8th Grade Term Writing

Meets Expectations
5 points / Needs Improvement
3 points / Inadequate
1 point
Grammar & Structure / Correct grammar is used throughout the entire paper. There are little to no spelling errors, comma misuse, or run-on’s. The paper reflects the grammar level an 8th grade student should have. Paragraph structure is used throughout the paper. / Correct grammar is used throughout most of the paper. There are some common errors (commas, run-on’s, capitalization, etc.). Paragraph structure is not used throughout the entire paper. / This paper shows many grammar errors throughout the entire paper. The grammar used at times makes the paper hard to follow. No paragraph structure was used.
Introduction / The introduction contains a strong attention grabber and introduces the topic well. There is a clearly written thesis statement and the focus of the paper is clearly shown. The introduction transitions into the body paragraphs well. / The introduction contains an attention grabber and introduces the topic. The thesis statement is unclear, as well as the focus. The introduction does not transition into the body paragraphs. / The introduction does not contain any elements of a strong introduction. There is no thesis statement and it is very unclear what the paper is about.
Body Paragraphs / The body paragraphs within the paper answer ALL questions in the prompt. There are many great examples given within the paper to support the writer's main ideas. Each paragraph transitions well into the next. / The body paragraphs answer all of the questions in the prompt. There are some examples given, but lacked enough to support the author's ideas. Transitions are present, but do not flow well into the paragraphs. / Not all of the questions are answered within the body paragraphs. There are no transitions or little examples given.
Conclusion / The conclusion nicely wraps up the author's ideas and paper. The paragraph begins in a creative way (does not state, “In conclusion…”). The thesis statement is restated and clear. / The conclusion leaves the reader feeling like something is missing. The paragraph begins in a generic way (“In Conclusion…”). The thesis statement is not restated. / There is no conclusion paragraph.
Format/Length / The author followed all of the formatting guidelines (12 pt font, Times New Roman, 14-16 pt. title, double spaced). The length of the paper is at least 2 pages long. / The author followed 3 out of the 4 formatting guidelines. The length of the paper is 1 ½ pages long. / The author followed less than 3 of the formatting guidelines. The length of the paper is less than 1 ½ pages long.

Total: /25