Table 5-1. Age and Sex by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[Total population]
Did not Looking Other Not
Age Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
All persons...... 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
Under 1 years ...... ------
1 to 4 years...... ------
5 to 9 years...... ------
10 to 14 years...... ------
15 to 19 years...... 7,497 4,214 - 50 214 317 1,952 739 11
20 to 24 years...... 3,997 539 - 45 122 371 2,290 624 6
25 to 29 years...... 2,814 72 - 34 54 221 2,083 347 3
30 to 34 years...... 2,068 18 - 26 35 115 1,610 262 2
35 to 39 years...... 1,649 8 - 26 20 78 1,297 215 5
40 to 44 years...... 1,130 5 35 15 25 59 807 181 3
45 to 49 years...... 976 2 30 19 25 42 696 161 1
50 to 54 years...... 734 2 58 21 13 27 499 114 -
55 to 59 years...... 681 1 95 24 9 18 418 114 2
60 to 64 years...... 541 - 90 35 13 12 266 125 -
65 to 69 years...... 474 2 86 43 17 5 208 113 -
70 to 74 years...... 336 - 82 37 1 5 117 94 -
75 to 79 years...... 319 2 79 34 3 1 81 119 -
80 years and over . . . . . 582 2 170 71 11 1 97 228 2
Not stated...... ------
Median...... 25.7 17.9 68.2 55.8 22.7 24.3 29.7 30.2 25.8
Youth dependency...... ------
Aged dependency ...... 10.3 .1 195.8 78.0 8.6 1.9 6.5 24.0 6.1
Total dependency...... 10.3 .1 195.8 78.0 8.6 1.9 6.5 24.0 6.1
Males...... 8,498 2,663 416 239 379 843 2,026 1,911 21
Less than 1 year...... ------
1 to 4 years...... ------
5 to 9 years...... ------
10 to 14 years...... ------
15 to 19 years...... 3,716 2,253 - 26 154 208 625 441 9
20 to 24 years...... 1,496 330 - 22 84 261 420 376 3
25 to 29 years...... 690 57 - 20 35 144 235 197 2
30 to 34 years...... 432 12 - 16 22 70 166 145 1
35 to 39 years...... 345 5 - 11 13 49 134 131 2
40 to 44 years...... 268 2 18 9 16 36 82 103 2
45 to 49 years...... 243 - 15 15 15 29 75 93 1
50 to 54 years...... 188 1 35 7 8 17 59 61 -
55 to 59 years...... 209 - 60 10 8 13 60 57 1
60 to 64 years...... 172 - 49 13 6 9 48 47 -
65 to 69 years...... 173 - 48 22 9 2 36 56 -
70 to 74 years...... 144 - 50 16 - 4 32 42 -
75 to 79 years...... 139 2 43 15 1 1 22 55 -
80 years and over . . . . . 283 1 98 37 8 - 32 107 -
Not stated...... ------
Median...... 21.8 18.0 68.2 50.4 22.1 24.1 24.6 28.5 22.5
Youth dependency...... ------
Aged dependency ...... 12.0 .1 225.0 75.7 6.8 1.9 9.2 19.1 -
Total dependency...... 12.0 .1 225.0 75.7 6.8 1.9 9.2 19.1 -
Females...... 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
Less than 1 year...... ------
1 to 4 years...... ------
5 to 9 years...... ------
10 to 14 years...... ------
15 to 19 years...... 3,781 1,961 - 24 60 109 1,327 298 2
20 to 24 years...... 2,501 209 - 23 38 110 1,870 248 3
25 to 29 years...... 2,124 15 - 14 19 77 1,848 150 1
30 to 34 years...... 1,636 6 - 10 13 45 1,444 117 1
35 to 39 years...... 1,304 3 - 15 7 29 1,163 84 3
40 to 44 years...... 862 3 17 6 9 23 725 78 1
45 to 49 years...... 733 2 15 4 10 13 621 68 -
50 to 54 years...... 546 1 23 14 5 10 440 53 -
55 to 59 years...... 472 1 35 14 1 5 358 57 1
60 to 64 years...... 369 - 41 22 7 3 218 78 -
65 to 69 years...... 301 2 38 21 8 3 172 57 -
70 to 74 years...... 192 - 32 21 1 1 85 52 -
75 to 79 years...... 180 - 36 19 2 - 59 64 -
80 years and over . . . . . 299 1 72 34 3 1 65 121 2
Not stated...... ------
Median...... 28.2 17.8 68.1 58.8 24.1 24.8 30.5 32.8 35.0
Youth dependency...... ------
Aged dependency ...... 9.4 .1 167.2 80.1 12.4 1.9 6.0 30.2 16.7
Total dependency...... 9.4 .1 167.2 80.1 12.4 1.9 6.0 30.2 16.7
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-2. Single Year of Age by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[Total population]
Did not Looking Other Not
Age Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
All persons ...... 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
Under 1 years ...... ------
1...... ------
2...... ------
3...... ------
4...... ------
5...... ------
6...... ------
7...... ------
8...... ------
9...... ------
10...... ------
11...... ------
12...... ------
13...... ------
14...... ------
15...... 2,021 1,371 - 10 41 35 398 165 1
16...... 1,732 1,090 - 16 55 64 355 151 1
17...... 1,407 787 - 7 40 50 381 141 1
