/ US Higher Education: P&C Design — Design Request Form
Editor: Complete electronically; for use on AAA, AA, A, and B titles. Not for use on Central Design or Central Publishing products.
AD: Distribute copies to design launch guests, and use as a discussion-base for meeting. Confirm product details in PIMS

Acquisition Editor: Editorial Project Manager:

Main Edition Project Metadata (exactly as it should appear on the finished book)




Edition: Copyright Year: ISBN: Requested Instock Date: Sales Priority:

Total approved plant budget for above ISBN: Is this a Series? (If yes, supply list of titles and ISBNs.)

Associated ISBNs (enter each ISBN, select from the pull-down)

ISBN: Type: ISBN: Type:

ISBN: Type: ISBN: Type:

ISBN: Type: ISBN: Type:

ISBN: Type: ISBN: Type:

If other, specify:

Cover Design

Product Details

Cover Type: If “Other,” describe: Target Page Count:

Trim Size: If “Other,” describe:

Miscellaneous: 3-Hole Drill Perforations Special Starburst, describe:

Logos: Pearson, and Imprint
Vangonotes Recycle Other (explain):

Include on spine: Title Subtitle Edition Authors last name(s) only, or complete name(s).
We will do our best to accommodate all requested items, the Pearson logo and imprint.

If split, volume, or series briefly note primary design differences:


1.  Is there an expectation or preference for use of illustrations, photographs, or a type-only treatment?

2.  If a photograph is preferred will it be author supplied?, researched by editorial?, or researched by design?
If researched by design please provide specific image guidance.

3.  How important is it to have the cover and the interior have a strong relationship to each other?

4.  What should the hierarchy of elements be on the cover? Use pull-downs to indicate rank.
Author, Title, Edition, Imagery, Other (explain)

5.  Are there certain colors that are necessary?

6.  Is there anything to avoid?

7.  Is there author involvement? While we’re asking, what about on the interior design?
If Author involvement is required, editorial assumes responsibility.

8.  If the cover is needed for an event, the NSM, or a catalog release, please provide specific dates and details associated with these needs.

9.  If you intend on market-testing or utilizing focus groups for this cover please explain and provide a timeframe.

Supplement Design

Physical supplements (both print and media) will have a uniform design treatment, select one:

Standard Type-Only Standard Bookshot Custom (reserved for AAA, specify in Associated ISBNs above)

Component Details

NEW! In the blanks below, specify your back cover copy and component(s) plan. Supply draft copy, FPO images, etc. with this form.
The Final Copy is due to production Project Manager no later than 14 weeks prior to requested instock date.

Back Cover Copy? . If yes, specify plan:

Endpapers? . If yes, then which? Specify plan:

Inside Covers? . If yes, then which? Specify plan:

Media: Bind-in Sleeve of an needed for product type .
Blisterpack of CD/DVD
If CD/DVDs are included, how many disks

Other: Tabs — indicate number of tabs .
Transparencies — indicate number of pages
Other bound-in item(s), explain:

“The Big Picture”

Please consider the following topics. Provide information here – OR – be prepared to discuss at the design launch. The more information design has in advance, the quicker work can begin.

Market Opportunity / Competitive Landscape

Customer Needs

Goals for Product (top three things needed for it to be successful)

Interior Design Please select one of the available interior design categories listed below.

Straight Pick-Up of the Previous Edition – This requires no design work at all: no new elements, no modifications to existing design. For 1- or 2-color designs this is frequently chosen; an ink color may be substituted on press. [No further information is required: you’re done!]

Strategically Modified Pick-Up of the Previous Edition – We will retain the vast majority of the design, and redesign those elements indicated in the following pages. We will design for any new element. The trim, main text type, and column layout will remain as the previous edition. We may rearrange the color palette to visually refresh key elements, and the art program will retain its use of color. [Complete only PURPLE sections 1A and 2A.]

Adaptation of a Different Book – We will retain the vast majority of the design, mapping element-to-element, redesigning those elements indicated in the following pages. The color palette, trim, main text type, and column layout will remain as in the adapted title. The art program will likely need redrafting and/or recoloring to coordinate with the adapted design. [Complete only PURPLE sections 1A and 2A.]

8020 Program – This specific program is part standard design (80%) and part brand new design (20%). The elements are very specifically delineated as either in the 80% or in the 20%. You have your choice of trims, layouts, and a variety of color palettes. There are some hard-side disciplines (math, for example), that the program doesn’t readily lend itself. Log onto the website http://phheproduction.pearsoned.com/design/8020 to familiarize yourself with this program and contact your team AD for further information. [Complete only GREEN sections 1B and 2B.]

