P.O. Box 7062 Kampala-Uganda Tel:+256-414-532752/530231/5302232
Cables: “MAKUNIKA” Fax: +256-414-533640/541068
(i) For Government Sponsorship
The number of candidates admitted to each programme under the Diploma Holders Avenue should not exceed 5% of the intake per programme.
ForthePrivateSchemethequotaforDiploma/DegreeHolder applicantsshould not exceed 20% of the intake per programme.
(ii) The following Programmes have no Diploma Scheme.
(a) B.Sc. Education
(b) B.A. Education
(c) B. Sc (Actuarial Science)
At least Second Class, Credit or equivalent performance from recognised Institutions.
(i) Ordinary Diploma Programme
The minimum entry requirements for admission to an ordinary diploma programme are:
a) Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with at least 5 passes
b) Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with at least 1 Principal pass and 2 Subsidiary passes obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent.
ii) AdmissionofCISCOHolderstoMakerereUniversity Programmes
The requirements for admitting applicants who possess CISCO Qualification to programmes at Makerere University are:
a) A candidate who has completed the full series of training (known as CCNA 4) under the aegis of the CISCO programmes, can be considered as having obtained the equivalent of an Ordinary Diploma.
b) Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) with at least 5 passes
c) Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE) with at least 1 Principal Pass and 2 Subsidiary Passes obtained at the same sitting or its equivalent.
d) The above requirements can be used for admission of CISCO Holders to the University with effect from 2010/2011 Intake.
C. COLLEGE REQUIREMENTS (The required Diplomas)
1.1 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (MAM)
A Diploma in any of the following health disciplines:
(i) Medical Laboratory Technologists/Scientists
(ii) Medical Radiography
(iii) Physiotherapists
(iv) Anaesthetic Officers
(v) Orthopaedic Officers/Assistants
(vi) Dispensers/Pharmacy Technicians
(vii) Psychiatry Clinical Officers/Mental Health
(viii) Clinical Officers
(ix) Nursing
(x) E.N.T (Post Basic Diploma)
(xi) Ophthalmology
Applicants must have at least a Principal Pass in Biology and two Subsidiary Passes in either Chemistry, Physics, Mathematics or Food & Nutrition at A’ Level obtained at the same sitting.
1.2 a) Bachelor of Pharmacy
b) Bachelor of Dental Surgery
A Diploma in any of the following health disciplines:
(i) Medical Laboratory Technologists
(ii) Radiographers
(iii) Physiotherapists
(iv) Anaesthetic Officers
(v) Medical Assistants
(vi) Orthopaedic Officers/Assistants
(vii) Clinical Ophthalmic Officers
(viii) Environmental Health Officers
(ix) Public Health Dental Assistants
(x) Public Health Assistants
(xi) Dispensers/Pharmacy Technicians
(xii) Psychiatry Clinical Officers
(xiii) Occupational Therapy
(xiv) Orthopaedic Technology.
1.3 Bachelor of Science in Nursing
ApplicantstobeadmittedtoBSCNursingshouldholdDiplomasfrom recognised institutions in any of the following Health Disciplines;
(i) Nursing
(ii) Midwifery
(iii) Psychiatry Nursing
(iv) Comprehensive Nursing
(v) Paediatric Nursing
(vi) Public Health Nursing
(vii) Medical Laboratory Technology
(viii) Radiography
(ix) Physiotherapy
(x) Anaesthesia
(xi) Medical Assistants
(xii) Clinical Ophthalmic Officers
(xiii) Environmental Health Officers
(xiv) Public Health Dental Assistants
(xv) Psychiatric Clinical Officers
(xvi) Occupational Therapy
(xvii) Orthopaedic Technology
1.4 Bachelor of Science in Medical Radiography
ApplicantsmustpossessDiplomasinthefollowingHealthDisciplinesfrom recognised institutions
(i) Medical Radiography
(ii) Clinical Medical Officers
(iii) Nursing
(iv) Physiotherapy
(v) Orthopaedics
1.5 Bachelor of Environmental Health Science
ADiplomainEnvironmentalHealthScienceofMakerereUniversityorits equivalent from recognised Institutions.
1.6 Bachelor of Science in Speech and Language Therapy
ADiplomainanyofthefollowinghealthdisciplinesfromrecognised Institutions:
(i) Clinical Officers
(ii) Nursing
(iii) Health Sciences
(iv) Occupational Therapy
(v) Physiotherapy
Bachelor’sdegreeholdersinBSc.EducationBiologicalarealso eligible
to apply.