18...... 1,115 531 - 5 35 74 350 113 7
19...... 1,222 435 - 12 43 94 468 169 1
20...... 1,057 244 - 12 29 111 509 150 2
21...... 756 121 - 10 27 66 405 127 -
22...... 755 79 - 10 24 67 453 121 1
23...... 716 60 - 4 22 64 451 114 1
24...... 713 35 - 9 20 63 472 112 2
25...... 682 35 - 7 11 38 490 100 1
26...... 566 15 - 10 11 40 426 64 -
27...... 625 8 - 5 21 65 451 74 1
28...... 438 8 - 3 5 30 338 54 -
29...... 503 6 - 9 6 48 378 55 1
30...... 611 4 - 4 13 32 470 86 2
31...... 397 4 - 7 5 30 304 47 -
32...... 413 5 - 6 6 23 325 48 -
33...... 329 2 - 4 5 17 262 39 -
34...... 318 3 - 5 6 13 249 42 -
35...... 410 3 - 5 8 19 312 62 1
36...... 340 4 - 4 3 19 273 36 1
37...... 357 - - 5 4 25 271 49 3
38...... 245 1 - 3 1 9 199 32 -
39...... 297 - - 9 4 6 242 36 -
40...... 339 3 8 4 6 17 248 51 2
41...... 206 - 5 3 3 11 152 32 -
42...... 233 1 7 2 6 14 153 49 1
43...... 183 - 6 4 7 8 133 25 -
44...... 169 1 9 2 3 9 121 24 -
45...... 267 - 5 5 4 18 198 37 -
46...... 197 - 3 2 7 7 147 31 -
47...... 185 1 6 3 4 5 137 28 1
48...... 147 - 7 5 7 6 89 33 -
49...... 180 1 9 4 3 6 125 32 -
50...... 182 1 14 3 3 7 128 26 -
51...... 140 1 13 1 5 8 99 13 -
52...... 151 - 9 4 1 3 105 29 -
53...... 126 - 11 4 2 4 80 25 -
54...... 135 - 11 9 2 5 87 21 -
55...... 140 - 14 1 2 3 101 18 1
56...... 113 - 18 2 - 3 69 21 -
57...... 178 - 30 10 5 4 106 22 1
58...... 115 - 13 4 1 5 70 22 -
59...... 135 1 20 7 1 3 72 31 -
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-2. Single Year of Age by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[Total population]
Did not Looking Other Not
Age Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
60...... 172 - 27 12 6 5 80 42 -
61...... 82 - 16 3 4 - 44 15 -
62...... 87 - 10 8 - 2 39 28 -
63...... 92 - 15 6 2 3 48 18 -
64...... 108 - 22 6 1 2 55 22 -
65...... 91 - 16 9 4 3 44 15 -
66...... 94 1 18 9 1 - 45 20 -
67...... 104 - 18 10 5 2 44 25 -
68...... 84 1 18 3 3 - 33 26 -
69...... 101 - 16 12 4 - 42 27 -
70...... 117 - 29 14 1 1 35 37 -
71...... 54 - 11 4 - - 25 14 -
72...... 58 - 20 6 - - 16 16 -
73...... 49 - 9 6 - 2 22 10 -
74...... 58 - 13 7 - 2 19 17 -
75...... 76 1 17 8 1 - 21 28 -
76...... 49 1 10 4 - 1 13 20 -
77...... 60 - 18 3 - - 12 27 -
78...... 49 - 16 5 - - 13 15 -
79...... 85 - 18 14 2 - 22 29 -
80...... 76 - 27 10 3 1 12 23 -
81...... 43 - 14 - - - 9 20 -
82...... 38 - 10 7 - - 8 12 1
83...... 30 - 6 3 - - 6 15 -
84...... 15 - 6 3 - - 3 3 -
85...... 34 - 7 5 - - 5 16 1
86...... 30 - 3 5 - - 6 16 -
87...... 33 - 12 4 2 - 4 11 -
88...... 22 - 8 2 - - - 12 -
89...... 46 - 16 4 1 - 7 18 -
90...... 36 - 13 5 1 - 6 11 -
91...... 14 - 2 2 1 - 4 5 -
92...... 7 - 2 - - - 1 4 -
93...... 14 - 1 - - - 5 8 -
94...... 6 - 1 1 - - 2 2 -
95...... 11 - 6 2 - - 1 2 -
96...... 9 - 2 1 1 - - 5 -
97 or more...... 118 2 34 17 2 - 18 45 -
Not stated...... ------
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-2. Single Year of Age by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[All females]
Did not Looking Other Not
Age Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
All persons...... 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
Under 1 years ...... ------
1...... ------
2...... ------
3...... ------
4...... ------
5...... ------
6...... ------
7...... ------
8...... ------
9...... ------
10...... ------
11...... ------
12...... ------
13...... ------
14...... ------
15...... 999 647 - 8 12 12 253 67 -
16...... 866 527 - 7 10 23 235 64 -
17...... 707 347 - 3 14 19 266 58 -
18...... 590 267 - 1 12 21 241 46 2
19...... 619 173 - 5 12 34 332 63 -
20...... 602 100 - 5 7 41 389 60 -
21...... 468 49 - 5 10 19 336 49 -
22...... 481 26 - 7 9 22 372 44 1
23...... 456 19 - 1 6 14 369 46 1
24...... 494 15 - 5 6 14 404 49 1
25...... 497 5 - 3 3 12 436 37 1
26...... 434 4 - 6 3 12 374 35 -
27...... 466 1 - 2 9 24 401 29 -
28...... 334 3 - - 1 11 297 22 -
29...... 393 2 - 3 3 18 340 27 -
30...... 474 1 - 1 6 11 419 35 1
31...... 318 1 - 3 4 12 272 26 -
32...... 330 1 - 3 3 12 291 20 -
33...... 262 2 - 1 - 6 238 15 -
34...... 252 1 - 2 - 4 224 21 -
35...... 326 2 - 4 2 6 281 30 1
36...... 279 1 - 3 2 9 249 14 1
37...... 271 - - 2 - 9 241 18 1
38...... 195 - - 1 1 4 180 9 -
