TEL: 0161 789 0203

FAX: 0161 288 7171


This form is to be used for all Supported Housing Service applications.


This information will be treated with strictest confidence and used only by project staff for internal purposes. The only exception to this would be if in the opinion of the Project Co-ordinator / Manager, the interest of public protection took priority over confidentiality.

Eligibility Criteria.

·  Will be aged 18 years and over

·  Will be in need of supported accommodation

·  May be at risk of offending, or is an ex-offender

·  Will not be a registered sex offender

·  Will not have a conviction history of Sexual offences

·  Will have no significant current drug or alcohol abuse problem, which is not receiving treatment (Lancaster House, Waterside House, Supported Tenancies).

·  Willing to engage in harm reduction work associated with alcohol abuse (Royal Court)

·  Will not have a serious mental health problem

·  Will not have any difficulties with self-care

·  Will not appear through that individuals personal history represents a violent threat to hostel residents, or staff

·  Will not normally have committed, or be convicted of arson

·  Will demonstrate a commitment towards solving personal and practical problems alongside staff

·  Will be able to live and wish to live communally where required

·  Will begin to demonstrate a potential for independent living within 12 months (short stay supported housing provision)

Client Details:

Surname / Forenames
Date Of Birth / Sex / Male / Female
National Insurance Number

Marital Status:

Married Separated Divorced

Single Widowed


African Arab Asian

Caribbean European Chinese / South East Asian

European Mixed Race Irish (Republic & North)

UK Black UK White Unknown


Current Address / Contact Place:

Telephone Number: ……………………………………

Person to be contacted in case of emergency:

a) Name:

b) Relationship:

c) Contact Address:

d) Contact Telephone Number:

Where was client brought up?

Place of last stable residence: Town/County:


Main reason for seeing the client:

Housing Issues Money Problems Desire To Talk

Drinking Issues Substance Dependency Violence

Odd/Eccentric Behaviour Self Neglect Suicidal Ideas

Depression Hallucinations/Delusions Mental Health Issues

ID Requirements Legal Difficulties Other

Describe Presenting Issues:

Criminal History:

List any convictions & court disposals for each.

Do they have any outstanding Court Appearances (please give dates / details)

Please give as much detail as possible regarding criminal convictions (an attached list would be useful).

Please highlight any convictions likely to be significant to project staff and residents.

E.G. Schedule 1, violence, arson etc.

Area of Risk:

Do you think the applicant could be considered as presenting risk to any of the following:

Themselves: Yes No To Others: Yes No

To Staff: Yes No From Others: Yes No

Please give details:


What do you and the client think will be achieved by living in this supported housing project?

What support would you like the project staff to provide?

What contribution will you be able to make to work with your client during their stay?

Referring Agency:

Name & Address of Agency:

Type of Agency:

Telephone No: Contact Name:

Is client a refugee? Yes No

Is client a European National? Yes No

How long have you known the client? Weeks / Months / Years

Is the clients attendance record Good / Fair / Poor

Has the client had a homeless assessment? Please give details & contact numbers:

Asylum Seeker / Refugee Status:

Is the client an asylum seeker? Yes No

Has the client had a Habitual Residency Test Yes No

(HRT is a benefits assessment. For entitlement(s) an individual must have lived within the UK for 5 years or more).

What was the outcome of the HRT?:

When is the next HRT Due: Date:


Is client on benefits? Yes No

Type of benefits?

Income Support: Amount £ Weekly Fortnightly Monthly

DLA: Amount £ Weekly Fortnightly Monthly

Component: Care: High Medium Low

Incap / Sickness: Amount £…………Weekly Fortnightly Monthly

Other: Amount £…………Weekly Fortnightly Monthly

Other: Amount £…………Weekly Fortnightly Monthly

Payment Method: Giro Book Bank Card

Does the client have ID? Yes No

List forms of ID:

Current Financial Situation:

‘Official’ sources of income (tick all that apply). Weekly Basis

1. Total Amounts of Benefits
2. Employment / Casual Work
3. Borrowing from friends
4. Gets money from family
5. Other / £

‘Unofficial’ sources of income (tick all that apply)

1. Begging
2. Crime / Criminal Activity
3. Sex Industry
4. Other / £

Which Benefits Agency is client currently signed on at?

