South Central College
ANTH 161 Indigenous Minnesota
ANTH 161 Indigenous Minnesota
Course Information
/ This class isdesigned to introduce the student to the Native American traditions of three of the indigenous groups in Minnesota. The course will focus on the Dakota, Anishinaabe, and Ho-Chunkcultures. Students will learnof the prehistory of theindigenous people of Minnesota from archaeological remains. They will learn the history of all three cultures with a focus on the Dakota War of 1862. There will be guest lectures from Native American teachers to helpthe student get an emic perspective ofnative culture. There will also be learning opportunities with the Mahkato Wacipi.They willlearn proper etiquette for attending pow-wows andsweatlodge ceremonies.The students will learnthe basicsof the Dakotalanguage.This course will fullfill Minnesota Transfer goal area 5 and 9. Reading 90 or an Accuplacer score of 78 are prerequisites for the class.Career Cluster
/ Liberal Arts & SciencesInstructional Level
/ Associate DegreeTotal Credits
/ 4.00Total Hours
/ 64.00Types of Instruction
Instruction Type
Lecture/Lab / 4Pre/Corequisites
Prerequisite / Reading 90 or an Accuplacer score of 78 or more.Institutional Core Competencies
1 / Analysis and inquiry: Students will demonstrate an ability to analyze information from multiple sources and to raise pertinent questions regarding that information.2 / Civic knowledge and engagement- local and global: Students will understand the richness and challenge of local and world cultures and the effects of globalization, and will develop the skills and attitudes to function as “global citizens."
3 / Intercultural knowledge and competence: Students will recognize and understand the rich and complex ways that group and individual inequalities and interactions impact self and society.
External Standards
/ MN Transfer GoalsTarget Standards
GOAL 5. HISTORY AND THE SOCIAL AND BEHAVIORAL SCIENCES To increase students’ knowledge of how historians and social and behavioral scientists discover, describe, and explain the behaviors and interactions among individuals, groups, institutions. events, and ideas.
5.a Employ the methods and data that historians and social and behavioral scientists use to investigate the human condition.
5.b Examine social institutions and processes across a range of historical periods and cultures.
GOAL 9. ETHICAL AND CIVIC RESPONSIBILITY To develop students' capacity to identify, discuss, and reflect upon the ethical dimensions of political, social, and personal life and to understand the ways in which they can exercise responsible and productive citizenship.
9.a Examine, articulate, and apply their own ethical views.
9.b Understand and apply core concepts (e.g. politics, rights and obligations, justice, liberty) to specific issues.
9.c Analyze and reflect on the ethical dimensions of legal, social, and scientific issues.
9.d Recognize the diversity of political motivations and interests of others.
9.e Identify ways to exercise the rights and responsibilities of citizenship
Course Competencies
1 / Demonstrate knowledge of the prehistory of the Indigenous people of Minnesota.Learning Objectives
Acquire the knowledge of the indigenous Minnesotan's life during the paleo era.
Acquire the knowledge of the indigenous Minnesotan's life during the archaic era.
Acquire the knowledge of the indigenous Minnesotan's life during the woodland era.
Acquire the knowledge of the indigenous Minnesotan's life during the mississippian era.
2 / Acquire the knowledge of the history of the Dakota, Anishinaabe and Ho-Chunk.
Learning Objectives
Acquire the knowledge of the basic history of the Dakota people.
Acquire the knowledge of the basic history of the Anishinaabe people.
Acquire the knowledge of the basic history of the Ho-Chunk people.
3 / Demonstrate knowledge of the basics of the Dakota language.
Learning Objectives
Acquire the knowledge of the Dakota alphabet, numbers and names.
Acquire the knowledge to begin a conversation with a Dakota.
Acquire the knowledge of verb conjugation in Dakota.
Acquire the knowledge of Dakota sentence structure.
4 / Acquire the knowledge of how a pow-wow is put together and run.
Learning Objectives
Acquire the knowledge of how modern pow-wows first came about.
Acquire the knowledge of the different types of pow-wows.
Acquire the knowledge of the various elements that make up a pow-wow.
Acquire the knowledge of what the various dances are.
5 / Demonstrate knowledge of proper pow-wow etiquette.
Learning Objectives
Acquire the knowledge of the etiquette needed for attending a contest pow-wow.
Acquire the knowledge of the etiquette needed for attending a traditional pow-wow.
Participate in the Mahkato Wacipi.
6 / Acquire the knowledge of how a sweatlodge ceremony is put together and run.
Learning Objectives
Acquire the basic knowledge of the seven rites of the Sacred Pipe.
Acquire the knowledge of how to construct a sweatlodge.
Acquire the basic knowledge of how the sweatlodge ceremony is preformed.
7 / Demonstrate knowledge of proper sweatlodge etiquette.
Learning Objectives
Acquire the knowledge of how to prepare oneself for a sweatlodge ceremony.
Acquire the knowledge of the proper etiquette for participating in a sweatlodge ceremony.
Acquire the knowledge of what is expected of you after you participate in a sweatlodge ceremony.
Participate in a sweatlodge ceremony.
8 / Analyze how the indigenous people of Minnesota adapted to their local environment.
Learning Objectives
Acquire the knowledge of different hunting techniques used by indigenous Minnesotans.
Acquire the knowledge of how indigenous people survived winter in Minnesota.
Acquire the knowledge of the activities of summer camps.
Examine clothing used by indigenous Minnesotans.
Examine shelter used by indigenous Minnesotans.
9 / Acquire the knowledge of how indigenous people created stone tools and used them in everyday life.
Learning Objectives
Acquire the knowledge of which stone materials are the best for stone tool making.
Acquire the knowledge of how to make a core for making blade tools.
Acquire the knowledge of percussion flaking techniques.
Acquire the knowledge of pressure flaking techniques.
10 / Analyze the kinship structures of the Dakota, Anishenaabe, and Ho-Chunk cultures
Learning Objectives
Examine the kinship structure of the Dakota culture.
Examine the kinship structure of the Anishenaabe culture.
Examine the kinship structure of the Ho-Chunk culture.
11 / Analyze gender roles in Dakota, Anishenaabe and Ho-Chunk.
Learning Objectives
Examine the gender roles within traditional Dakota culture.
Examine the gender roles within traditional Anishenaabe culture.
Examine the gender roles within traditional Ho-Chunk culture.
12 / Acquire the knowledge of what life is like growing up and living as a Native American.
Learning Objectives
Conceptualize what life is like growing up on a reservation.
Conceptualize what life is like growing up as a Native American
Conceptualize what it was like to go through the boarding school system of the B.I.A.
Conceptualize what the Dakota view of Mankato and its people were before the 1980's.
SCC Accessibility Statement
If you have a disability and need accommodations to participate in the course activities, please contact your instructor as soon as possible. This information will be made available in an alternative format, such as Braille, large print, or cassette tape, upon request. If you wish to contact the college ADA Coordinator, call that office at 507-389-7222.
Disabilities page
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Thursday, November 29, 2012 7:18 PM