1.7 Bachelor of Science in Dental Technology
A relevant Diploma in any/a Health field from recognised Institutions.
1.8 Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering
AnOrdinaryCreditTechnicalDiplomafromUgandaNationalExaminations Board (UNEB) or its equivalent, with at least a Credit Pass in Mathematics.
Other eligible Credit Diplomas with at least a Credit Pass in Mathematics from recognised Institutions include:
(i) Anaesthetic Officers
(ii) Biomedical Engineering
(iii) Clinical Officers
(iv) Clinical Ophthalmic Officers
(v) Computer Engineering
(vi) Dispensers
(vii) Electrical Engineering
(viii) Environmental Health
(ix) Mechanical, Biomedical or Electrical Engineering Diplomas
(x) Medical Laboratory Technologists
(xi) Orthopaedics
(xii) Physiotherapy
(xiii) Psychiatry Clinical Officers
(xiv) Public Health Assistants
(xv) Public Health Dental Assistant
(xvi) Radiology
(xvii) ScienceEducationwithMathematics,Chemistry,Biologyor Physics
(xviii) Telecommunication
(xix) Uganda Registered Midwives (with A’ Level Certificate)
(xx) Uganda Registered Nurses (with A’ Level Certificate)
Applicants should have done at least two of the following subjects at A’ Level: Maths, Chemistry, Biology, Technical Drawing
1.9 Bachelor of Biomedical Sciences
A good Second Class or Credit Diploma from recognised Institutions with a Uganda Advanced Level Certificate (UACE) in related subjects or Certificate in health disciplines, such Diplomas may include;
(i) Medical Laboratory Technologists
(ii) Radiographers
(iii) Physiotherapists
(iv) Anaesthetic Assistants/Officers
(v) Clinical Officers
(vi) Clinical Ophthalmic Officers
(vii) Environmental Health Officers
(viii) Public Health Dental Assistants
(ix) Public Health Assistants/Officers
(x) Dispensers
(xi) Psychiatric Clinical Officers
(xii) Uganda Registered Nurses (with A-Level Certificate)
(xiii) Uganda Registered Midwives (with A-Level Certificate)
1.10 Bachelor of Cytotechnology
At least a Credit diploma in the following Health Disciplines:
(i) Biomedical Engineering
(ii) Clinical Officers
(iii) Clinical Ophthalmic Officers
(iv) Computer Engineering
(v) Dispensers
(vi) Electrical Engineering
(vii) Medical Laboratory Technologists
(viii) Orthopaedics
(ix) Physiotherapy
(x) Public Health Assistants
(xi) Public Health Dental Assistant
(xii) Radiology
(xiii) ScienceEducationwithMathematics,Chemistry,Biologyor Physics
(xiv) Telecommunication
(xv) Uganda Registered Midwives (with A’ Level Certificate)
(xvi) Uganda Registered Nurses (with A’ Level Certificate)
Students should have passed the following subjects at A’ Level:
Chemistry, Biology and/ or Technical Drawing.
2.1 Bachelor of Science in Agricultural Engineering
An ordinary Technician Diploma, with at least credit 3 in Mathematics, from a recognised Institution of Higher Learning.
A candidate with a diploma may be exempted from year 1 if he/she has passed successfully (with at least credit 3) in the following courses:
(i) Engineering Mathematics
(ii) Engineering Drawing
(iii) Engineering Mechanics
(iv) Electrical Engineering
(v) Mechanical Engineering
(vi) Mechanics of Materials
(vii) Introduction to Computers
(viii) Thermodynamics
2.2 Bachelor of Science in Agriculture
At least Class II (Lower Division) National Diploma in Agriculture or Animal Husbandry or its equivalent obtained from a recognised Institution of Higher Learning.
Applicants must have obtained at least a Principal Pass in Biology or Chemistry at A’ Level.
2.3 Bachelor of Science in Food Science and Technology
A National diploma in either:
(i) Food Science, or Food Technology
(ii) Veterinary Science
(iii) Forestry or Agriculture
(iii) Fisheries
(iv) Laboratory Technology
(v) Education (for applicants that studied at least two of the followingsubjects: Biology,Chemistry,HumanNutrition, Agriculture, Physics).
