Renaissance (1350-1600)- French word for “rebirth”

Rediscovered ancient heritage of Greeks and Romans Emphasize Worth & creative potential of humans Forced people to view the world differently Created optimism, Confidence, & Creativity

Renaissance Ideals: Educated, Artistically Creative, Witty, Military Skills, Charming, Athletic, Trained in the Humanities, Public-Minded

Writers & artist bring to life the ideals of the Renaissance

Lorenzo de Medici= scholar, skilled architect, talented poet

Collected huge library of classical manuscripts

Expanded university @ Florence

Hired painters, architects, & sculptors to create works of art

Why did Ancient Greece & Rome interest many Renaissance scholars?

Believed Greeks & Romans excelled in the Humanities

Believed that classical ideas were good models to follow

Most Renaissance artists working in several areas: paining, sculpting, architecture, poetry, & music!!

3 Geniuses of the Renaissance Art

Raphael-Combined religious art with Renaissance spirit

Madonnas (pictures of Mary; mother of Jesus)…shown as loving human woman (relates to all moms)

–Has a hint of medieval presence-angelic, heavenly

Designs of his artwork-show perspective creating sense of space & balance

Michaelangelo-Skilled painter, poet & architect

Sculptor above all others…”1st of the arts”

Pupil of Donatello (awesome sculptors)

23 yrs, old- Pieta

1508-Sistine Chapel=ceiling decorated w/frescos (H20 + color painting on fresh plaster)

4 yrs. To finish- made him greatest artist in Rome

Leonardo da Vinci-(1452-1519) Regarded as the “Renaissance Man” (ahead of his time)

Great painter-Mona Lisa...Last Supper

Dissected corpses-drew the structure of muscles & bones

Engineer, scientist, & inventor-recorded designs for inventions

(flying machines, submarines, parachutes, & machine guns)

Artists of the Northern Renaissance: Different Themes & Styles

Italian themes = classical Northern painters =emphasized precise, realistic detail (use of light & shadow)

=religious themes & symbols

=life in towns & countryside

Netherlands= center of Northern Renaissance (Flanders)

Dutch artists:

Van Eyck- from Flanders…1st master of oil painting

Pieter Brueghel the Elder (1525-1569)- detail & sly humor… farm workers, townspeople @work & play

Dutch Art @ its height in 1600s

Rembrandt- remarkable use of light & shadow

German artists:

Albrecht Durer- paining, woodcuts & engravings

Focused on nature & portraits

Court Painter to Holy Roman Emperor (1512-1528)

Hans Holbein the Younger (1497-1543)-most famous painter of his time

Showed subjects’ personalities & details of their clothing & the objects around them

2 most famous portraits-Erasmus & Sir Thomas More (personal friends)

Became Court Painter for King Henry VIII in 1536… to escape the religious wars in Europe

Renaissance Humanists…a.k.a Writers!!!

Scholars of Middle Ages used ideas of ancient writers to support the teachings of the church…earthly existence was a means of preparation for an afterlife! Now there’s rivalry among Pop, Holy Roman Emperor, Kings of France, & Spain…affects politics!!! Especially kingdoms in Italy. Things are about to change!

Petrarch- studied Roman Literature & Philosophy

Rediscovered Roman authors forgotten during Middle Ages

Collected ancient manuscripts…loved to wrote (both Latin & Italian)…adopts Roman ideas & love poems

Dies in his library=face down in a book

Johann Gutenburg-Printing Press revolutionizes 1440s

Erasmus- From Holland-most respected & influential Humanist of N. Renaissance

1509-“In Praise of Folly”

Ridiculed narrow mindedness of scholars & thinkers; lawyers, professors, church officials-

Stating clergy was greedy & corrupt= reform needed!! Return to simple faith of early Christianity

1000s read his books

Sir Thomas More- English teacher

Born 1477 Devout Catholic; student of the church doctrine & humanities

Wrote “Utopia” in 1516…An idea peaceful society… promoting religious toleration & social equality

Criticized politics, society, & religion of the times

Michel de Montaigne- “Essay”

Describes personal views-shows people were rational-choose own way!!

Miguel de Cervantes (1547-1616) Greatest Spanish writer of Renaissance

“Don Quixote” mocked medieval codes of chivalry…old guy loses touch w/reality

(sheep=army, windmills =giants)

Rabelais (Francois) Born in France in 1494

Encouraged Renaissance idea of living a full, busy life (monk, scholar, physician)

Wrote 5 volume work; “Gargantua & Pantagruel”=made fun of non-humanists, combined humor, imagination &

adventure w/scholarship

Shakespeare- (1564-1616) Actor, poet, playwright from England

Admiration for humanity

Wrote plays & poems-Universal human qualities in his characters-other times/places (Ancient world)

Julius Caesar, Antony & Cleopatra, Hamlet

Characters were complex, believable people

Niccolo Machiavelli-Born in Florence in 1469…Died in 1527

Concentrated on Politics…very corrupt time (Milan,Florence, Venice, Naples, the church all attacking each other)

Worked for Florentine Republic (age of 29)…served for 18 years

Wrote political essay “The Prince” written in 1513, published in 1532…5 years after his death

Cynical attitude based on experience…church preferred disunion to union

Genuine patriot… wanted Italy to unite as a nation

Leader should do whatever is necessary to gain & keep power (lie, break treaties, murder)

Renaissance features;

Individualism- Ancient Greeks & Romans were used as themes & ideas

Stories from Greek Mythology, scenes from Roman history, incidents from the Bible & Church

Emphasized uniqueness of each human face and figure

Showed each individual’s character & personality in a lifelike way (in portraits)

Balance & Proportion- Artists tried to show people & objects in their proper sizes in the portraits (Realism)

Use of Perspective- (Realism) The impression of depth & distance on the flat surface of a painting

New Materials- Tempera-paint that fried very quickly

Oil painting-allowed artists to work more slowly, create new colors & obtain more lifelike effect