A meeting of the Parish Council was held in the Village Hall, Sutton Courtenay on Tuesday 5th July, 2011
Present: Councillors: M. Jenkins, (Chairman), W.Hanks, (Vice-Chairman),
Mrs. R. Atkinson, D. Butler, C. Campbell, D. Hignell, Ms. T. Field, J. Warwick, C.Woodward
Clerk: Mrs. L. Martin
10 members of the public
Cllr. G. Duffield (District Councillor)
Cllr. S. Lilly (County Councillor)
2011/157 Apologies for Absence
Apologies for absence had been received from Cllr. Mrs. Knight (unwell).
2011/158 Declarations of Interest
Cllr. Hignell declared a personal interest in the planning application for 7 Long Barn in that he knew of the applicant by serving on the same committee. The Chairman stated that all members of the Council were in the same position.
Cllr. Hignell declared a personal interest in the planning application relating to 56 Harwell Road in that the applicant was known to him and the application had been discussed with him. He stated that whilst not obliged to do so, he would leave the room when the application was discussed.
Cllr. Ms. Field declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the application for works to a sycamore tree at 3 Drayton Road, in that she was the owner of this
Cllr. J. Warwick declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the planning application relating to 7 Long Barn in that he was the owner of this property.
The Chairman asked Cllrs. Ms. Field and Warwick whether they wished to make statements to Council in regard to their applications. Ms. Field declined, Cllr. Warwick stated he would. Council agreed to allow Cllr. Warwick to address Council before the agenda item rather than during the public participation section of the meeting.
2011/159 Minutes of the meeting held on 8th June, 2011
These were agreed and signed as a true record of the proceedings.
2011/160 Matters arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 8th June, 2011
Barretts Way – Dog Waste Bin and Harwell Road/Bradstocks Way – Litter Bin
Council noted that the District Council had further confirmed that the litter bin now installed at the junction of Barretts Way/Bradstocks Way would serve the dual purpose of dog waste and litter. The installation of the litter bin at the junction of Harwell Road/Bradstocks Way was in the programme and would be carried out in due course.
Catholic Church site – Hobbyhorse Lane
The Church of England had confirmed that the restrictive covenant not to use
the site for purposes other than a Catholic Church was still in place. The surveyors for the Catholic Church were ready to discuss the watercourse area. A meeting with Council representatives and the Church’s agents was being arranged.
All Saints Lane – Willow Trees rear of Church
Council noted that the contractor had been appointed to fell 2 willow trees and this would be carried out shortly.
Culham Bridge – Traffic Signals
The County Council has confirmed that the timing of the traffic signals was being checked.
Appleford Road - 15 Houses – street name
The Vale of White Horse District Council had confirmed that the name for the new access road would be Amey Close.
Oxfordshire County Council – Meeting to discuss s. 106 funding for new traffic calming measures
The Clerk confirmed that the County Council was clarifying the conditions attached to the funding and Council would be advised of a meeting date in due course.
Letters of thanks for grants awarded
Council noted that letters of thanks for grants awarded had been received from Sutton Courtenay village hall committee, South & Vale Carers Centre, Abingdon and District Citizens Advice Bureau, St. John Ambulance, Didcot Citizens Advice Bureau and Thames & Chiltern Air Ambulance, Abingdon Damascus Youth Project, Sutton Courtenay All Saints Singers.
2011/161 Public Participation
Catholic Church site – Hobbyhorse Lane
The Council was thanked for checking that the covenant which restricted use of the site was still in place. The member of the public read out the covenant and requested corporate action to protect the area from housing development. Concerns were raised at the speed at which the Church was demolished
The Clerk would make enquiries of the Church so that the matter could be discussed, if appropriate, at the next meeting.
Village Green Car Park
It was reported that branches from trees were overhanging the car park area.
Hobbyhorse Lane – condition
It was reported that the condition of the Eastern end of Hobbyhorse Lane had much improved following works to solve a water leak. Footpath finger pointer signs were, however, missing.
