
Chapter 10: Updating Supply and Use Tables

10.1 Introduction

  1. This Chapter explains how a benchmark SUT can be updated using a reduced data set. This involves using both manual and automatic balancing procedures. The chapter first identifies those parts of the SUT that will need to be manually updated and offers some suggestions as to how this might be done. Manual updating should always be taken as far as possible because an automatic procedure can never produce a better estimate than one based on the compilers knowledge of the economy.
  2. When RAS is used to update a benchmark estimate it is no longer a purely mechanical process of forcing the internal cells to agree with the marginal totals. This Chapter explains how RAS can be given an “economic” interpretation when it is used for updating an existing SUT.

10.2. How good is an updated SUT?

  1. The generally accepted rule is that a benchmark SUT can be updated 4 times before a new bench-mark SUT needs to be calculated. This implies a five-yearly cycle of the large scale economic surveys that provide the basic data for the bench-mark SUT. Of course, if there are major changes in the economy- development of new mineral reserves or sharp movements in relative prices, for example - even the five-year rule is no longer valid. In practice of course many African countries hold major economic surveys at much less frequently – every ten years or more. In this situation any SUT that is updated using the methods described here can no longer be considered reliable five years or more after the benchmark.
  2. Within the five-year period however, the updated SUTs can be used to generate the basic GDP estimates – GDP(P) and GDP(E) – and these will usually be more reliable than GDP estimates that are calculated without the benefit of an SUT.

10.3. General approach

  1. Bench-mark SUTs are usually compiled on the occasion of a large scale industry survey or economic census. The benchmark SUT is then updated to the current year by a combination of manual and automatic (RAS) updating to produce an annual time series between benchmarks. The basic idea is that the marginal totals are updated using the latest information available and the internal cells of the SUT are then forced to agree with the new marginal rows and columns by a mathematical procedure such as RAS.[1]
  2. Although part of the work is left to RAS, a substantial amount of “manual” updating is required. By manual updating we mean using whatever information is available from the national accounts and other sources to fill the marginal totals and other key parts of the SUT. The shaded areas of the supply and use tables in Figures 6 and 7 are those parts that will need to be manually updated before applying RAS to automatically update the non-shaded parts of the SUT.

10.4. Supply Table

  1. The first marginal total that must be updated manually is the column showing the total supply of goods and services at purchasers’ prices according to type of commodity. In this example we assume that it has been decided to estimate this column in the Supply Table rather than in the Uses Table. In most countries GDP is more accurately estimated from the production side rather than from the expenditure side so this will usually be the preferred option. The SUT compiler will need to manually update all the columns in the Supply Table that are needed to obtain the total supply of goods and services at purchasers’ prices. These are the shaded columns in Figure1.
  2. Here are some suggestions on how these shaded columns can be manually updated.
  • It will usually be impossible to update the benchmark breakdown of domestic production in the full commodity breakdown used in the benchmark SUT. It may often be necessary to make several approximations such as using changes in gross value added (GVA) by kind of activity to update benchmark estimates of gross output by commodity or to update groups of commodities by a single GVA figure. As an example, gross output of manufactured commodities may have to be updated by changes in GVA for just a few broad groups of manufacturing industries, and all products of agriculture may have to be updates by a single figure for GVA in total agriculture.
  • Imports of merchandise will usually be available in full commodity detail but it is possible that no up to date estimate is available for imports of services or there may only be an estimate of total service imports. International freight and insurance on merchandise imports are usually the most important service imports and they can be updated using the change in the value of merchandise imports. Other services could be updated by the latest growth trends and using total service imports, if available, as the control total.
  • Trade and transport margins tend to be stable from year to year so the benchmark percentages can be applied to the new estimates of domestic production and imports at basic prices.
  • Taxes and subsidies on products may not be available in commodity detail but provided figures are available for total product taxes and product subsidies the benchmark breakdown by commodity can be used to distribute the total figures. Of course, if rates of taxes or subsidies have changed since the benchmark year, the new rates will have to be used and not those from the benchmark table.

Figure 1. Supply Quadrant of the SUT
… / Supply at Basic prices / plus Adjustments to move from Basic to Purchasers’ Prices / equals Total Supply at Purchasers’ Prices
Domestic Production by Kind of Activity / Imports: goods & services / Transport costs separately invoiced to the purchaser / Wholesale and retail margins / Taxes on products minus subsidies on products
1 / 2 / .. / Total
.. / ..