39...... 233 - - 5 2 1 212 13 -
40...... 263 2 3 - 2 7 227 21 1
41...... 152 - 4 2 1 5 133 7 -
42...... 171 1 2 1 4 4 134 25 -
43...... 146 - 3 1 2 3 123 14 -
44...... 130 - 5 2 - 4 108 11 -
45...... 203 - 1 1 - 4 181 16 -
46...... 149 - 1 - 3 4 129 12 -
47...... 138 1 4 1 1 1 121 9 -
48...... 102 - 3 1 5 2 74 17 -
49...... 141 1 6 1 1 2 116 14 -
50...... 133 - 5 2 1 2 111 12 -
51...... 110 1 5 1 1 4 92 6 -
52...... 120 - 7 2 - - 98 13 -
53...... 86 - 3 3 2 2 65 11 -
54...... 97 - 3 6 1 2 74 11 -
55...... 110 - 5 1 - - 91 13 -
56...... 80 - 6 1 - - 63 10 -
57...... 111 - 8 6 1 - 86 9 1
58...... 74 - 4 2 - 3 56 9 -
59...... 97 1 12 4 - 2 62 16 -
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-2. Single Year of Age by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[All females]
Did not Looking Other Not
Age Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
60...... 119 - 16 7 2 2 63 29 -
61...... 54 - 4 3 3 - 36 8 -
62...... 62 - 5 7 - - 33 17 -
63...... 58 - 5 3 1 - 39 10 -
64...... 76 - 11 2 1 1 47 14 -
65...... 62 - 7 3 2 2 37 11 -
66...... 62 1 6 7 - - 37 11 -
67...... 63 - 10 3 2 1 37 10 -
68...... 49 1 10 2 1 - 26 9 -
69...... 65 - 5 6 3 - 35 16 -
70...... 67 - 12 6 1 - 29 19 -
71...... 39 - 6 3 - - 20 10 -
72...... 28 - 6 4 - - 8 10 -
73...... 28 - 5 4 - - 16 3 -
74...... 30 - 3 4 - 1 12 10 -
75...... 40 - 9 3 - - 16 12 -
76...... 29 - 3 2 - - 10 14 -
77...... 31 - 9 1 - - 7 14 -
78...... 27 - 7 4 - - 8 8 -
79...... 53 - 8 9 2 - 18 16 -
80...... 38 - 12 4 - 1 8 13 -
81...... 25 - 3 - - - 8 14 -
82...... 20 - 5 2 - - 6 6 1
83...... 14 - 2 1 - - 5 6 -
84...... 11 - 4 2 - - 2 3 -
85...... 16 - 3 2 - - 3 7 1
86...... 19 - 1 4 - - 5 9 -
87...... 20 - 9 2 - - 2 7 -
88...... 10 - 2 1 - - - 7 -
89...... 23 - 8 2 - - 5 8 -
90...... 22 - 6 4 1 - 6 5 -
91...... 4 - - - 1 - 2 1 -
92...... 4 - - - - - 1 3 -
93...... 8 - - - - - 4 4 -
94...... 4 - - 1 - - 1 2 -
95...... 4 - 3 - - - - 1 -
96...... 2 ------2 -
97 or more...... 55 1 14 9 1 - 7 23 -
Not stated...... ------
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-2. Single Year of Age by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[All males]
Did not Looking Other Not
Age Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
All persons...... 8,498 2,663 416 239 379 843 2,026 1,911 21
Under 1 years ...... ------
1...... ------
2...... ------
3...... ------
4...... ------
5...... ------
6...... ------
7...... ------
8...... ------
9...... ------
10...... ------
11...... ------
12...... ------
13...... ------
14...... ------
15...... 1,022 724 - 2 29 23 145 98 1
16...... 866 563 - 9 45 41 120 87 1
17...... 700 440 - 4 26 31 115 83 1
18...... 525 264 - 4 23 53 109 67 5
19...... 603 262 - 7 31 60 136 106 1
20...... 455 144 - 7 22 70 120 90 2
21...... 288 72 - 5 17 47 69 78 -
22...... 274 53 - 3 15 45 81 77 -
23...... 260 41 - 3 16 50 82 68 -
24...... 219 20 - 4 14 49 68 63 1
25...... 185 30 - 4 8 26 54 63 -
26...... 132 11 - 4 8 28 52 29 -
27...... 159 7 - 3 12 41 50 45 1
28...... 104 5 - 3 4 19 41 32 -
29...... 110 4 - 6 3 30 38 28 1
30...... 137 3 - 3 7 21 51 51 1
31...... 79 3 - 4 1 18 32 21 -
32...... 83 4 - 3 3 11 34 28 -
33...... 67 - - 3 5 11 24 24 -
34...... 66 2 - 3 6 9 25 21 -
35...... 84 1 - 1 6 13 31 32 -
36...... 61 3 - 1 1 10 24 22 -
37...... 86 - - 3 4 16 30 31 2
38...... 50 1 - 2 - 5 19 23 -
39...... 64 - - 4 2 5 30 23 -
40...... 76 1 5 4 4 10 21 30 1
41...... 54 - 1 1 2 6 19 25 -
42...... 62 - 5 1 2 10 19 24 1
43...... 37 - 3 3 5 5 10 11 -
44...... 39 1 4 - 3 5 13 13 -
45...... 64 - 4 4 4 14 17 21 -
46...... 48 - 2 2 4 3 18 19 -
47...... 47 - 2 2 3 4 16 19 1
48...... 45 - 4 4 2 4 15 16 -
49...... 39 - 3 3 2 4 9 18 -
50...... 49 1 9 1 2 5 17 14 -
51...... 30 - 8 - 4 4 7 7 -
52...... 31 - 2 2 1 3 7 16 -
53...... 40 - 8 1 - 2 15 14 -
54...... 38 - 8 3 1 3 13 10 -
55...... 30 - 9 - 2 3 10 5 1
56...... 33 - 12 1 - 3 6 11 -
57...... 67 - 22 4 4 4 20 13 -
58...... 41 - 9 2 1 2 14 13 -
59...... 38 - 8 3 1 1 10 15 -
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-2. Single Year of Age by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[All males]
Did not Looking Other Not
Age Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