High Street – Traffic Calming humps
A resident confirmed that he had contacted local coach companies and businesses thought to be bringing heavy vehicles through the village. In general
they had agreed not to travel through the village unless necessary. Questions were asked as to what the Parish Council was doing to reduce the noise and the impact on properties when vehicles went over the humps, and whether money could be diverted from elsewhere to solve these difficulties. Cllr. Lilly, as County Councillor, commented that developer funding was ring fenced and that he was unaware of any successful claim for compensation. Questions were asked as to whether the Parish Council was going to listen to the residents and represent their views. The Chairman stated the matter could go on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting. Cllr. Lilly offered to speak to the Police again regarding unauthorised heavy vehicles going through the 7.5 tonne weight limit.
2011/162 District Councillor’s Report - Cllr. Duffield
Local Plan – Housing Targets
Cllr. Duffield reported that in the past central government has set housing targets. The Vale of White Horse District Council was considering its own targets for the area. The developers for the Amey site had been asked whether they wished the application to be considered under old or new regulations. It was suggested that the item be on the agenda for the next meeting. Comments were made that there would be over 3000 houses at Harwell/ Hagbourne/Didcot, and that the broader aspect had not been considered such as the needs for emergency services. It was noted, however, that these houses had been allocated in the existing Local Plan.
2011/163 County Councillor’s Report – Cllr. S. Lilly
Didcot expansion
Cllr. Lilly confirmed that 3,300 houses did have planning consent, and the developers have £100million to contribute to fire, hospitals, schools etc. Whilst the development was called Didcot expansion, over 600 of the houses would be in Harwell parish.
Power Station
Cllr. Lilly reported that the power station had caught fire. Fire services from several counties had been involved and a major disaster averted.
County Council - Winter programme – bins for salt
The County Council was developing a programme to have road salt available in each parish that wanted it.
Other county issues raised
Cllr. Lilly confirmed that the library consultation was on going, the probation service had received an additional grant, RAF Brize Norton would be the reception centre for the war dead, trading standards had brought successful prosecutions on money lenders, and from 24th July, 2011 it would be possible to get on more than one bus service e.g. Stagecoach, Oxford Bus Company, Thames Travel, with one ticket.
2011/164 Sutton Courtenay Landfill Site
Council received a report from Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson who attended a meeting of the Local Liaison Committee on 13th June, 2011. The planning application for the MBT plant was due to go to Planning and Regulation Committee in
September. A site was being considered for the proposed anaerobic digester closer to the centre of the whole site. The area known as 90acre had been planted with maize to assess its suitable for growing material for the digester. A breach of condition notice had been served on WRG following its failure to produce a drainage plan in accordance with a planning condition under application 616/59-CM. The byway open to all traffic (No. 9) was very wet and muddy, probably owing to a water leak. This had been reported to Thames Water. A new system of spray mist odour control was in its trial phase at the composting facility. Cllr. Mrs. Atkinson recommended that an article be placed in Sutton Courtenay News advising that any complaints regarding odour issues from the site be reported to the Environment Agency. The County Council was continuing to monitor conditions on previous applications. The reports regularly written would be sent to the Parish Council. The constitution for the local Liaison Committee had been amended as agreed at the last Parish Council meeting.
Council received a report from its working party which had met to consider the amendments to the MBT planning application. The working party recommended that the Parish Council reiterate the points raised in its letter on the previous application. Errors and omissions were still evident, and it was expected that further public consultation would take place. The information submitted failed to alleviate the Council’s concerns and objections.
Council considered application MW.0129/10 an MBT facility with an operating capacity of 220,000 tonnes of waste per annum plus ancillary development
for Waste Recycling Group at Sutton Courtenay Landfill site.
(i) that the recommendation of the working party be accepted
(ii) that delegated powers be given to the clerk in consultation with the working party to draft and submit the Council’s response to Oxfordshire County Council on the current consultation on the amendments to the MBT planning application
(iii) that delegated powers be given to the clerk in consultation with the working party to decide on and take any necessary action required on matters relating to the landfill site before the next meeting of the Council. This to include the instruction of consultants if necessary.