Note: Shaded areas are the rows and columns that need to be manually updated.

10.5. Use table

  1. The manually-updated estimates of total supply by commodity at purchasers’ prices then become the marginal control column for updating the Uses Table. The shaded parts of the Uses Table in Figure 2 are the rows and columns that will need to be manually updated before using RAS to automatically update the non-shaded parts of the table.
  2. Some points to notice:
  • Total intermediate consumption (i.e. the total for all kinds of activities) can be obtained by deducting total final uses from total supply/use. This residually-obtained estimate of total intermediate consumption can then be used to update the row totals of intermediate consumption by kind of activity on a pro rata basis. The internal entries – intermediate consumption of commodities by kind of activity – will be updated automatically by RAS.
  • The final consumption expenditure of households, NPISH, and government by commodity can be updated automatically by RAS because experience shows that in most cases the commodity composition of these final expenditures changes only gradually over time. However if some commodity detail is available this should be used to update these vectors. For example, there may be information in the regular national accounts on household final consumption expenditure by broad groups of commodities – food and beverages, footwear and clothing, etc. If so, it will always be better to update all the detailed items under food and beverages, footwear and clothing, etc by the changes in the group totals rather than leaving it to RAS.
  • The commodity breakdown of merchandise exports may be available and if so this part of the export vector can be manually updated and exports of services can be updated by RAS.
  • The commodity breakdown of gross fixed capital formation and of changes in inventories can also be done automatically by RAS but this is not advisable because there can be sharp changes from year to year in the commodity composition of both these vectors. The SUT compilers should, therefore, update these two vectors manually and that is why these two columns are shaded in Figure 2.
  • Changes in inventories are a troublesome item for many countries. While it is not generally possible to measure changes in all inventories there will usually be some information on inventories held by, for example, electricity generating plants, petroleum producers and importers, large retailers, and stocks of food and strategic materials held by government. In any event, updating this vector cannot be left to RAS because changes in inventories can have different signs (+ or -) from year to year and so it must be manually updated.

Figure 2: Use Table of the SUT
Intermediate consumption by kind of activity / Final consumption / Capital formation, / Exports
1 / 2 / … / Total / Government / households / NPISH / Gross fixed capital formation / Change in inventories



Note: Shaded areas are the rows and columns that need to be manually updated.

10.6. Manually updating other parts of the SUT

  1. In addition to the shaded portions of the Supply and Uses Tables it may be possible to manually update individual cells. RAS updating will never be better than manual updating based on knowledge of what has actually happened in the real world. For example, you may have information on sales of electricity to households or to enterprises in particular kinds of activity. If so, the relevant cells in the intermediate consumption matrix and the vector for household consumption can then be manually updated.
  2. Manual updating is also essential if there have been significant changes in the composition of domestic production. If new enterprises have been established such as new clothing or footwear factories, a vehicle-assembly plant, call centres or a new generating plant the compiler will have to insert the new industries into the domestic production matrix and estimate the cells for output and intermediate consumption.
  3. Any cells that have been manually updated will be removed from the matrix that is to be updated by RAS and new column totals are calculated. RAS is then used to update the remaining cells and the manually updated cells are reinserted. This procedure is usually referred to as “modified RAS”.

10.7 Economic interpretation of RAS

  1. In Chapter 9 the RAS method was explained as an iterative process of successively forcing rows and columns to agree with known marginal totals. Looking at RAS as a purely mechanical procedure is appropriate when it is used for a benchmark first-time estimate but when RAS is used to update an existing SUT (or input-output table) it is possible to put an economic interpretation on the RAS procedure.
  2. In general, the RAS method aims at finding a set of multipliers to adjust the columns and the rows so that the sum of the cells of the adjusted matrix will be equal to the required rows and columns. We can recall that the modification of coefficients may be due to the changes in technology or in relative prices. The underlining assumption of the RAS method is the following: between two consecutive years, the technology does not change a lot; therefore, the modification of coefficients will not be substantial.

Where A (0) is the matrix of the benchmark year.