60...... 53 - 11 5 4 3 17 13 -
61...... 28 - 12 - 1 - 8 7 -
62...... 25 - 5 1 - 2 6 11 -
63...... 34 - 10 3 1 3 9 8 -
64...... 32 - 11 4 - 1 8 8 -
65...... 29 - 9 6 2 1 7 4 -
66...... 32 - 12 2 1 - 8 9 -
67...... 41 - 8 7 3 1 7 15 -
68...... 35 - 8 1 2 - 7 17 -
69...... 36 - 11 6 1 - 7 11 -
70...... 50 - 17 8 - 1 6 18 -
71...... 15 - 5 1 - - 5 4 -
72...... 30 - 14 2 - - 8 6 -
73...... 21 - 4 2 - 2 6 7 -
74...... 28 - 10 3 - 1 7 7 -
75...... 36 1 8 5 1 - 5 16 -
76...... 20 1 7 2 - 1 3 6 -
77...... 29 - 9 2 - - 5 13 -
78...... 22 - 9 1 - - 5 7 -
79...... 32 - 10 5 - - 4 13 -
80...... 38 - 15 6 3 - 4 10 -
81...... 18 - 11 - - - 1 6 -
82...... 18 - 5 5 - - 2 6 -
83...... 16 - 4 2 - - 1 9 -
84...... 4 - 2 1 - - 1 - -
85...... 18 - 4 3 - - 2 9 -
86...... 11 - 2 1 - - 1 7 -
87...... 13 - 3 2 2 - 2 4 -
88...... 12 - 6 1 - - - 5 -
89...... 23 - 8 2 1 - 2 10 -
90...... 14 - 7 1 - - - 6 -
91...... 10 - 2 2 - - 2 4 -
92...... 3 - 2 - - - - 1 -
93...... 6 - 1 - - - 1 4 -
94...... 2 - 1 - - - 1 - -
95...... 7 - 3 2 - - 1 1 -
96...... 7 - 2 1 1 - - 3 -
97 or more...... 63 1 20 8 1 - 11 22 -
Not stated...... ------
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-3. Relationship, Ethnicity, Religion and Marital Status by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[Total population]
Did not Looking Other Not
Relationship Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
All persons...... 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
Head...... 2,859 50 357 142 105 235 1,191 779 -
Spouse...... 7,283 22 108 42 55 135 6,456 464 1
Son ...... 3,784 1,518 6 62 68 143 1,617 368 2
Daughter...... 3,693 1,829 7 69 170 295 760 561 2
Adopted son ...... 172 71 - 2 2 12 72 13 -
Adopted daughter...... 153 60 1 2 9 22 41 18 -
Father...... 432 4 77 37 5 8 166 135 -
Mother...... 178 2 40 18 9 6 35 68 -
Grandparent ...... 144 4 35 17 3 3 42 40 -
Grandchild...... 393 142 5 4 10 23 149 60 -
Other relative...... 2,720 630 50 54 78 255 1,132 521 -
Other relative of spouse. . 1,169 254 36 24 31 92 482 249 1
No relation ...... 461 71 2 6 17 42 229 94 -
Not reported...... 357 210 1 1 - 1 49 66 29
All persons...... 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
NiVanuatu ...... 23,385 4,783 681 479 551 1,262 12,228 3,366 35
Part-NiVanuatu...... 80 26 3 - 6 2 33 10 -
Other Melanesian...... 58 11 3 - 1 5 28 10 -
Polynesian...... 33 7 1 - - 1 20 4 -
Micronesian ...... 14 6 - - - - 7 1 -
European...... 176 20 34 1 4 1 84 32 -
Chinese ...... 10 1 - - - 1 4 4 -
Vietamese ...... 11 4 2 - - - 2 3 -
Not elsewhere specified . . 31 9 1 - - - 15 6 -
Not stated...... ------
All persons...... 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
Anglican...... 2,761 635 78 68 59 153 1,371 393 4
Presbyterian...... 8,183 1,451 303 173 188 399 4,484 1,172 13
Catholic...... 3,084 883 110 70 99 175 1,353 388 6
SDA ...... 3,040 664 63 51 54 179 1,614 406 9
Church of Christ...... 1,145 281 25 23 26 55 542 192 1
AOG ...... 1,194 200 19 24 19 80 696 156 -
NTM ...... 960 158 25 12 25 65 541 134 -
Apostic ...... 447 79 8 10 8 13 285 44 -
Custom...... 305 50 13 10 6 10 152 64 -
Refuse to answer...... 33 1 2 - - 4 21 5 -
None...... 153 16 8 5 9 4 75 36 -
Not stated...... 7 7 ------
Males 15 yrs & over . . 8,498 2,663 416 239 379 843 2,026 1,911 21
Never married ...... 5,695 2,611 25 110 250 549 1,171 967 12
Married or de facto . . . . 2,463 46 323 98 108 275 781 823 9
Widowed ...... 203 - 57 23 5 5 37 76 -
Divorced or separated . . . 137 6 11 8 16 14 37 45 -
Not stated...... ------
Females 15 yrs & over . . 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
Never married ...... 5,352 2,161 24 83 100 228 2,223 528 5
Married or de facto . . . . 9,011 38 192 83 73 182 7,675 760 8
Widowed ...... 625 - 90 68 7 5 268 186 1
Divorced or separated . . . 312 5 3 7 3 14 229 51 -
Not stated...... ------
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-4. Birthplace by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[Total population]
Did not Looking Other Not
Birthplace Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
Total ...... 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
Vanuatu ...... 23,355 4,798 684 478 552 1,260 12,187 3,361 35
