The Trustees of Anaconda Public Schools District No. 10 met in regular session on July 11, 2012 in the district Board room, 1410 West Park Avenue

Call to Order

Chair Tozzi called the meeting of the School Board of Trustees (Board) to order at 7:01 p.m. The meeting convened with 7 members of the Board present. Glenda Crum, Lisa Crum-Petritiz, Mike Huotte, Bryan Lorengo, Nick Mikalatos, Steve Tozzi, and Amy Verlanic were present. Also present were Superintendent Dr. Tom Darnell, and District Business Manager/Clerk Kevin Patrick.

Consent Agenda


·  June 12, 2012 Regular Board meeting minutes

·  Payroll Warrants – 64572-64712

·  ACH Warrants – (82116)-(81956)

·  Claim Warrants – 43160-43287

·  Electronic Claim – (99972-99971)

Huotte moved to approve the consent agenda. Lorengo seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0.


Thank you letter from MTSBA for hosting the Spring Workshop

Thank you from Anaconda Catholic Community

List of Job Corps High School Graduates


no action or Discussion



Verlanic moved to approve the Personnel Action Report (PAR) as presented. Lorengo seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0. The PAR is on file at the Superintendent’s office.

Building and Grounds


Lorengo moved to adopt the resolution calling for the bond election for the Mitchell Stadium renovation project. Huotte seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0.

Lorengo moved to approve the Memorial Gym re-roofing project proposal as presented. Huotte seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0.

Crum moved to postpone the approval of the annual agreements with Anaconda-Deer Lodge County for the jointly sponsored recreation program and maintenance of Mitchell Stadium for the 2012-2013 school year to the August school board meeting. Crum-Petritz seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0.



Business Manager/Clerk Patrick presented the Statement of Activities for Student Accounts for the Board to review.


Written report from Joan White, OPI School Improvement Consultant, on the High School District was presented.

Tony Laughlin presented the final AYP determinations for the prior school year.



Crum moved to approve the Request and Authorization for Records Disposal at the High School as listed. Lorengo seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0.


The Board discussed the revision of Board Policy #1400.

Business Manager/Clerk

Business Manager/Clerk Patrick presented a recommitment to the Great Divide Education cooperative form to the board to be signed by Chair Tozzi.



Superintendent Dr. Darnell reported on the following:

·  AWARE Galen Campus closure and the possibility of AWARE relocating to the Anaconda Technology Center.

Public Comment

Mrs. Tozzi requested the board to consider amending policy #3110 so parents would have the option to request a waiver of age requirement.


The Chair adjourned the meeting at 8:27 p.m.


August 8, 2012: Board Chair

August 8, 2012: Attest Board Clerk

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