October 24, 2007
SUBJECT:Adjustments to the 2007-2008PEIMS Data Standards
Described below areeditand code table adjustments for the 2007-2008PEIMS Data Standards. Most of these changes are being driven by legislation passed in the 80th Legislative session. Some of these changes are necessary corrections to the2007-2008PEIMS Data Standards. The 2008-2009PEIMS Data Standards will reflect the changes. Please advise district staff responsible for PEIMS submissions of the technical adjustments.
- Modified Edit: 04302: Special Warning
Edit Rule Text: The last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH must not be less than “1936” or greater than “1988”.
Change: Change “1935” to “1936 and “1987” to “1988”.
- Modified Edit: 04303: Fatal
Edit Rule Text: The last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH must not be greater than “1995”.
Change: Change “1993” to “1995”.
- Modified Edit: 04304: Fatal
Edit Rule Text: The last four characters of DATE-OF-BIRTH must not be less than “1916”.
Change: Change “1915” to “1916”.
- Modified Edit: 032ZQ: Special Warning
Edit Rule Text: If FUND-CODE is “292”-“295”, “297”- “298”, “300”-“302”, “307”, “311”-“317”, “319”, “325”-“340”, “342”-“343”, “347”-“356”, “379”, “432-“434”, “436”-“441”, or “459”, then there must be at least one 033 record.
Change: Delete “309”, “357-378”, “431”, “435”, and “442-458”.
Add “356”,”434”, “436”, and “441”.
- Modified Edit 0302G: Special Warning
Edit Rule Text: If FUNCTION-CODE is “71”, then OBJECT-CODE must be “65XX”.
Change: Change from a Fatal back to a Special Warning.
- Modified Edit 032XM: Fatal
Edit Rule Text: If FUNCTION-CODE is “71”, then OBJECT-CODE must be “65XX”.
Change: Delete FUNCTION-CODE “81”.
- Modified Edit 10109: Special Warning
Edit Rule Text: The student’s age must not be greater than 25 or less than 1.
Change: Change age from 31 to 25.
NOTE: This edit change will not be implemented until Submission 3.
- Modified Edit 10131: Warning
Edit Rule Text: If GRADE-LEVEL-CODE is “12”, then age must be 17-25.
Change: Change age ranges from 17-22 to 17-25.
NOTE: This edit change will not be implemented until Submission 3.
- ModifiedEdit 11078: Fatal
Edit Rule Text: For a particular STUDENT-ID, if the ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE is “1”, “2”, “3”, or “6” and the SPECIAL-ED-INDICATOR-CODE is “1”, then the student’s age on September 1 must be less than 22.
Change: Logic of edit was reworded to allow 21 to 25 year old students to be eligible for ADA and stop special education eligibility at age 21.
- Modified Edit 11079: Fatal
Edit Rule Text: If a student's age on September 1 of the current school year is greater than 25, then ADA-ELIGIBILITY-CODE must be “0”, “4”, or “5”.
Change: Change age from 21 to 25.
- Modified Edit: 40052: Fatal
Edit Rule Text: For a particular STUDENT-ID, if September 1 age is 26 or greater, then all instances of TOTAL-ELIGIBLE-DAYS-PRESENT must be “0000”.
Change: Change September 1 age from 22 to 26.
NOTE: This edit change will not be implemented until Submission 3.
- New Edit: 40061: Fatal
Edit Rule Text: For a particular STUDENT-ID, if September 1 age is greater than 21, then no 405 record can be reported.
Logic: Students are last eligible for special education funding when they are 21 years of age on September 1 of a particular school year.
NOTE: This edit change will not be implemented until Submission 3.
- New Edit: 40062: Fatal
Edit Rule Text: For a particular STUDENT-ID, if September 1 age is greater than 21, then TOTAL-ELIG-SP-ED-MAINSTREAM-DAYS-PRESENT cannot be greater than 0.
Logic: Students are last eligible for special education funding when they are 21 years of age on September 1 of a particular school year.
NOTE: This edit change will not be implemented until Submission 3.
- Modified Edit: 42533: Special Warning
Edit Rule Text: If a students age as of DATE-OF-DISCIPLINARY-ACTION is > 5 and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is “02”, “04”-“09”, “26”-“28”, or “35” and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is “05”, “06”, “25”, or “26”, then there must be another 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE, where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is “07”, “08”, “10”, “27”, “28”, “54”, “55”, or “57” or else there must be another 425 record with a matching STUDENT-ID, CAMPUS-ID-OF-ENROLLMENT, and DISCIPLINARY-INCIDENT-NUMBER, where DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE is “04”-“06”, “08”, “09”, “26”, “27”, or “35” and DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-CODE is "01”-“04”, “09”, “11”, “12”, “15”, “50”-“53”, “56”, “58”, “59” or “61”.
Change: Add DISCIPLINARY-ACTION-REASON-CODE “09”. (See bold underline.)
NOTE: This edit change will not be implemented until Submission 3.
- Modified Code Table C160 – FUND CODE (SSA ACTUAL)
Change: Removed fund code 428 – High School Allotment Fund
Additional Information
An electronic version of the Addendum is available on the Internet. The Texas Education Agency Internet address to access the Addendumis
If you have questions on the PEIMS Data Standards, please contact your ESC PEIMS Coordinator or call (512) 936-7346.
Contact Information
Texas Education Agency
Department of Assessment, Accountability, and Data Quality, Criss Cloudt, Associate Commissioner
Data Development, Analysis and Research, Pat Sullivan, Deputy Associate Commissioner
PEIMS Division, Marsha Headley, Director
c:ESC Executive Directors
ESC PEIMS Coordinators
ESC Field Service Agents
PEIMS Software Vendors