1. Meeting Commenced: 6.15pm

The Chairman (Mr. David Hart) declared the meeting open at 6.15pm with the attendance as recorded on the Member Sign in Register, being 148.

The Chairman welcomed all Members especially our Patrons present, Mr. Bob Graham, Mr. Ray Parsons and Mr. Pat McCudden.

The Chairman welcomed Members who are also representatives of The Entrance Rugby League Football Club, The Golden Hind Women’s Bowling Club, Men’s Social Bowls Club, TELC Netball Club, TELC Darts Club, TELC Golf Club along with Sponsored Clubs, being The Entrance Junior RLFC, The Entrance Rams RUFC and The Entrance District Cricket Club.

Welcome also to the Clubs Auditor Mr. Tim Davidson from Fortunity Assurance and Mr. Peter

O’Grady, Chairman of Diggers @ The Entrance.

  1. Apologies:

Mr. Mick Bates and Mr. Peter Lawler

It was Moved B Graham Seconded C Thurston the Apologies be accepted. Carried

  1. Deceased Members:

The Chairman asked for those present to stand and acknowledge a Minute’s Silence for the Members who have passed away throughout the year.

  1. Previous Minutes:

Confirm the Minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting of TheEntrance Leagues Club Ltd held on Monday February24th, 2014. Tabled

Moved D Russell Seconded B Graham. Carried

Confirm the Minutes of the Special General meeting held on October 20th, 2014 to reduce the Clubs Board of Directors from Ten (10) to Seven (7). Tabled

Moved I Rice Seconded P McCudden. Carried

  1. Business Arising:Business Arising from the Previous Minutes

5.1The Chairman advised that the matter raised by Ian Nichol re Liquor Licence Photo being displayed, it is on the Clubs Website.

5.2The Chairman advised that the Life Members, Gold Card Members, Business Members and Club Directors since 1992 are now displayed on an Electronic Display Board in the Clubs Reception Area.

There were No Further Matters Arising

  1. President’s Report:Mr. D Hart

6.1 The Chairman referred to his report in the 2014 Annual Report along with adding the following


  • Healthy 2014 Profit of $523,181.00 in difficult year of trade.
  • Overall a good team effort from the Board, Management and Staff.
  • Special thanks to all Directors who carry out their roles with no remuneration or honorariums.
  • Thanks to CEO Mark Chaffey who has been with TELC now for twelve years and remains dedicated to the Clubs growth and success.
  • Thanks to our many Members who are associated as Players, Supporters and Officials in our Sub Clubs & Sponsored Sporting Clubs.
  • Special mention to The Entrance Rams RUFC who TELC now Sponsor and celebrated their 40th year in style at the Club, great Function, well done.
  • Well done to TERLFC on winning the Ron Massey Cup and performing well on the Coast also. Focus now turns to the CCDRL after the decision was made not to field a team in the 2015 Ron Massey Cup, looking forward to a strong year locally for our Seniors and Juniors.
  • Sincere thanks to our Football Club Sponsors’ please support them where possible.
  • Refurbishment of the Brasserie, Main Lounge, Reception and Coffee Shop were completed in 2014. 2015 projects include a New Entry Portico, Car Park and Outdoor Gaming for Member convenience and comfort.
  • Reduction in Board Numbers is now upon us, no reflection on the gentlemen who will miss out, but it’s time to move into a new era. Special mention to Mr. Don Russell for his many years of service along with the forty five (45) Directors who have served on the Board since its inception in 1982.

The Chairman once again thanked everyone for their support and asked for questions.

There were No Questions and it was Moved I Nichol Seconded D Russell that the PresidentsReport be approved. Carried

  1. Treasurer’s Report:Mr. V Mitchell

7.1 The Treasurer referred to his report in this year’s Annual Report, highlighting the following

areasof trade;

  • Total Income increased by $310,000.00 to $13,369,667.00.
  • Expenses decreased by $66,000.00 to $11,229,093.00.
  • Earnings before Depreciation and Finance Costs came in at $2,140,574.00.
  • Overall a comprehensive Profit of $523,181.00 was achieved, being $222,681.00 over last year’s profit.
  • Total Assets $12,485,940.00 and Total Liabilities of $2,149,420.00 left the Club in a strong financial position at years end.
  • Currently the Club is running at a Year to Date Profit of $361,000.00 for the October 2014 to January 2015 period.

The Treasurer thanked everyone for their patronage throughout the year and asked if there were any questions.