  1. United Nations (1999) explains these effects as follow: (i) the matrix r represents the effect of substitution and measures the extent to which product i has been replaced by, or used as a substitute for, other products in industrial production; and (ii) the matrix s represents the effect of fabrication and measures the extent to which industry j has come to absorb a greater or smaller ratio of intermediate to total inputs in its production. The objective of the RAS method is to find the “best” set of multipliers.

10.8.RAS updating

  1. RASis applied to the supply and use tables separately. Even though each table is updated separately, the updated supply and use tables will be consistent with each other because the same marginal column has been used for the total supply/use of goods and services at purchasers’ prices.
  2. As already explained the modified version of RAS is used to the maximum extent possible because RAS can never generate an estimate that is better than one based on the compiler’s knowledge of the economy. With modified RAS any internal cells or vectors that have been manually updated are removed, the marginal rows and columns are recalculated, RAS then forces the remaining internal cells to be consistent with these reduced marginal rows and columns, and the cells and vectors that were manually updated are put back into the SUT. The SUT has been updated.
  3. But caution! Although the updated RAS is now mathematically correct, it still needs to be reviewed critically by the SUT compiler. One useful check is to calculate GVA by kind of activity by deducting intermediate consumption in the Uses Table from gross output in the Supply Table. Are these GVA estimates consistent with the industry breakdown of GVA in the national accounts? GVA from the SUT is at basic prices rather than at the purchasers’ prices used for the regular national accounts, but large differences should be investigated and, if necessary, corrections should be made and the SUT will have to be rebalanced by RAS. The vectors for government and household consumption expenditure should also be subjected to credibility checks. Such checks may again lead to manual revisions requiring a further round of RAS balancing.
  4. The difference between updating SUT with RAS and balancing SUT with RAS is at the initial point: the matrix which is used for the calculation. The iterations can be operated as presented in the Box 9. On one side, when the compiler is balancing a SUT, it means that s/he has been able to compile data in a matrix format but that s/he is only sure of the quality and consistency of total of rows and columns. On the other side, when the compiler is updating a SUT, it means that s/he is compiling for the year n+x (the benchmark year is n) and s/he has been able to compile total of rows and columns (including production row). In that case, the initial matrix will be equal to the multiplication of input-output coefficients matrix of the benchmark year by the production row of the year n+x.

10.9. Alternative methods for balancing supply and uses tables

  1. The RAS method, which is commonly used, can only balance tables with equal row and column sums. In cases where the row and column sums are not balanced, they become endogenous variables and the RAS is no longer applicable. Various methods have been developed by different authors in order to overcome the problems. Below we provide a general overview of the methods for matrix balancing before giving a few examples of methods used specifically for balancing supply and uses tables.

General overview of methods for balancing matrices

  1. The RAS method is just one among numerous methods for balancing matrices. These methods are generally classified into two categories: the entropy methods and the quadratic adjustment methods.
  2. The entropy methods: In these approaches a measurement of entropy is used for producing the minimally biased estimate of an array under given marginal conditions. These models can be further subdivided into those that maximize an entropy criterion and those that minimize a divergence in information criterion. The second method is more relevant to balancing supply and uses tables as it starts from a known matrices that is not balanced and tries to create a balance matrix as close as possible to the initial matrix. The RAS method is part of these methods also known as bi-proportional methods.
  3. The quadratic adjustment methods: The basic problem is the same as for the entropy methods above, but, in this case, a quadratic distance function is used to measure how close the estimated array is from the initial array. A major weakness of the quadratic adjustment methods is that they do not guarantee that all elements of the estimated array will be positive numbers even when the initial matrix has only positive values.


  1. The Stone-Byron method

The Stone algorithm (Stone et al., 1942) is a method of automatic balancing that can be uses for balancing national accounts even in the case where the row and column totals are not balanced and should therefore be endogenous variables. It uses measures of reliability to determine the flows that should be adjusted. Taking into account the errors in measurements, the Stone algorithm make bigger adjustments to the flows with largest errors. The stone algorithm is based on the least square principle. It has the advantage of being relatively flexible, allowing some constraints to be set exactly while others are allowed to be subject to errors. Its main disadvantage is that is that it does not guarantee preservation of sign of the variables. The method of calculation proposed initially by Stone et al required heavy calculations, even though, in 1978, Byron proposed a conjugate gradient algorithm that is computationally efficient.