To whom it may concern,
Regional Offices of ICCO Cooperation for South and Central Asia and DanChurchAidin Central Asia (DCA)based in Bishkek, the Kyrgyz Republic together withBrotfür die Welt(BfdW) are looking forthe Evaluation Consultant(s) to assess the effectiveness and outcome of “Central Asia on the Move” regional programme in Kyrgyzstan and Tajikistan with a specific focus on their contribution to the reduction of inequalities and poverty for migrants women, men, children and elderly and to generate recommendations and guidance for a possible next funding phase of the programme.
The objectives of theevaluation assignment are the following:
- To carry out a consolidated evaluation of Brot für die Welt, ICCO Cooperation and DCA regional program on migration “Central Asia on the Move” taking into account the results/findings/recommendations/conclusions of the Mid-Term Review of this program taken place in 2014;
- To assess the extent to which the programme has achieved its objectives, has a satisfactory technical level and has the right balance in interventions and partner types;
- To make recommendations for concrete adjustments and improvements in the current programme strategy, management approach or DCA´s and ICCO Cooperation and Brotfür die Welt partnership approach and initiatives under the programme taking into account the new policies and approaches within Brotfür die Welt,DCA and ICCO Cooperation, significant changes taking place in ICCO Cooperation and DCA and last but not least the context of a more and more restrictive environment for rights based development work in all the countries in which this programme takes place;
- To use the findings, conclusions and recommendations of the evaluation to provide substantial guidance to the design of an exit strategy for DCA/ICCO Cooperation and for a possible future support of the platform and its members by Brotfür die Welt.
Team composition and Qualification requirements
The evaluation team is expected to consist of 1 external team leader, and 1 local consultant, preferably from the country or region.
The team leader should possess the following expertise:
- Proven team leader skills
- Extensive experience with evaluations, reporting and design processes, including skills such as indicator development, sampling, participatory evaluation methodology, appreciative enquiry methods, focus group interviews, etc.
- Experience with multi-sectoral evaluations
- Experience with exit strategies and phasing out programmes
- Proven experience from NGO and CBO based development assistance in X country
- Proven expertise on the cross cutting issues such as Rights Based Approach and Gender.
- Experience with faith based organisations in general and Brotfür die Welt,ICCO Cooperation and DCA in particular is an asset
- Experience in the field of Migration issues
Further, the team as a whole should have proven expertise in the following areas
- Local governance, national/local budget advocacy and monitoring, legal advocacy on civil and political rights and discrimination, civil society space
- Multi-stakeholder settings/networks/coalitions
- organisational accountability and organisational capacity development
The consultant, groups of consultants, and consultancy companies, which meet the qualification requirements to irrespective of the country of origin, are eligible to apply. Detailed Terms of Reference could be found in attachment.
Deadline for submitting proposal form is May 20, 2015, 17:00 (p.m).
Interested candidates should send a note of interest with the request to send an application form(strictly according to the format)to the following e-mail addresses: th copy .