Australia ...... 70 10 9 - 4 - 39 8 -
New Zealand ...... 22 5 2 - 1 - 8 6 -
United Kingdom...... 11 1 3 - - - 5 2 -
France...... 41 4 9 - 1 1 15 11 -
Fiji...... 45 8 - - 1 - 31 5 -
New Caledonia ...... 37 8 4 - - 2 14 9 -
Solomon Islands ...... 9 2 1 - - 1 5 - -
Papua New Guinea...... 14 6 - - 1 2 4 1 -
USA ...... 14 2 2 - - 1 4 5 -
Other Pacific countries . . . . . 126 21 4 1 2 4 78 16 -
Other European countries. . . . . 18 1 3 - - - 11 3 -
Africa...... 9 - 2 - - - 6 1 -
Asia...... 19 1 2 - - 1 10 5 -
Other ...... 7 - - 1 - - 3 3 -
Not Stated...... 1 - - - - - 1 - -
Males...... 8,498 2,663 416 239 379 843 2,026 1,911 21
Vanuatu ...... 8,370 2,624 395 239 374 838 2,003 1,876 21
Australia ...... 19 7 4 - 2 - 2 4 -
New Zealand ...... 5 2 1 - - - 1 1 -
United Kingdom...... 4 1 1 - - - - 2 -
France...... 16 1 7 - 1 1 - 6 -
Fiji...... 12 4 - - - - 4 4 -
New Caledonia ...... 9 6 - - - 1 - 2 -
Solomon Islands ...... 2 1 1 ------
Papua New Guinea...... 4 2 - - 1 1 - - -
USA ...... 7 2 1 - - 1 1 2 -
Other Pacific countries . . . . . 36 11 1 - 1 1 13 9 -
Other European countries. . . . . 6 1 2 - - - 2 1 -
Africa...... 1 - 1 ------
Asia...... 5 1 2 - - - - 2 -
Other ...... 2 ------2 -
Not Stated...... ------
Females...... 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
Vanuatu ...... 14,985 2,174 289 239 178 422 10,184 1,485 14
Australia ...... 51 3 5 - 2 - 37 4 -
New Zealand ...... 17 3 1 - 1 - 7 5 -
United Kingdom...... 7 - 2 - - - 5 - -
France...... 25 3 2 - - - 15 5 -
Fiji...... 33 4 - - 1 - 27 1 -
New Caledonia ...... 28 2 4 - - 1 14 7 -
Solomon Islands ...... 7 1 - - - 1 5 - -
Papua New Guinea...... 10 4 - - - 1 4 1 -
USA ...... 7 - 1 - - - 3 3 -
Other Pacific countries . . . . . 90 10 3 1 1 3 65 7 -
Other European countries. . . . . 12 - 1 - - - 9 2 -
Africa...... 8 - 1 - - - 6 1 -
Asia...... 14 - - - - 1 10 3 -
Other ...... 5 - - 1 - - 3 1 -
Not Stated...... 1 - - - - - 1 - -
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-4A. Citizenship by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[Total population]
Did not Looking Other Not
Citizenship Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
Total ...... 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
Vanuatu ...... 23,515 4,815 695 479 557 1,264 12,290 3,380 35
Australia ...... 79 10 10 - 4 1 44 10 -
New Zealand ...... 20 3 3 - - - 7 7 -
United Kingdom...... 7 1 - - - - 5 1 -
France...... 68 16 10 1 - 1 26 14 -
Fiji...... 24 4 - - - - 17 3 -
New Caledonia ...... 17 1 3 - - 2 5 6 -
Solomon Islands ...... 4 - - - - 1 3 - -
Papua New Guinea...... 10 4 - - 1 2 3 - -
Other Pacific countries . . . . . 17 8 - - - 1 5 3 -
Other European countries. . . . . 16 3 3 - - - 6 4 -
Africa...... 1 - - - - - 1 - -
USA ...... 9 2 1 - - - 3 3 -
Asia...... 7 - - - - - 4 3 -
Other ...... 4 - - - - - 2 2 -
Not Stated...... ------
Males...... 8,498 2,663 416 239 379 843 2,026 1,911 21
Vanuatu ...... 8,413 2,633 402 239 376 840 2,018 1,884 21
Australia ...... 21 7 4 - 2 - 3 5 -
New Zealand ...... 5 2 1 - - - 1 1 -
United Kingdom...... 2 1 - - - - - 1 -
France...... 21 9 5 - - 1 - 6 -
Fiji...... 6 2 - - - - 1 3 -
New Caledonia ...... 5 - 1 - - - 1 3 -
Solomon Islands ...... ------
Papua New Guinea...... 4 2 - - 1 1 - - -
Other Pacific countries . . . . . 8 3 - - - 1 2 2 -
Other European countries. . . . . 7 2 3 - - - - 2 -
Africa...... ------
USA ...... 3 2 - - - - - 1 -
Asia...... 1 ------1 -
Other ...... 2 ------2 -
Not Stated...... ------
Females...... 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
Vanuatu ...... 15,102 2,182 293 240 181 424 10,272 1,496 14
Australia ...... 58 3 6 - 2 1 41 5 -
New Zealand ...... 15 1 2 - - - 6 6 -
United Kingdom...... 5 - - - - - 5 - -
France...... 47 7 5 1 - - 26 8 -
Fiji...... 18 2 - - - - 16 - -
New Caledonia ...... 12 1 2 - - 2 4 3 -
Solomon Islands ...... 4 - - - - 1 3 - -
Papua New Guinea...... 6 2 - - - 1 3 - -
Other Pacific countries . . . . . 9 5 - - - - 3 1 -
Other European countries. . . . . 9 1 - - - - 6 2 -
Africa...... 1 - - - - - 1 - -
USA ...... 6 - 1 - - - 3 2 -
Asia...... 6 - - - - - 4 2 -
Other ...... 2 - - - - - 2 - -
Not Stated...... ------