Name & Address:

Contact Tel No:

Debts: Amount: £ Who to Weekly Repayment £

Debts: Amount: £ Who to Weekly Repayment £

Debts: Amount: £ Who to Weekly Repayment £

Debts: Amount: £ Who to Weekly Repayment £

Debts: Amount: £ Who to Weekly Repayment £

Total Debt: £

Ability to Manage Finances: Excellent Good Average Poor

Understanding of Financial Position: Excellent Good Average Poor

Has the client a Bank / PO Account: Yes No


Other Agencies Involved:

For each agency involved with the client please record the following:

a) Name of contact person

b) Organisation / Type of Service

c) Address

d) Telephone No

e) Currently Involved Yes No

f) Length of time involved Last Contact days / weeks / months

a) Name of contact person

b) Organisation / Type of Service

c) Address

d) Telephone No

e) Currently Involved Yes No

f) Length of time involved Last Contact days / weeks / months

a) Name of contact person

b) Organisation / Type of Service

c) Address

d) Telephone No

e) Currently Involved Yes No

f) Length of time involved Last Contact days / weeks / months

a) Name of contact person

b) Organisation / Type of Service

c) Address

d) Telephone No

e) Currently Involved Yes No

f) Length of time involved Last Contact days / weeks / months

a) Name of contact person

b) Organisation / Type of Service

c) Address

d) Telephone No

e) Currently Involved Yes No

f) Length of time involved Last Contact days / weeks / months

a) Name of contact person

b) Organisation / Type of Service

c) Address

d) Telephone No

e) Currently Involved Yes No

f) Length of time involved Last Contact days / weeks / months

a) Name of contact person

b) Organisation / Type of Service

c) Address

d) Telephone No

e) Currently Involved Yes No

f) Length of time involved Last Contact days / weeks / months

a) Name of contact person

b) Organisation / Type of Service

c) Address

d) Telephone No

e) Currently Involved Yes No

f) Length of time involved Last Contact days / weeks / months


·  Sign this application form only if you fully understand that if you became a resident of this project, you are agreeing to work and engage fully, with a named Keyworker and other Project staff including attending keyworker meetings, review meeting and further agree to complete all other agreed elements of a support plan.

·  If you are applying for supported accommodation at either Lancaster House, Royal Court, Supported Tenancies, Waterside House, sign this application form only if you are aware that each project will only offer short term / temporary accommodation to you and that your support plan is designed to enable and assist you to gain alternative accommodation within 18 months. In exceptional circumstances this period may be reviewed.

·  If you are applying for supported accommodation at the Cromwell Road project, sign this application form only if you are aware that the project offers long stay accommodation to you and that your support plan is designed to enable and assist you to live semi independently.

I agree to you processing the personal and sensitive information I have given.

Signed (by the applicant) Date

Thanks for answering all the questions. Your replies will help us to decide whether we should offer you a place. If we offer you and accept your accommodation with us, it will also help us to plan the best way to work together. The information, which you have provided will be treated with the strictest confidence and used only by Project staff for internal purposes. The only exception to this would be if in the opinion of the Project Manager the interest of public protection took priority over confidentiality.

Data Protection Statement

By submitting this Application Form to Positive Lifestyles you agree to our processing of your personal information, including sensitive information such as medical condition and ethnic origin, in order to assess your housing needs.

We will use your information to supply and manage any services and support we provide for you and to improve and develop those services and for management of the Project and protection of residents and Project staff. Your data may also be used for other purposes, as covered in our Notification to the Information Commissioner, in compliance with Data Protection Act 1998.

We may need to pass on your information to people who provide a service to us, or to you, although we only do this on the understanding that they keep your information confidential. We may also disclose your information of we have a duty to do so, or if the law allows us to. These actions are covered by our Confidentiality Procedure.

We will not keep your information for longer than is necessary and will take steps to ensure that it is kept up to date. You have aright under the Data Protection Act 1998 to see the information we hold about you, subject to certain exemptions.