New Design – Traditionally this is what most Editors are familiar with for a new interior design. If you have not chosen from the above, or your expectations are different than the definitions above, you will likely require a New design. We recommend reserving this option for AA & AAA titles. [Complete only GREEN sections 1B and 2B.]

Design Development – This option is for use on titles entering the Design Development Services team. They require advanced planning, robust schedules and budgets. Our approach will be one of product development, working with Editorial, Marketing, and Media to engineer a cutting-edge, well-integrated product suite. Our focus is on functionality (the user interface), evolved content, and high-end aesthetics. The EIC/Publisher should first approve projects for Design Development. [Complete only GREEN sections 1B and 2B.]

Section 1: Content Considerations

Here we focus attention on the main features contained within this product, specifically those where Design can direct the user, call out the functionality, relate content across the product’s family (student & instructor ancillaries), and create beneficial visual interest.

Subsection 1A

Only complete this section for Modified Pickup or Adaptation designs.

1.  Edit Part/Section openers: , or explain

2.  Edit Chapter openers: , or explain

3.  Edit Heads: , or explain

4.  Edit Marginal elements: , or explain

5.  Edit Running Heads/Feet & Folios: , or explain

6.  Edit Visuals (figures, tables, photos, advertisements, screen captures): , or explain

7.  Edit Features (boxes, examples, cases): , or explain

8.  Edit Book’s Frontmatter / Rearmatter: , or explain

Subsection 1B

Only complete this section for 8020, New, and Developed designs.

1. Does this market or discipline require a particular column layout? No . Yes, choose from .

If you have chosen an option that includes a minor column, should the minor column be:
to the outside of the main column on both right and left pages (symmetrical), or
to the left of the main column on both right and left pages (asymmetrical), or
left to the designer’s discretion.

2. How many Parts/Sections are there?

Free-standing openers , or incorporated into the Chapter openers ?

If they will be free-standing, should they be single-page new rights only ,single-page new rights or lefts ,or spreads ?

Should the part number be spelled-out ,Arabic ,Roman ,or the designer’s choice ?

What is the hierarchy of content/elements for a free-standing part opener?

Is there an expectation regarding imagery?

3. How many Chapters are there?

Should they single-page new rights only ,single-page new rights or lefts ,or spreads ?

Should the chapter number be spelled-out ,Arabic ,Roman ,or the designer’s choice ?

What is the hierarchy of content/elements of the chapter opener?

Is there an expectation regarding imagery?

4. How many levels of Heads are there? Is any particular treatment required?

5. Marginal Elements: Are there definitions , cross-references to learning objectives , media/ancillary references , or other notes ? If so, please describe.

6. Running Heads/Feet & Folios: If design category is 8020, running heads is the standard placement. New or Developed designs have an option: please select running heads , or running feet .
Specify what content of the following elements should be on the left (L) or right (R) pages.

Part Number & Title: L or R ?

Chapter Number & Title: L or R ?

Current Level One Head / End of Chapter Head: L or R ?


Page numbers (folios) will be plain unless the pedagogy or functionality requires otherwise (such as colored tabs). If a special treatment is required, please explain.

7. Color Palette: If using the 8020 program, please select a palette from this list (refer to the website and your Art Director for details). For New or Developed designs, please provide any guidance you can with regard to the palette.

8. Visual Elements: Our default layout choice is for numbered visual elements to set page top/bottom. Those that are unnumbered would fall inline. Please specify what type of visual elements appear in your text and if there is a performance need to position them differently. (Check all that apply.)

Photos - Is any custom treatment required?

Line Art - Is any custom treatment required?

Advertisements - Is any custom treatment required?

Screen Captures - Is any custom treatment required?

Tables - Is any special/custom treatment required?

9. Features: Understanding features’ size, frequency, priority, and other details are critical for design. Such information may include a feature’s relation to other elements, if it contains visuals (photos, figures, tables), or if an icon is necessary. Enter each feature in a row, providing such information. You may also attach supporting documents. Features include items such as boxes, case studies, worked examples, mid-chapter assessments, etc.; they may be in the main text or in the end-of-chapter.

Feature Name / Priority* / Average Number per Chapter / Average Length / Must Set Inline? / Details
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages
↓ HighMediumLow / ↓ 1 or less1-33 or more / ↓ 1/3 page or less1/2 page2/3 page or moreRuns multiple pages

* High Priority: Significant in selling, learning process, and/or teaching process. Low Priority: ‘Nice to have’ elements, won’t have direct impact on sales.