(vii) Dairy Science, Technology, Microbiology and Nutrition
2.4 BachelorofScienceinAgriculturalLandUseand Management
At least Class II (Lower Division) Diploma in Agriculture and related fields including Environmental Sciences or its equivalent obtained from recognised Institutions of Higher Learning.
Applicants must have obtained at least a Principal Pass in any of the following subjects: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, or Agriculture at A’ Level.
2.5 Bachelor of Agricultural and Rural Innovation
Holders of Class II Ordinary Technical Diploma in Agricultural related field or its equivalent from recognised Institutions.
Applicants must have obtained at least a Principal Pass in any of the following subjects: Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry or Entrepreneurship at A’ Level.
2.6 Bachelor of Agribusiness Management
At least Class II (Lower Division) National Diploma in Agriculture, Agribusiness or Agricultural related Business Studies or its equivalent from recognized Institution.
Applicants must have obtained at least a Principal Pass in any of the following subjects: Agriculture, Biology, Chemistry or Entrepreneurship at A’ Level.
2.7 Bachelor of Science in Horticulture
At least Class II (Lower Division)NationalDiploma oritsequivalent inHorticulture,Forestry, Agriculture or Biological Sciences from recognised Institutions.
Applicants must have obtained at least a Principal pass in Biology or Chemistry or Agriculture at A’ Level.
2.8 Bachelor of Science in Human Nutrition
Holders of the following Second Class or Credit Diplomas are eligible for admission
a) DiplomainEducation,Applicantsmusthavestudiedthe followingsubjects:Biology,Chemistry,Agriculture,Home Economics.
b) A HigherNationalDiplomafromarecognizedInstitutionin any of the following:
Chemistry,HumanNutrition,HomeEconomics,FoodScience, Science
and Technology, Agriculture, Health.
c) Ordinary Diploma from a recognized Institution in any of the following:
(i) Science Technology (Biology)
(ii) Science Technology (Chemistry, Biochemistry)
(iii) Food Processing
(iv) Agriculture, Biology
d) Diploma from any of the following Paramedical Institutions
(i) Medical Laboratory Technologists
(ii) Medical Assistants
(iii) Public Health Assistants
(iv) Uganda Registered Nurses/Midwives
2.9 Bachelor of Tourism
At least any Second Class Diploma from a recognised Institution.
2.10 Bachelor of Science in Meteorology
At least a Second Class Diploma in Meteorology or its equivalent from
recognised Institutions.
2.11 Bachelor of Conservation Forestry & Products Technology
ANationalDiplomainForestry,Horticulture,Agroforestryor Agriculture, or its equivalent from recognised Institutions.
2.12 Bachelor of Social & Entrepreneurial Forestry
ANationalDiplomainForestry,Horticulture,Agroforestryor Agriculture, or its equivalent from recognised Institutions.
2.13 Bachelor of Environmental Science
Holders of Relevant Diploma (at least a Second Class) in Science related subjects from Makerere University or other recognized Institutions.
3.1 a) B.Sc. (Civil Engineering)
b) BSc. (Electrical Engineering)
c) B.Sc. (Mechanical Engineering)
d) B.Sc. (Telecommunications Engineering)
e) B.Sc. (Computer Engineering)
HoldersofUgandaNationalExaminationsBoardOrdinaryTechnical Diploma
oritsequivalent. Applicants should have obtained at least a Credit Class Diploma with at least a Credit Passin Mathematics.
3.2 Bachelor of Science in Land Surveying and Geomatics
ADiplomafromrecognisedInstitutionsspecialisinginSurveying,Physical Planning and Civil Engineering. Applicants must have received an overall average of 60%in all the years and an average of 70%in all Mathematics examinations.
3.3 Bachelor of Architecture
Holders of Uganda National Examinations Board Ordinary Technical Diploma in
ArchitecturalDraughtsmanshiporits equivalent from recognised Institutions. ApplicantsshouldhaveobtainedaCreditClassDiplomaandpassedwithat leastaCreditinallthesubjectsinbuildingconstruction,drawingand Mathematics.
3.4 a) B.Sc. (Land Economics)
b) B.Sc. (Quantity Surveying)
c) B.Sc. (Construction Management)
(i) A Uganda National Examinations Board Ordinary Diploma inBuildingConstruction,CivilEngineeringorits equivalent.
(ii) Applicants should have at least a Credit Class Diploma and should have doneMathematics,BuildingConstruction and Drawing with at least Credit 4 (four).
