Space Coast Parrot Head Club Board Meeting

September 24, 2017

The meeting was called to order at 5:00 p.m. at Squid Lips in Melbourne, Florida by club president Ron Mead.
Board members in attendance: Jackie Kellner, Roy Kellner, Gary Haas, Laura Ennis, Cathy Furtado, John Furtado, and Jeannine Hawkins. Other members in attendance: Chuck Ennis, Carla Hughes, Eleanor Friday and Mr. Friday.

Secretary’s Report: A motion was made to accept the minutes of the August meeting and the Board unanimously approved the report.

Membership Report: Laura Ennis reported the club’s current membership, as of the end of last month, was 289 members, including 16 keets.

Treasurer’s Report: Cathy Furtado reported that our income for the month is as follows: Alzheimer’s donation $250 and Hats $30.00. Our expenses for the month are: TC Promotions, for club shirts $78.28 and $250 to the Alzheimer’s Foundation.

Community Service Report: Jackie Kellner reported that she collected $500 in donations and $87 in cash for Brevard Sharing Center. With the cash she bought a variety of non-perishable items.

Social Directors Report: Gary Haas reported that the following entertainers are set up for our upcoming Phlockings: October – John McDonald, and November – FloriDave. FloriDave may also perform at the Space Coast Marathon water station with our club.

Old Business:

Florida Leadership Conference: Business meetings, break-out sessions and lots of fun. August 11-13, Hilton Garden Inn, Orlando. The 6 club member who went had a great time. They brought back a lot of great ideas.

Alzheimer’s Fundraising Update: Alzheimer’s walk – September 23 in Historic Cocoa Village. Good times were had by all. 23 members walked and many more donated. Our club is third in the area raising more than $6900 to date, and we still have a few more months to go to really get that number up there.

Current Business:

Special Olympics Polar Plunge: Our club has been invited and the Board voted in favor to participate in a very special event. The event is a polar plunge for Special Olympics of Brevard, Saturday, February 10 2018 at Aquatica in Orlando, Florida. Each participant will raise $100 in donations to take the plunge in the unheated water. We would love to create a team of plungers, so watch for an email from Barbi Miller.

Holiday Party: SAVE THE DATE: December 2nd. The tickets are made and for sale. For your tickets please see Cathy or John Furtado, Jackie Kellner, or Lonnie Morales. Tickets are $35 per person. The Hampton Inn and Holiday Inn are hotels that are close to the event for those of you not wanting to drive home.

PH event at MOTM: Saturday, November 4th, First Flight Island Restaurant (formerly Kelly’s): 301 Whitehead Street, Key West. Join the club for a social gathering from 11 am until 1 pm.

Pizza Gallery/Alzheimer’s Fundraiser: Party with a Purpose! Tuesday, October 10 from 5 – 8 p.m. Pizza Gallery and Grill, The Avenues in Viera. Bring your friends for a delicious dinner and 15% of your bill will be donated to the Alzheimer’s Association.

New Business:

Curb Appeal: Eleanor Friday met with artist Nancy Simon and is bringing to the board ideas to give our club “curb appeal” at certain events. Some of these events would be the Alzheimer’s walk, the holiday party, water stations and tail-gate parties. Nancy’s husband Doug, could build our club a portable tiki bar from PVC with an adjustable arch. Nancy will donate all her time for the artwork. Eleanor asked the club for A.) $100 for building supplies for the tiki bar. B.) $20 for the materials for fiber board parrots to be used as centerpieces. C.) $100 to purchase misc. decorations and an additional amount for painting of the canopy that will be brought to the board at a later date. The board approved a budget for A. B. and C. in the amount of $300.

PayPal Account: Cathy Furtado did research and brought information to the board about our club signing up for a PayPal account because there are club members who do not carry cash. Club members will be able to pay dues, purchase t-shirts and hats through PayPal. We will also have a chip reader for credit card payments on the spot at the cost of $15 for the chip reader. The board approved of signing up for a PayPal account.

Meet & Greet: The Space Coast Parrot Heads will now be gathering for a “Meet & Greet” the last Friday of the month, in addition to our Phlockings. The board felt that sometimes it’s just too loud at the Phlockings to talk to one another. This is a great time to meet the new members and gain exposure for our club. The meet and greets will be social events with no music, unless the venue has a band that night. Cathy Furtado has agreed to take the first month, October 27th at Rusty’s Seafood and Oyster Bar in Cape Canaveral.

Space Coast Marathon Water Station: November 26th, Rockledge and Oak Ridge Roads. Volunteers needed. Watch your email for all the information. Possibly the Saturday before the marathon a couple club members could get together and clean the tables at The Running Zone. FloriDave will be performing again. Please come out and help us with this dynamic event.

Board of Directors Election: The positions open this year are: vice president, secretary, social director and member at large. All have to submit their nominations by the October Phlocking, and early voting starts the day after the October Phlocking. General election is at the November Phlocking. All current board members can run for another term. If a member is the only one running for a position, no vote will be needed.

Mail Chimp: The board has recognized that the current yahoo groups is not the best way to keep in contact with its members, and we have been looking for alternatives. Laura and Chuck Ennis have brought to the board Mail Chimp. It is easier to use, and a lot more effective. After being presented with all of the information the board decided that this is something we should use.

Lone Palm Foundation: Be on the lookout for an email on how you can help hurricane victims through the Lone Palm Foundation. Also, if you need help after a hurricane, you can fill out an application from the Lone Palm Foundation.

Raising Dues: The club has decided after many, many years to raise the annual dues. Starting this upcoming year, dues will go to $30 per person for new members, and $20 per person per renewals. The board has eliminated the family membership. Keets are still free. This will be changed in the by-laws as needed and received a majority vote from the board.

Next Phlocking: October 18th, at Squid Lips, Melbourne. 6-9 pm. Entertainment is John McDonald, and the lucky stars are Grandparents raising Grandchildren. We will be putting together Thanksgiving baskets. Watch for an email from Jackie Kellner to find out how you can help.

Next Board Meeting: Sunday, October 29th, 5:00 pm at Squid Lip’s, Melbourne.
Meeting was adjourned at 6:32 pm