There were No Questions and it was Moved B Graham Seconded R Parsons that the Treasurers Report be approved. Carried

8.1CEO’s Report:Mr. M Chaffey

8.1 The CEO refereed to his report on Page 10 in the 2014 Annual Report, along with re-

iterating and outlining the following;

  • 2014 has again been a very challenging year for The Entrance Leagues Club and the Club Industry as a whole, with many Clubs seeking amalgamation or closing their doors.
  • Your Club has had an improved year on 2013 and your President and Treasurer have provided a detailed analysis of the year in their respective reports. In short, your Club achieved a Profit of $523,181.00 for the year end, which is an improvement of $222,681.00 on our 2013 result. Given that our Depreciation and Amortization Costs amounted to $1,557,794.00’ the year end result is one that we can all be very proud of, without getting too carried away’ as the Hospitality Industry continues to be a very challenging and competitive market to maintain a healthy and financial business.
  • In line with the above, it is again important to note that we have managed to maintain a strong Cashflow, increase our Net Assets and Net Cash whilst decreasing our total Liabilities’ all of which are achieved with your continued patronage and loyalty to your Club.
  • The Board of Directors, Management & Staff of The Entrance Leagues Club will continue to strive for that competitive edge, so as to ensure your Club remains a consistent and attractive Club to be part of, where catering to all ages and tastes is our priority.
  • Unfortunately our Membership Base decreased for the first time in some years, however all efforts will be made to ensure that our Membership Base is satisfied with what their Club is offering, which in turn will see repeat and increased visitation from our Valued Members, along with attracting New Members into the future.
  • As always, I would like to thank David Hart and his Board for their continued commitment to The Entrance Leagues Club. The support and guidance they provide to the Management Team is very much appreciated. The efforts of David the Board are invaluable to the Clubs future and although the Board Numbers will be reduced at this year’s AGM from ten to seven, I firmly believe that this will bring a whole new focus to the Boards Policy & Strategic direction.
  • Thanks must also go to our Management, Operational and Front of House Staff who are all mentioned in this Annual Report. Your contribution, effort and support on a daily basis is very much part of the Clubs success and appeal to our Members & Guests.
  • Thanks to our Football Club President Mick Bates and his Committee for their continued efforts in maintaining a strong Football Club and its continued support of the Licensed Club.
  • The majority of players and support staff will be around in 2015, with the focus purely on the Central Coast Rugby League. I look forward to assisting you where I can throughout the year. A big thanks also to our Football Club Sponsors, your support has been fantastic and we appreciate the financial assistance provided to our Football Club.
  • To our Sub-Clubs, thanks again for your ongoing involvement and support of The Entrance Leagues Club, you are an important part of our Club.
  • I would like to thank our Members and Committed Staff for your patience and understanding whilst the Refurbishments were carried out, it wasn’t all smooth sailing and it was reassuring to know that you all worked with us, not against us throughout the process, which was most appreciated.
  • In closing, I would like to thank the Members of The Entrance Leagues Club for your continued support and patronage, without your support there would be no Club.

The CEO asked if there were any questions.

There were No Questions and it was Moved D Russell Seconded I Nichol that the CEO’s Report be approved. Carried

9. Director’s Statutory Report:President to refer to the Director’s Statutory Report in Year End Financials

9.1 The Chairman advised the meeting that unfortunately mistakes had been made by our

printers after the final proof sign off on Page 29, those being;

Total rendering of services for 2014 should read 8,378,754 not 7,863,032

2013 column7,863,032 not 8,158,639

Total revenue and other income 2014 should read13,369,667 not 8,378,754

2013 column13,059,040 not 7,863,032

The Chairman thanked Member Mr. Syd Spring for bringing this to the Clubs attention.

It was Moved B Graham Seconded G Josephs that the Directors Statutory Report be approved. Carried

10. Auditor’s Report:Mr. Tim Davidson of Fortunity Assurance

10.1 Mr. Davidson advised that the Audit was an Unqualified Audit and Report and that it

reflects a true and fair view of the Clubs 2014 Financials.

Mr. Davidson stated that the Clubs overall result was a pleasing result, reflecting on the

Clubs Board of Directors, Management & Staff providing the Members with what they want and getting it right. Gaming needs to be a focus along with Food and Promotional Activity for all Member Age Groups.

Mr. Davidson called for and questions.

There were No Questions and it was Moved P Andrews Seconded P McCudden that the Auditors Report be approved. Carried

11. Election of Officers:The Election of the Board for the ensuing year. The Chairman declared all positions vacant and handed the meeting over to Mr. Tim Davidson to Chair, who called for Scrutineers to carry out the Voting Ballot.

It was Moved D Russell Seconded R Parsons that Mr. Bob Graham, Mr. Peter O’Grady and Mark Chaffey (CEO) be Nominated as the Scrutineers. Carried

After the Voting Ballot was conducted, Mr. Davidson advised the meeting that the following Directors were voted to represent the Members on the Board of Directors for the 2015 Year;

11.1 Position of President:(1) Position

Only (1) Nomination Received Mr. David Hart

Re-elected Unopposed

11.2 Position of Vice - President:(1) Position

Only (1) Nomination Received Mr. Vince Mitchell

Elected Unopposed

11.3Position of Directors:(5) Positions

Nine (9) Nominations Receivedand the successful candidates were;

Mr. Phil Andrews

Mr. Paul Dawson

Mr. Fred Hartup

Mr. Greg Nixon

Mr. Garry Rimmer

The unsuccessful candidates were, Mr. Wally Dawes, Mr. Gerry Josephs, Mr. Ian Nichol and Mr. John Purdon.