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-5. School Enrollment and Educational Attainment by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[Persons 5 years and over]
School Enrollment
Educational Attainment Did not Looking Other Not
Qualifications Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
Persons 5 and over . . . . . 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
At kindergarten now ...... ------
At school/college now (full-time) 4,766 4,365 - 6 31 25 226 103 10
At school/college now (part-time) 297 213 - 1 3 7 56 17 -
Used to go to school/college. . . 15,995 283 461 243 469 1,116 10,738 2,664 21
Never been to school...... 2,737 6 264 230 59 124 1,400 650 4
Not stated...... 3 - - - - - 1 2 -
Persons 5 and over . . . . . 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
Never attended...... 2,737 6 264 230 59 124 1,400 650 4
English speaking...... 14,497 3,233 320 189 312 777 7,837 1,803 26
French speaking ...... 6,101 1,526 98 46 181 354 2,969 922 5
English and french...... 267 94 5 2 5 15 127 19 -
Other ...... 171 7 38 13 3 1 72 37 -
Not stated...... 25 1 - - 2 1 16 5 -
Persons 5 and over . . . . . 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
Never attended...... 2,964 9 313 237 60 125 1,507 709 4
Kindergarten...... 140 12 9 8 3 5 75 28 -
Primary ...... 11,555 545 291 190 309 660 7,745 1,800 15
Junior Secondary...... 6,256 2,792 64 32 132 327 2,287 616 6
Senior Secondary...... 1,705 1,029 21 6 31 83 379 147 9
Vocational...... 402 187 5 2 8 25 127 48 -
Post-Secondary...... 502 155 11 5 14 30 230 56 1
Tertiary...... 274 138 11 - 5 17 71 32 -
Not Stated...... ------
Persons 5 years and over . . 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
None...... 2,967 9 313 237 61 125 1,508 710 4
1 to 4 years...... 1,953 45 135 98 40 80 1,192 359 4
5 or 6 years...... 5,184 192 118 61 142 292 3,569 801 9
7 or 8 years...... 5,234 636 55 39 151 324 3,282 742 5
9 or 10 years ...... 3,073 1,229 40 17 54 154 1,248 330 1
11 or 12 years...... 3,281 1,602 26 19 74 174 1,076 302 8
13 to 15 years...... 1,807 1,002 29 9 37 104 465 157 4
16 to 19 years...... 288 145 9 - 3 18 79 34 -
20 years or more...... 11 7 - - - 1 2 1 -
Not stated...... ------
Persons 5 years and over. . . 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
None...... 2,868 21 274 236 59 124 1,470 680 4
Been to school but no qualific. . 5,595 388 270 147 150 268 3,381 977 14
Primary leaving certificate . . . 9,707 2,117 87 65 241 525 5,502 1,165 5
Form 3 certificate...... 1,042 433 22 9 15 51 408 100 4
Year 10 certificate ...... 3,016 1,243 27 16 62 205 1,121 342 -
Senior Secondary...... 807 455 17 3 12 47 200 66 7
University...... 184 53 12 - 7 9 75 28 -
Post graduate certificate/diploma 22 5 1 - 1 - 9 6 -
Masters/PhD ...... 14 5 1 - - 1 4 3 -
Other Post Secondary...... 225 78 6 1 6 18 85 31 -
Vocational...... 318 69 8 3 9 24 166 38 1
Not Stated...... ------
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-5. School Enrollment and Educational Attainment by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[Females 5 years and over]
School Enrollment
Educational Attainment Did not Looking Other Not
Qualifications Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
Persons 5 and over . . . . . 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
At kindergarten now ...... ------
At school/college now (full-time) 2,203 2,008 - 4 8 7 133 41 2
At school/college now (part-time) 149 92 - 1 1 5 40 10 -
Used to go to school/college. . . 11,025 102 169 116 145 360 9,018 1,104 11
Never been to school...... 1,922 2 140 120 29 57 1,203 370 1
Not stated...... 1 - - - - - 1 - -
Persons 5 and over . . . . . 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
Never attended...... 1,922 2 140 120 29 57 1,203 370 1
English speaking...... 9,318 1,443 115 92 95 252 6,580 731 10
French speaking ...... 3,782 714 34 18 56 113 2,453 391 3
English and french...... 149 43 2 2 - 6 87 9 -
Other ...... 115 1 18 9 2 1 62 22 -
Not stated...... 14 1 - - 1 - 10 2 -
Persons 5 and over . . . . . 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
Never attended...... 2,072 3 163 124 29 57 1,293 402 1
Kindergarten...... 83 6 5 2 1 2 57 10 -
