(For NHDP Phase-IV Projects)

National Highways Authority of India

PIU – Muzaffarpur

Brief Report of Project: BOT (Annuity Project) (Two Laning of Muzaffarpur-Barauni Section Project)

01.  / Name of the Project / Up Gradation of Two Laning of Muzaffarpur–Barauni Section of NH-28 From Km 519+600 to 627+000 in state of Bihar Under NHDP Phase IV-B Through PPP On (DBFOT) Toll Basis.
02.  / Name of the Concessionaire / M/s. KNR Muzaffarpur- Barauni Tollway Pvt. Ltd.
03.  / Name of the Supervision Consultant/IC / M/s Frishman Prabhu India Pvt. Ltd.
04.  / Contract Price/TPC / Rs 354.00 Cr.
04A / VGF/Concession period/EIRR / NA
05.  / Date of commencement/Appointed date/Financial close date / Agreement signed on 10.01.2012. Appointed date 08.07.2012
06.  / Stipulated date of completion / 07.07.2014
07.  / Likely date of completion / 07.07.2014
08.  / Extension of time granted upto / A/F
09.  / Progress (upto May’2014) / DBM - 70%, BC – 31%
10.  / Brief details of the stretch
(a) / Length of section / 107.560km – From Km 519.600 to Km 627.00 of NH-28 (Muzaffarpur to Barauni)
(b) / Major Bridges / 2 Nos.
(a) Km 547+780 – Span – 3 x 21.5m
(b) Km 592+845 – Span – 1 x 5 + 3 x 21.5 + 1 x 5m
I / Minor Bridges / 15 Nos.
(i) Km 529+630 – Span – 3 x 7.5m
(ii) Km 530+745 – Span – 2 x 6.4m
(iii)Km 537+750 - Span – 4 x 4m
(iv) Km 546+640 - Span – 3 x 3.8 m
(v) Km 553+230 - Span – 2 x 3.8m
(vi) Km 553+745 - Span – 2 x 3.7m
(vii) Km 554+975 - Span – 3 x 3.7m
(viii) Km 558+725 - Span – 2 x 3.7m
(ix) Km 566+230 - Span – 2 x 15m
(x) Km 568+095 - Span – 2 x 3.7m
(xi) Km 574+670 - Span – 2 x 3.5m
(xii) Km 581+410 - Span – 2 x 7m
(xiii) Km 597+960 - Span – 2 x 9.5m
(xiv) Km 615+110 - Span – 2 x 3.5m
(xv) Km 626+600 - Span – 1 x 10.4 + 1 x 13.8 + 1 x 10.4m
(d) / Rigid pavement / 800 m (Two Toll Plaza only)
(e) / Flexible pavement / 106.760 km
(f) / Bypass and /or realignments / Nil
(g) / ROB / 05 nos. of ROB
(i) Km 520+330 – Span – 1 x 10.2 + 1 x 14.5 + 1 x 10.2m
(ii) Km 525+920 – Span – 1 x 10.3 + 1 x 14.3 + 1 x 10.3m (iii)Km 601+600 - Span – 1 x 10.2 + 1 x 13 + 1 x 10.2m
(iv) Km 615+950 - Span – 1 x 11.8 + 1 x 12.8 + 1 x 10.5m
(v) Km 626+500 - Span – 1 x 10.5 + 1 x 11.2 + 1 x 10.5m
02 Grade Separator
(i) Km 520+220 – Span – 1 x 10.6 + 1 x 11.2 + 1 x 10.6m
(ii) Km 525+920 – Span – 1 x 14m
(i) / Culverts / 88 Nos.
HP culverts – 41nos
Slab culverts-47nos
(j) / Service roads / Nil

Monthly Progress of the Project since the 1.7.2012.:

Sl.no. / Month / Progress in percentage / 2-lane completed, cumulative (km)
Target(In %) / Achievement(In %) / Cumulative progress
1. / July’2012 / - / - / -
2. / Aug’2012 / - / - / -
3. / Sept’2012 / 0.34 / 0 / 0 / -
4. / Oct’2012 / 0.59 / 0.59 / 0.59 / -
5. / Nov’2012 / 1.69 / 1.73 / 2.32 / -
6. / Dec’2012 / 3.41 / 4.29 / 6.61 / -
7. / Jan’2013 / 3.98 / 2.95 / 9.56 / -
8. / Feb’2013 / 5.12 / 6.61 / 16.17 / -
9. / March’13 / 8.45 / 10.50 / 26.68 / -
10 / April’13 / 8.28 / 5.84 / 32.51 / -
11 / May’13 / 5.28 / 5.26 / 37.77 / -
12 / June’13 / 1.95 / 1.44 / 39.21 / -
13 / July’13 / 0.17 / 1.51 / 40.73 / -
14 / August’13 / 1.42 / 0.60 / 41.33
15 / Septemeber’13 / 2.51 / 0.85 / 42.18
16 / Oct’2013 / 6.30 / 1.30 / 43.49
17 / Nov’2013 / 6.79 / 2.84 / 46.33
18 / Dec’2013 / 6.08 / 0.99 / 47.32
19 / Jan’2014 / 5.98 / 0.66 / 47.98
20 / Feb’2014 / 5.62 / 1.06 / 49.04
21 / March’14 / 3.78 / 5.36 / 54.40
22 / April’14 / 3.30 / 9.21 / 63.61
23 / May’14 / 3.40 / 5.55 / 69.16 / DBM - 75km.
BC – 30 Km

Status of pre-construction activities and steps taken so far:-

(Provide all the information in full details)

(A)  Details of Land acquisition: Land available except for toll plaza location for which. proposal is with CALA Muzaffarur/Begusarai

(B)  Details of environmental clearance: Not required

(C ) Detail of Forest clearance: Not required

(D) Details of Utility shifting: Estimate awaited from BSEB

(E) Any other: + qa3z

Issue affecting the progress:-

Following issues are affecting the progress of project. The section affected due to LA, Utility shifting, Tree cutting and relocation of religious structures etc. with details as under:- As on date there are no issues affecting the progress of project.

(a) Total Length : 107.56 Km

(b) Length available free from Encumbrances : 95km

(c) Length affected due to:
(i) Land Acquisition : Nil

(ii) Utility shifting : 5

(iii) Tree cutting : 07.56

(iv) Relocation of religious structures and others : Nil

Total: 12.56km

Steps taken so far for above : (i) CALAs being pursued for early submission of 3A (ii) Estimate for tree cutting being obtained from DFO Muzaffarpur /Begusarai / Chhapra (ii) Estimate for Shifting of electric poles being pursued from GM, BSEB Muzaffarur/Darbhanga

Steps proposed to be taken for above :-

Performance of Contractor :- Good