After Election, it was Moved D Russell Seconded I Nichol that the Voting Papers be destroyed. Carried

It was also Moved B Graham Seconded P O’Grady that Don Russell, Wally Dawes and Gerry Josephs be thanked for their contribution to the Board. Carried

12. Nominations for Club Patrons:Current Patrons: Mr. Bob Graham, Mr. Ray Parsons and Mr. Pat McCudden

It was Moved J Atkins Seconded P O’Grady that the 2014 Patrons be nominated again for 2015 should they wish to carry out the role. Carried

13. Resolutions:

13.1Ordinary Resolutions:To consider, and if thought fit, to pass the Seven (7) Ordinary Resolutions.

ORDINARY RESOLUTION 1: That Directors and disabled persons be entitled to

specific parking spaces in the Club’s car park.

It was Moved P Andrews Seconded B Graham that this be approved. Carried

ORDINARY RESOLUTION 2: That until the next Annual General Meeting of the

Club, provision be made from the Club’s funds not exceeding $6,000.00 for the reasonable cost of providing each Director as the Board shall from time to time approve, a Club uniform, formal wear or other clothing to be worn at Club functions and whilst attending to or carrying out any duties in relation to the Club whether at the premises of the Club or elsewhere.

It was Moved P Andrews Seconded P O’Grady that this be approved. Carried

ORDINARY RESOLUTION 3: That until the next Annual General Meeting of the

Club, provision be made from the Club’s funds not exceeding $6,000.00 for a Christmas Function for the Directors and their partners, Club Management and their partners and Special Guests of the Directors.

It was Moved P Andrews Seconded C Thurston that this be approved. Carried

ORDINARY RESOLUTION 4: That until the next Annual General Meeting of the

Club, provision be made from the Club’s funds not exceeding $35,000.00 for the reasonable cost of food, travel, accommodation, registration fees or subscriptions incurred by Directors attending trade shows or displays, seminars, conferences, meetings, other registered Club’s or other similar facilities to view or access their facilities or operational systems, or sporting community, charity or other special functions, provided by the Board has resolved that any such activity is for the betterment of the Club and in the course of the duties of the relevant person or persons.

It was Moved P Andrews Seconded I Rice that this be approved. Carried

ORDINARY RESOLUTION 5: That Directors be entitled to a meal and coffee at any Board Meeting of the Club and to a meal when entertaining special guests of the Club provided the same is provided by the Club.

It was Moved P Andrews Seconded R Parsons that this be approved. Carried

ORDINARY RESOLUTION 6: That the Club meet the cost of any Director’s

Indemnity Insurance or Insurance for Management, which the Board has resolved is reasonably necessary for the personal protection of such Director or Manager in the carrying out of their duties or functions as such Director or Manager.

It was Moved P Andrews Seconded P O’Grady that this be approved. Carried

ORDINARY RESOLUTION 7: That Directors on the Board of Directors of the Club and those Members who are also Members of The Entrance Rugby League Football Club Committee be allowed to use the Club’s Gym Facility which is located at 3 Bay Village Road Bateau Bay, at such times as determined by the Club.

It was Moved P Andrews Seconded F Hartup that this be approved. Carried

14. General Business:To deal with any other Business that the Meeting may approve of which

Notice has not been given.

14.1 D Hart re CCDRL in 2015 will include a Ladies League Tag Team as part of the days


14.2 D Hart re EDSACC Covered Seating; this is an ongoing project in conjunction with

Council, Local Government Representatives, the Club and all user groups, hopefully more advancements will be made throughout 2015.

14.3 I Nichol re recommendation that the Board look at the local competition with the Wyong

Group taking over Bateau Bay Sports Club in 2015.

The Chairman advised that this is being monitored.

14.4 I Nichol re recommendation that prospective Board Members have the opportunity to post

a photo of themselves and a resume so as Members know who their voting for and know what they can bring to the Club as a Director.

The Chairman advised that this will be looked into as a recommendation.

14.5 I Nichol re the Club should look at deleting any Members who have not renewed their

Membership within (30) days of year end, being December 31st.

The CEO advised that the Club provides Members additional time to renew their Membership as a matter of policy, to ensure all efforts are made to maintain our Membership.

14.6 I Nichol re Poker Machines don’t see to be paying out as much and he recommends more

prizes should be given out to Members who play the machines.

The CEO advised that the machines have pre-set return to player carding and ours are set at an industry average overall and that our machines are in fact paying more and we do regular Gaming Specific Promotions throughout the year.

14.7 J Atkins re concerns raised over Wyong taking over Bateau Bay, were the Tigers, we just

need to look after ourselves and stay loyal to this Club.

14.8 D Hart re TERLFC are taking over the Wednesday Night Raffle from the Juniors, so

please come along and support where you can.

14.9 A Bray re request to have information placed on the Digital Road Sign promoting the

GHWBC Bowls Days.

CEO advised that this can happen, please provide details that you want promoted.

There was No Further General Business

15. Meeting Closed:7.40pm