Primary ...... 8,185 229 103 92 97 219 6,660 776 9
Junior Secondary...... 3,491 1,281 26 16 34 104 1,783 245 2
Senior Secondary...... 852 482 6 3 10 28 270 51 2
Vocational...... 197 88 - 1 2 4 93 9 -
Post-Secondary...... 291 61 2 3 7 10 188 20 -
Tertiary...... 129 54 4 - 3 5 51 12 -
Not Stated...... ------
Persons 5 years and over . . 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
None...... 2,074 3 163 124 29 57 1,294 403 1
1 to 4 years...... 1,382 20 58 47 14 24 1,050 166 3
5 or 6 years...... 3,745 78 37 24 40 114 3,099 348 5
7 or 8 years...... 3,490 279 15 23 47 89 2,735 301 1
9 or 10 years ...... 1,763 543 17 8 17 48 1,005 124 1
11 or 12 years...... 1,759 737 7 9 24 61 810 109 2
13 to 15 years...... 938 483 8 6 11 31 340 58 1
16 to 19 years...... 142 56 4 - 1 5 60 16 -
20 years or more...... 7 5 - - - - 2 - -
Not stated...... ------
Persons 5 years and over. . . 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
None...... 2,000 5 142 124 29 57 1,257 385 1
Been to school but no qualific. . 3,826 166 111 71 41 84 2,918 427 8
Primary leaving certificate . . . 6,375 932 24 32 80 165 4,638 502 2
Form 3 certificate...... 591 207 6 3 4 20 320 29 2
Year 10 certificate ...... 1,697 599 11 7 16 70 866 128 -
Senior Secondary...... 390 209 5 1 3 16 135 20 1
University...... 105 22 7 - 3 3 59 11 -
Post graduate certificate/diploma 12 4 1 - - - 5 2 -
Masters/PhD ...... 6 2 - - - - 2 2 -
Other Post Secondary...... 107 37 - 1 1 4 57 7 -
Vocational...... 191 21 2 2 6 10 138 12 -
Not Stated...... ------
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-6. Economic Activity and Subsistence by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[Persons 15 years and over]
Economic Activity Did not Looking Other Not
Subsistence Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
Population 15+ years . 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
Worked in the last 7 days ------
Did not work last 7 days. ------
Worked for pay...... ------
Helped family ...... ------
Did subsistence ...... ------
Other work...... ------
Did not work...... 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
Not Stated...... ------
Females 15+ years. . . 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
Worked in the last 7 days ------
Did not work last 7 days. ------
Worked for pay...... ------
Helped family ...... ------
Did subsistence ...... ------
Other work...... ------
Did not work...... 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
Not Stated...... ------
Population 15+ years . 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
Worked for pay...... ------
Helped family ...... ------
Other work...... ------
Looking for work...... 1,272 - - - - 1,272 - - -
Subsistence ...... ------
Did not work...... 22,526 4,867 725 480 562 - 12,421 3,436 35
Not stated...... ------
Females 15+ years. . . 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
Worked for pay...... ------
Helped family ...... ------
Other work...... ------
Looking for work...... 429 - - - - 429 - - -
Subsistence ...... ------
Did not work...... 14,871 2,204 309 241 183 - 10,395 1,525 14
Not stated...... ------
Population 15+ not 23,798 4,867 725 480 562 1,272 12,421 3,436 35
Student ...... 4,867 4,867 ------
Retired ...... 725 - 725 ------
Disabled...... 480 - - 480 - - - - -
Did not want to work. . . . 562 - - - 562 - - - -
Looking for work...... 1,272 - - - - 1,272 - - -
Housework ...... 12,421 - - - - - 12,421 - -
Other reason...... 3,436 ------3,436 -
Not stated...... 35 ------35
Females 15+ not at work 15,300 2,204 309 241 183 429 10,395 1,525 14
Student ...... 2,204 2,204 ------
Retired ...... 309 - 309 ------
Disabled...... 241 - - 241 - - - - -
Did not want to work. . . . 183 - - - 183 - - - -
Looking for work...... 429 - - - - 429 - - -
Housework ...... 10,395 - - - - - 10,395 - -
Other reason...... 1,525 ------1,525 -
Not stated...... 14 ------14
Persons 15+ not working 91 - - 3 - - - 66 22
On holiday...... ------
Sick...... ------
Other reason...... 3 - - 3 - - - - -
Not stated...... 88 ------66 22
Females 15+ not working 33 - - 3 - - - 21 9
On holiday...... ------
Sick...... ------
Other reason...... 3 - - 3 - - - - -
