Building Your Own Home Computer

Intermediate Standard 2 Assignment 2

What you should learn:

How to account for all system components

Basic pricing of common components

How you will learn it:

Research: Use your favorite search engine on the internet to find information.

Instruction: Your teacher or another student will instruct with mini-lessons periodically.

Peer Instruction: You will teach others about the standard.

How you will show your mastery of the standard:

To demonstrate your mastery:

1) – Complete the assignment below. Pay attention to the instructions

2) – Prepare to be tested by practicing each of the concepts where applicable.

3) – Teach a formal mini-lesson with at least two other students in attendance

4) – Submit your table with your tracking sheet when the entire standard is complete.

5) - Be prepared for an oral or hands-on quiz at the time of submission.


Research and design a home computer with following computer hardware components. Try to build one for a lower price than you can buy from a seller of computers (Dell, Micron, Gateway, etc.). Look at the “System Requirements” table below to make sure you meet the min. requirements. Be careful in your description to state why you chose each component. When finished, don’t forget to total your price.

Revised: 01/20/2010


INT 2 Assignment 3 Part One

Component / Detailed Description (and describe which features caused you to select each given part.) / Manufacturer / Price / Research Website
1.  CPU
2.  Motherboard
3.  Ram
4.  Hard drive
5.  Video card
6.  Power Supply
7.  Mouse
8.  Scanner
9.  Monitor
10.  Printer
11.  Case
12.  DVD burner
13.  MS Office
14.  Accessories
Total Price / Put total here. $

Minimum System Requirements


/ Minimum Requirements / Features


/ Intel or AMD over 2.8ghz total processing sped / Min 1MB cache
Ram / 1 GB / DDR2
Hard drive / 160 GB / SATA, 8MB cache, 7200rpm
Video card / 256 meg. / PCI Express (PCIe)
Mouse / Your choice
Scanner / Flatbed / 1200 dpi.
Monitor / 19” or greater / 1280x768
Printer + Cable / Ink Jet or Bubble Jet / Color, Min 12 pages per min., 1200dpi
Case / ATX / Your choice
Power supply / ATX / 300 watt
DVD burner / DVD+R speed 22x / SATA
MS Office / Yes / New
Accessories / Surge Protector, CPU Cooling Fan, Sound Card, Windows OS., etc. / Look for the most “bang for the buck”


INT 2 Assignment 3 Part Two


You recently graduated from high school and you are now heading to college. You realize that you need to buy a laptop for college. For this assignment using this scenario pick out a laptop that suits your needs. Make sure you give concise but reasonably explanations to support your choice for each part in the laptop. After completing the tables add a short paragraph summarizing the key reasons for your choice.

Component / Features of component / Justification for component
1.  CPU
2.  Motherboard
3.  Ram
4.  Hard drive
5.  Video card
6.  Optical Drive
7.  Screen Size
9.  Battery
10.  MS Office
11.  Accessories
Total price: