Supplementary Table 1.Baseline disease featureswith a significant effect on PFS and/or OS (univariate and multivariate analyses)of newly diagnosed elderly myeloma patients included in the GEM2005<65y trial.
Univariate analysis / Multivariate analysisPFS / OS / PFS / OS
At 3-years (%) / P / At 3-years (%) / P / HR / P / HR / P
ISS disease stage / 1.57 / .309 / 2.00 / .288
I / 68 / .001 / 95 / <.001
II / 53 / 84
III / 35 / 57
Age, years / - / - / 1.69 / .209
Younger than 60 / 56 / .519 / 87 / .015
60 or older / 55 / 75
Hemoglobin, g/L / 1.02 / .947 / 1.63 / .234
More than 100 / 59 / .019 / 87 / .003
100 or less / 49 / 74
Serum β2-microglobulin, mg/L / 1.13 / .725 / 2.63 / .114
3.5 or less / 66 / <.001 / 90 / .001
More than 3.5 / 42 / 74
LDH / 2.10 / .030 / 3.15 / .029
Normal / 61 / <.001 / 86 / <.001
Elevated / 28 / 68
M-component, g/dL / 1.10 / .758 / 1.03 / .955
3.0 or less / 68 / .05 / 91 / .044
More than 3.0 / 51 / 79
Bone marrow PCs, % / 1.20 / .527 / - / -
Less than 30 / 63 / .064 / 87 / .566
30 or more / 50 / 80
Bone marrow PCs by MFC, % / 2.11 / .006 / 3.45 / .005
Less than 15 / 63 / <.001 / 89 / <.001
15 or more / 47 / 69
Normal PCs/ BMPC by MFC, % / 8.03 / .042 / - / -
More than 5 / 91 / <.001 / 100 / .004
5 or less / 50 / 80
CD81 expression on MM-PC by MFC / 1.82 / .027 / 1.51 / .370
Negative / 69 / <.001 / 99 / .002
Positive / 43 / 70
% plasma cells in S-phase / 1.55 / .078 / - / -
Less than 1 / 60 / .089 / 84 / .987
1 or more / 52 / 83
DNA ploidy status by MFC / 1.12 / .666 / 1.00 / .998
Hyperdiploid / 61 / .03 / 91 / .004
Non-hyperdiploid / 51 / 75
Interphase FISH cytogenetics / 2.29 / .001 / 4.37 / <.001
Standard-risk / 60 / <.001 / 90 / <.001
High-risk* / 32 / 60
PFS: progression-free survival; OS: overall survival; ISS: International staging system; PCs: plasma cells; MFC: multiparameter flow cytometry; FISH, fluorescence in situ hybridization; * High-risk cytogenetics includes any t(4;14), t(14;16), and del(17p); standard-risk cytogenetics includes all other cases