- Whatisyourgender?
- Whatisyourage?
□16-24 years
□25-34 years
□35-44 years
□45-54 years
□55-64 years
□65-74 years
- Whatisyourmarrital status?
- Whatisyoureducation?
□General (secondaryschool)
□Further(post-secondaryeducation:college, vocationaltraining)
□Higher (university)
- Are youcurrentlyemployed?
- Whatistheincome per oneofyourfamilyperson per month?
□ Up to 500 Litas
□501 to 1000 Litas
□1001 – 2000 Litas
□2001-3000 Litas
□3001-4000 Litas
□More than 4001 Litas
- What is your nationality?
- Whatisyourcountyoftheresidence?
- What is the size of the population of your community of residence?
□2000- 30000
□30000 – 100000
□100000- 180000
□More than 180000
- Have you ever seen in your health care institution the written information related to protection of medical secrecy (confidentiality) for minor patients (adolescents)?
□Do not know
- Can parents get the medical records of their minor childrenat the reception of your health care institution?
□Don’t know
- According to your opinion, how much adolescents would find confidentiality important when addressing a physician for sexual and reproductive health issues?
□Important → question No13
□Neither important, nor not important → question No14
□Not important → question No14
□Not important at all → question No14
- According to your opinion, what kind of changes would be the most useful when improving confidentiality of sexual and reproductive healthcare services provided to adolescents?(please select up to 3 options)
□ Developmentoftherecommendationsonconfidentialityinadolescenthealthcarebytheprofessionalandacademicmedicalorganizations
□ Developmentofwrittenofficepolicyconcerningtheconfidentialityprotectioninhealthcareinstitutions
□ Provisionofinformationaboutimportanceofconfidentiality to theminorsinthewaitingrooms, registrationdesks, etc.
□ Implementationofmorestrictorderofkeepinganddispensingthemedicalrecords to thepatientsandtheirrepresentatives
□ Improvementoftheprivacyofphysicianandpatientconsultations (otherpersons, includingmedicalstaff, like a nurse, shouldnotparticipate at theconsultation)
□ Provisionofmoreinformationaboutconfidentialityinadolescentsexualhealthcareinmassmedia
□ Don‘tknow
- How, according to your opinion, physician should behave in consulting 14-17 years old adolescents on sexual and reproductive health issues? (one option)
□ To inform parents (guardians) only in case, if he meets him
□ To inform parents (guardians) only in case if they directly ask physician about the consultation
□ To disclose the content of consultation to parents (guardians) only in exceptional cases
□ Never to disclose the content of consultation to adolescent parent (guardian)
□ Don’t know
- According to youropinion, physicianshould maintaintheconfidentialityof 14-15 yearoldadolescentconsultationandnot to disclose to hisparents (guardians) thathe (she)is(please select one answer in each row):
yes / Yes / Neither yes,
nor no / No / Trully
1. Interested in sexual issues / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
2. Hadbegunsexualrelationships / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
3. Usecondomsorothercontraception / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
4. Hassexuallytransmittedinfection, notconsentfor
treatment / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
5. Hassexuallytransmittedinfection, consentfortreatment / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
6. Ispregnant (orthegirlfriendispregnant) / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
7. Requestabortion / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
8. Disclosehis(her) homosexualexperience / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
16. According to youropinion, physicianshouldmaintaintheconfidentialityof 16-17 yearoldadolescentconsultationandnot to disclose to hisparents (guardians) thathe (she)is(please select one answer in each row):
yes / Yes / Neither yes,
nor no / No / Trully
1. Interested in sexual issues / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
2. Hadbegunsexualrelationships / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
3. Usecondomsorothercontraception / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
4. Hassexuallytransmittedinfection, notconsentfor
treatment / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
5. Hassexuallytransmittedinfection, consentfortreatment / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
6. Ispregnant (orthegirlfriendispregnant) / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
7. Requestabortion / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
8. Disclosehis(her) homosexualexperience / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
- Startingwhatage, according to youropinion, adolescentsshouldhavetheright to addressphysiciansindependently?
- Startingwhatage, according to youropinion, adolescentsshouldhavetheright to independentlyhaveconfidentialhealth care services?
- Startingwhatage, according to existinglegalbasis, adolescentshaveright to addressphysicianindependently?(onlyin 2012 survey)
- Startingwhatage, according to existinglegalbasis, adolescentshaverighttoindependentlyhaveconfidentialhealth care services?
(onlyin 2012 survey)
- What outcomes you would anticipate if laws are enacted to further protect adolescent confidentiality in sexual and reproductive health consultations? (please select up to 3 options)
□ Adolescents would visit physicians more frequently
□ Adolescents would be more inclined to disclose their problems to physicians
□ Adolescents would follow physicians’ recommendations more strictly
□ Parents of adolescents would feel lees trusting of physicians
□ Relationships between adolescents and their parents would deteriorate
□ Adolescents would be more likely to engage in sexual activity
□ Situation would not change
- What measures, according to your opinion, would have the most favourable effect on the decrease of pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections among adolescents?(please select one answer in each row)
yes / Yes / Neither yes,
nor no / No / Trully
1. Improve the sexual education in families / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
2. Strenghenthemoraleducationinfamilies / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
3. To promoteabstinenceduringsexualeducationin
schools / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
4. To provide information about contraception and sexually
transmitted infection suring sexual education in schools / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
5. To facilitate the aquisition of contraceptive measures for
sexually active young people (decreasing price, expanding
points of sale, etc) / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
6. To facilitateyoungpeoples‘access to physicians – sexual
andreproductivehealth care specialists, omittingthe
requirement to havereferralfromgeneralpractitioner / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
7. To open more youth health centers where young people
could address freely and receive professional aid on
sexual health issues / □ / □ / □ / □ / □
- Whatspecialist, according to youropinion, would be the best counselloronsexualandreproductivehealthissuesforpeopleyoungerthan 18 years? (pleaseselectoneoption)
□ Obstetrician gynecologist
□ Urologist
□ Dermatovenerologist
□ Physician, working in youth health center
□ Psychologist
□ Public health specialist (school nurse)
□ Don’t know
- Howwouldyouevaluatesexualhealthservicescurrentlyprovidedforpeopleyoungerthan 18 years?
□ Good
□ Nor good, neither bad
□ Bad
□ Very bad
- Howwouldyouevaluatesexualeducationcurrenlyprovidedinschools?
□ Good
□ Nor good, neither bad
□ Bad
□ Very bad