3.5 Bachelor of Urban and Regional Planning
A Credit Class Diploma with building and construction passed with at least a CreditfromrecognisedInstitutionsintheareasofArchitecturalDraughts- manship, Technical Drawing, Civil Engineering, Surveying, Physical Planning, Construction Management or Urban Governance and Management or their equivalent.
3.6 Bachelor of Industrial and Fine Arts
Institution(afterobtaininganadvancedlevelCertificate)withArtand/or TechnicalDrawing.Creditswillbetransferredas appropriate.
4.1 Bachelor of Statistics
EITHER: A Diploma in Statistics (at Intermediate Professional Level) from the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre, (EASTC) Dar-es-Salaam or its equivalent.
OR: AnyotherDiplomafromarecognisedInstitutionwith Mathematics as a major subject.
A candidate who is a holder of a Diploma of at least Credit grading obtained at the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Centre, (EASTC) Dar es Salaam, will on admission to the Bachelor of Statistics Programme, be exempted from the first year and will thus enter the programme in the second year. The holders of Pass Diplomas may be admitted to Bachelor of Statistics, Year 1.
4.2 Bachelor of Science (Quantitative Economics)
At least a Credit Diploma from a recognised Institution. The Diploma Programme must have involved Mathematics as a major subject.
4.3 Bachelor of Science in Population Studies
At least a Second Class or Credit Diploma from a recognised Institution with courses in Mathematics and/or Statistics as a subject. Special consideration will be given to applicants from the Eastern Africa Statistical Training Center (EASTC), who will be admitted into the First year with any Class of Diploma.
4.4 Bachelor of Science in Business Statistics
At least a Second Class or Credit Diploma from a recognised Institution with Mathematics as a subject.
4.5 Bachelor of Arts in Economics
A Diploma from a recognised Institution in relevant fields/subjects (Economics, Mathematics)
4.6 Bachelor of Arts in Development Economics
A Diploma from a recognised Institution in relevant fields/subjects (Economics, Mathematics)
4.7 Bachelor of Commerce
A Diploma from a recognised Institution in relevant fields/subjects (Mathematics, Economics).
4.8 Bachelor of Business Administration
HoldersofatleastaSecondClass/CreditDiplomafromarecognised Institutionintheareasof;
Cooperativesand BusinessStudies
5.1 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
At least a Second Class (Lower Division) Diploma in Computer Science, Engineering, Business Studies, Information Technology, Statistics or any other Diploma with Mathematics, Computer Science, or Information Technology as one of the subjects from a recognised Institution
Candidates who possess a Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology from Makerere University with at least (Lower Division) shall be admitted to second year of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science. Candidates who possess a Pass Class of the same Diploma shall be admitted to first year of Bachelor of Science in Computer Science.
5.2 Bachelor of Information Technology
Candidates should possess at least any Second Class (Lower Division) Diploma from a recognized Institution.
Candidates who hold a Diploma in Computer Science and Information Technology from Makerere University with at least (Lower Division) shall be admitted to second year of Bachelor of Information Technology. Candidates who possess a Pass Class of the same Diploma shall be admitted to first year of Bachelor of Information Technology.
5.3 Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering
Candidates should possess at least a Second Class (Lower Division) Diploma in Computer Science, Engineering, Statistics or any other Diploma with Mathematics or Computer Science as one of the subjects from a recognised Institution.
5.4 Bachelor of Information Systems
Candidates should possess at least a Second Class (Lower Division) Diploma in Computer Science or any other Diploma with business or computing aspects from any recognized Institution.
5.5 Bachelor of Library and Information Science
Candidates must hold a Credit Diploma from any of these fields or related discipline from recognized Institution:
(i) Diploma in Library and Information Science
(ii) Diploma in Records and Archives Management
(iii) Diploma in Information Management
(iv) Diploma in Publishing and Book Trade OR
(vi) Any related discipline from a recognised Institution.
NB: Candidates who hold a Diploma in Library and Information Studies from Makerere University with effect from Academic Year 2010/2011 with at least (a Credit Class Diploma) shall be admitted to Second year of Bachelor of Library and Information Science and qualify to be exempted from the following courses:
BLS 1105: Information and Society
BLS 1111: Information Technology
BLS 1106: Information Literacy
BLS 3120: Library Operations
BLS 1211: Information Technology II
BLS 1205: Principles of Knowledge Organization
BLS 1206: Publishing and Book Trade
BRM 1101: Principles of Records and Archives Management
5.6 Bachelor of Records and Archives Management