chapter 3 Legal Provisions) and the zoning resolutions of all the townships that allow the townships to impose a fine going through due process of the Marion County Prosecutor’s office and the courts (the courts impose the fine). This path is only pursued if the resident refuses to comply with the permit process.

If the resident has already completed the project and all the setbacks are met than all that is required is a permit if the project is violating the code than the resident can pursue a variance for the Zoning Board of Appeals or make the necessary corrections to the build.


Mike Watson 11 The Woods Room addition $20,000 $ 64.20

Roger Epley 1048 Likens Chapel Rd. Garage 12,000 53.80

Chipotle 135 Edgefield Dr. sign$300

Jill Rindfuss Kensington Place garage 4,000 44.00

Chamberlain946 Forest Hill Dr. garage 25,000 54.00

Wendy Canada 750 Kentucky sunroom 1,20033.00

Road Department Report

Marion Township Road Paving Project began Friday August 18,2017 in the Trachsel sub division. Dennis, Peterson, Trachsel & Sara Avenues are being paved that day. Garfield Park was paved on August 21. Parkview Ave, Park Place, Park St. Ruth Ave. & Lawrence Ave. paving done on August 22. Linda & Chapel Heights were paved on August 23. A total of 12 roads were paved with Lloyd Sayre hired as the inspector for the project. He provided on- site daily inspection of all road paving. The bid price for this project was $208,645.40 from Shelly & Sands. Total contract cost of material used was $165,519.88. This resulted in a savings of $43,125.52 thanks to Mr. Sayre.

The Road Dept. repaired (3) road tile during month of August…1245 Forest Hill Dr., 361 Hickory Dr, and 1034 Yorkshire Dr.

Filling of road edges with screens & dirt will continue during the month of September. Stone driveways will be raised with asphalt grinding and durapatch up level with the new paved road.
Fire Department Report

Department is moving forward on the Emergency Reporting programming. Some areas need some attention and staff is working on this. With the changeover, department needed to purchase tablets to use on calls. These will provide better options than our current laptops.

Fire department was awarded the Firefighter exposure grant from Ohio BWC. This was a 5 to 1 matching grant to purchase new barrier hoods for the firefighters to protect them better from carcinogens.

Department will be placing 2 vehicles in the Popcorn parade Thursday September 7, 2017.


No public comment.

Mr. Clabaugh made a motion to adjourn out of regular session and enter into Executive Session to discuss pending or imminent court action. Ms. McCleary seconded the motion. Roll call: Mr. Clabaugh, yes; Ms. McCleary, yes; Mr. Ballinger, yes. The Board adjourned into Executive Session at 7:06 pm.

Ms. McCleary made a motion to adjourn out of Executive Session and return to Regular Session. Mr. Clabaugh seconded the motion. Roll call: Mr. Clabaugh, yes; Ms. McCleary, yes; Mr. Ballinger, yes. Motion carried and the Board returned to Regular Session at 7:35 pm.

With no further business to discuss, a motion was made by Ms. McCleary to adjourn. Mr. Clabaugh seconded the motion and roll call was as follows: Mr. Clabaugh, yes; Ms. McCleary, yes, Mr. Ballinger, yes. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 7:44 pm.

______Mr. Larry Ballinger, Chairman

______Ms. Karen McCleary, Vice-Chairman

______Mr. Lynn Clabugh, Trustee

______Ms. Sheila Perin, Fiscal Officer

All formal actions of the Board of Trustees of Marion Township concerning and relating to the adoption of resolutions and /or motions passed at this meeting were adopted in the meeting open to the public, in compliance with the law, including Section 121.22 of the Ohio Revised Code.