Ch 36 Insights- Cold War
ID- The Communist Menace (864)
Summary 1- What does the map infer about the goals of Communism?
Summary 2- What do the orange and pink areas of the map represent?
OI- The United States and the Soviet Union
1) What was Stalin’s ultimate goal after WWII?
2) What was FDR’s goal for a post-war world?
3) What was the “grand Alliance” and what held it together?
ID- Postwar Partition of Germany (P 867)
Summary 3- What happened to Germany’s land in the east? (Lined areas)
Summary 4- What happened to Germany in 1949?
Summary 5- Where is Berlin, the Capital, located?
OI- The Problem of Germany
4) What happened at Nuremberg?
5) What are “Satellite Sates”?
6) How did the US save Berlin when choked off by rail?
ID- United States Foreign Aid (P 870)
Summary 6- What was the name of the plan that provided aid for Europe?
Summary 7- Why do you think so much money sent to Europe?
OI- The Cold War Congeals
7) Define “Containment”? Who was the author?
8) What countries were helped by the Truman Doctrine? How much was provided?
9) What was the Marshall Plan? What convinced congress to support the plan?
10) What did the US recognize May 14, 1948? Why did the US offer support?
ID- Reaching across the Atlantic in Peacetime (872)
Summary 8- What alliance did the US join in 1948?
OI- America Begins to Rearm
11) What is the National Security Council?
12) What is NATO?
13) How was NATO a departure for the US?
ID-The Hydrogen Bomb (873)
Summary 9- What is the destructive byproduct of the Hydrogen bomb can effect areas thousands of miles away?
OI- Reconstruction and Revolutions in Asia
14) Who was the leader of the Chinese Communists?
15) What was the Republican platform on China becoming Communist?
16) What was the Democratic reply?
17) What occurred in Sept. 1949?
18) What was the American reply?
ID- Richard Nixon, Red Hunter (875)
Summary 10- The micro film that Nixon is examining was used to convict what person?
OI- Ferreting Out Alleged Communists
19) What was HUAC? ID a member? Who did they bust?
20) What groups of people were accused of being perceived Communists?
21) Who were the Rosenberg’s?
ID- The Shifting Front in Korea (878)
Summary 11- Explain the changes in the maps/ direction of the war
OI- The Korean Volcano Erupts, The Military Seesaw in Korea
22) What was NSC-68?
23) What organization supported the invasion of Korea?
24) What change in the Korean War caused the US not to be able to come home by Christmas?
24) Why was General MacArthur removed/fired?