HRMS Final March Release

Implementation Date / 03/29/2016

The following Change Requests were implemented to the HRMS Production environment on Month/Day/Year (or they are listed as Exceptions to the normal release process, with the implementation dates included). Click on the links provided to view detailed information on the Change Requests that may impact agency business practices.

March -“A” release – 03/15/2016

TTPro Number / Title/Description / Product / Type / Release Date /
14680 / PY - Rimini Street Release to update IRS Form W-3C / Payroll / Technical Debt / 03/15/2016
14683 / Change Dept of Ecology gap 17 to daily / Tidal / Business Value / 03/15/2016
14685 / PY - Update address for agency 2400 / Payroll / Business Value / 03/15/2016

March -“B” release – 03/29/2016

TTPro Number / Title/Description / Product / Type / Release Date /
14658 / FI - Add employee birth date selection to interface 34 / Financial / Business Value / 03/29/2016
14696 / PY - AP Penny Chasing Incorrect When All Hours Allocated / Payroll / Technical Debt / 03/29/2016
14687 / PY - Update ESD account number for agency 3590 / Payroll / Technical Debt / 03/29/2016
14692 / PY - Rimini Street Release to update IRS EFW2C / Payroll / Technical Debt / 03/29/2016
14694 / Pre-Approved #6 - Delimit Wage Type 2662 Washington Cares - no longer needed / Payroll / Business Value / 03/29/2016
14684 / PY - Pre-Approved #6 Delimit permissiblity for WT1147 on IT0014 / Payroll / Business Value / 03/29/2016
14697 / PY - Pre-Approved #6 Delimit WT2743 DOE Social Fund / Payroll / OSS/Technical / 03/29/2016
14698 / BI - WWA (Washington Workforce Analytics) Project HRMS Transport for Informatica ABAP Program ZINFA072 to extract data from HRMS Table HRP1001 / Human Resources / Technical Debt / 03/29/2016
14702 / BI - WWA (Washington Workforce Analytics) Project needs the Time Out Settings increased in the HRMS Source Systems Environments to allow Informatica Power Center to Extract HRMS Data. / Human Resources / Technical Debt / 03/29/2016

Exception – 03/10/2016

TTPro Number / Title/Description / Product / Type / Release Date /
14693 / PY - Program/process for required ACA Federal reporting / Payroll / Business Value / 3/10/2016

Exception – 03/21/2016

TTPro Number / Title/Description / Product / Type / Release Date /
14711 / PY - Medical Aid Rates by Override Group ZHR_RPTPYU05 shows zero rates / Payroll / Critical Production / 03/21/2016

Exception – 03/30/2016

TTPro Number / Title/Description / Product / Type / Release Date /
14717 / PY - Update Program/process for required ACA Federal Reporting / Payroll / Business Value / 3/30/2016

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