Not stated...... 30 ------21 9
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Table 3-8. Fertility by Reason Not Working, Vanuatu: 1999
[Females 15 to 49 years and over]
Did not Looking Other Not
Fertility Total Student Retired Disabled want work for work Housework reasons stated
Women 15 to 19 years. . . 3,781 1,961 - 24 60 109 1,327 298 2
Children ever born ...... 321 27 - - 11 5 243 35 -
per 1000 females. . . 85 14 - - 183 46 183 117 -
Children surviving ...... 310 25 - - 10 5 237 33 -
Percent surviving . . . . . 96.6 92.6 - - 90.9 100.0 97.5 94.3 -
Children born last 12 months . 109 1 - - 3 4 89 12 -
per 1000 females. . . 29 1 - - 50 37 67 40 -
Women 20 to 24 years. . . 2,501 209 - 23 38 110 1,870 248 3
Children ever born ...... 2,491 16 - 23 29 59 2,136 215 13
per 1000 females. . . 996 77 - 1,000 763 536 1,142 867 4,333
Children surviving ...... 2,424 16 - 22 27 58 2,082 210 9
Percent surviving . . . . . 97.3 100.0 - 95.7 93.1 98.3 97.5 97.7 69.2
Children born last 12 months . 504 8 - 4 7 12 433 39 1
per 1000 females. . . 202 38 - 174 184 109 232 157 333
Women 25 to 29 years. . . 2,124 15 - 14 19 77 1,848 150 1
Children ever born ...... 4,526 9 - 8 32 121 4,096 258 2
per 1000 females. . . 2,131 600 - 571 1,684 1,571 2,216 1,720 2,000
Children surviving ...... 4,438 9 - 8 31 121 4,014 253 2
Percent surviving . . . . . 98.1 100.0 - 100.0 96.9 100.0 98.0 98.1 100.0
Children born last 12 months . 437 2 - 2 5 8 388 31 1
per 1000 females. . . 206 133 - 143 263 104 210 207 1,000
Women 30 to 34 years. . . 1,636 6 - 10 13 45 1,444 117 1
Children ever born ...... 5,251 13 - 8 28 109 4,752 339 2
per 1000 females. . . 3,210 2,167 - 800 2,154 2,422 3,291 2,897 2,000
Children surviving ...... 5,099 13 - 8 28 105 4,616 327 2
Percent surviving . . . . . 97.1 100.0 - 100.0 100.0 96.3 97.1 96.5 100.0
Children born last 12 months . 261 1 - - 2 5 237 16 -
per 1000 females. . . 160 167 - - 154 111 164 137 -
Women 35 to 39 years. . . 1,304 3 - 15 7 29 1,163 84 3
Children ever born ...... 5,127 8 - 30 13 94 4,723 255 4
per 1000 females. . . 3,932 2,667 - 2,000 1,857 3,241 4,061 3,036 1,333
Children surviving ...... 5,000 8 - 27 13 94 4,602 252 4
Percent surviving . . . . . 97.5 100.0 - 90.0 100.0 100.0 97.4 98.8 100.0
Children born last 12 months . 135 - - - 1 2 127 5 -
per 1000 females. . . 104 - - - 143 69 109 60 -
Women 40 to 44 years. . . 862 3 17 6 9 23 725 78 1
Children ever born ...... 3,773 1 70 5 51 96 3,235 309 6
per 1000 females. . . 4,377 333 4,118 833 5,667 4,174 4,462 3,962 6,000
Children surviving ...... 3,675 1 70 5 50 94 3,149 300 6
Percent surviving . . . . . 97.4 100.0 100.0 100.0 98.0 97.9 97.3 97.1 100.0
Children born last 12 months . 46 - - - - 1 41 4 -
per 1000 females. . . 53 - - - - 43 57 51 -
Women 45 to 49 years. . . 733 2 15 4 10 13 621 68 -
Children ever born ...... 3,415 - 67 19 47 65 2,865 352 -
per 1000 females. . . 4,659 - 4,467 4,750 4,700 5,000 4,614 5,176 -
Children surviving ...... 3,259 - 65 13 46 63 2,732 340 -
Percent surviving . . . . . 95.4 - 97.0 68.4 97.9 96.9 95.4 96.6 -
Children born last 12 months . 24 - 1 - - 1 20 2 -
per 1000 females. . . 33 - 67 - - 77 32 29 -
Total Fertility Rate. . . 3,935 1,695 335 1,585 3,970 2,750 4,355 3,405 6,665
Females 15 to 49. . . . . 12,941 2,199 32 96 156 406 8,998 1,043 11
Birth in last year ...... 1,711 12 1 6 18 36 1,514 122 2
Still alive...... 1,697 12 1 6 17 35 1,504 120 2
Birth in previous year . . . . 1,484 5 - 5 12 34 1,329 98 1
Still alive...... 1,459 5 - 5 12 33 1,308 95 1
Birth more than 2 yrs ago. . . 4,389 12 26 22 35 103 3,885 302 4
Still alive...... 4,320 12 25 22 34 101 3,832 291 3
Father alive ...... 16,221 4,618 59 167 415 974 7,945 2,020 23
Father died...... 7,577 249 666 313 147 298 4,476 1,416 12
Mother alive ...... 18,134 4,749 100 199 456 1,083 9,255 2,266 26
Mother died...... 5,664 118 625 281 106 189 3,166 1,170 9
Source: 1999 Republic of Vanuatu Population and Housing Census
Note: Total Fertility Rate is 5 times the sum of the Age Specific Rates for females aged 15 to 49.
Note: TFRs shown here are unadjusted and might not agree with adjusted rates published elsewhere.
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