2011/165 Matters raised by Councillor for information
Traffic Calming
Questions were asked as to the ring fencing of s.106 funding for traffic calming and whether this could be used for improvements to the existing humps. It was suggested that the Chairman write to the gentleman who had raised queries
regarding traffic calming humps during the public participation section, explaining the position and local council procedure.
Oxfordshire County Council – Work to trees
It had been noticed that works to trees were being undertaken on the County highway. A large tree near to 39 High Street and other on Cross Trees triangle required work. The clerk would check whether these were in the programme.
Waste Collection Service
It was reported that the wheelie bins, after being emptied, were not always put back on the pavement, and one had been seen in the road at 8.30 a.m. during rush hour traffic which was causing a problem for cyclists and vehicles. Cllr. Duffield would take this up with the District Council and contractor.
Old Wallingford Way – dumping
It was reported that cement had been dumped in Old Wallingford Way and metal spikes were sticking up from the floor.
High Street – Egg Packing Station (now private dwelling)
It was reported that a window at the side of this property opened over the public footway and was at head height. Concerns were raised about the safety of the footway users. The Chairman would contact the property owner.
It was reported that the grass in the Cemetery needed cutting, and the bench seats required cleaning. The Clerk would speak to contractors.
2011/166 Police Matters
There were no Police matters arising.
2011/167 Planning Applications
a) Decisions on previous applications
SUT/21399/1-LB Repair of existing 17th century windows, addition of secondary glazing, replacement of windows and doors in additional extensions to match period property
13 High Street
Permitted 27th June, 2011
SUT/10688/1 Erection of a single storey side extension to form kitchen and family room
The Pavilion, Churchmere Road
Permitted 8th June, 2011
SUT/900/3 Removal of existing chain linked fence along boundary and replacement new palladin type fence.
Pipaway Engineering Ltd, Milton Road, Drayton.
Permitted 14th June, 2011
SUT/19470/11 proposed development of 15 dwellings with car parking and landscape works.
Amey Roadstone Ltd, Appleford Road
Permitted 2nd June, 2011
SUT/570/30-LB Demolition of existing dilapidated wooden storage and chicken sheds
The Manor House, Church Street
Permitted 14th June, 2011
SUT/570/29 Demolition of existing dilapidated wooden storage and chicken sheds. Erection of new garage with storage
The Manor House, Church Street
Refused 14th June, 2011
b) Applications dealt with prior to the meeting
SUT/4145/1 proposed ground floor extension and first floor extension including raising the roof with bedrooms
20 Appleford Road
For: Mr. T. Joslyn
Comments: Council had no objections
Cllr. Campbell and Jenkins had declared a personal and prejudicial interests in the following item and took no part in the formation of the Council’s comments to the Vale of White Horse District Council
SUT/1139/6 and SUT. 1139/7-CA Proposed demolition of 8 garages and 1 shed
14a The Green
For: Mr. N. Clarke
Comments: Council requested a hip gable on the roadside, the car port to remain for vehicles and not converted for other purposes, the hedge to remain along Churchmere Road and appropriate planting included. Concerns were raised regarding past sewage problems and the need to protect the roadway during construction.
Cllr. Hanks had declared a personal and prejudicial interest in the following item and took no part in the formation of the Council’s comments to the Vale of White Horse District Council
SUT/18475/3 New dwelling
Land rear of 146 High Street
For: Mr. E. Harris
Comments: Council had no objection but repeated earlier comments as to overall density at that location.
c) Applications considered at the meeting
Cllr. Ms. Field left the room
Reduce sycamore tree by 20%
Goslings, 3 Drayton Road
For: A. Craddock on behalf of Westwood Tree Surgeons
Comments: Council had no objections
Cllr. Ms. Field rejoined the meeting
Cllr. J. Warwick made a statement about the following application and then left the room
SUT/14050/2 Demolition of conservatory, removal of chimney, construction of new two storey side extension and new windows, doors and porch
7 Long Barn