Paws for...

Haude News

May/June 2015


The Haude Jaguar Choir and Chimes will be performing their end-of-the-year concert on Tuesday, May 5th at 7 p.m. in the Haude cafeteria. Please come out to support the students as they have worked very diligently (with lots of early mornings) to prepare the music for the concert. The music teachers have enjoyed sharing music with your students this year!

The 2nd grade classes will be performing their spring music program on Thursday, May 14th at 7 p.m. in the Haude gym. They will be performing “Step into the Spotlight”. The students have been working on the musical during music class and many have speaking parts they have learned at home. We can’t wait to put everything together with singing, speaking and choreography for a fabulous spring musical!


Growth and Development films will be shown to 4th and 5th grade students on May 14th and 15th. An opportunity for parents to preview the films will be offered. Please watch your Tuesday folders for more details.

Donations: Please consider donating boys and girls underwear to the clinic. We would really appreciate it!

End-of-Year Medication Destruction: If you child has medication’s in the school clinic, please beginning planning to pick those medications up before the end of the school year. Medications cannot be kept in the clinic over the summer and any medications that are left will be destroyed after 4 pm on the last day of school.

Thank you,

Debbie Hall BSN, RN

Haude Clinic


Shooting fireworks or explosive devices of any kind in the building or on the campus, at any time, during the day or night, is forbidden. Students with such paraphernalia in their possession on the campus will be subject to suspension or expulsion.


Our Jaguar Jogging Club has wrapped up for another year! We are so proud of our 2nd and 3rd graders for all of their hard work and effort. We hope that we have influenced the students in a positive manner, and taught them that jogging is a lifelong skill that will assist them in living a healthy lifestyle.

The PE Teachers

Jennifer Elder, Connie Picard & Darrel Robinson


Thank you to all the parents who ordered merchandise from Square1Art. This fundraiser was a big success! If you missed the due date you may still order online by using your child’s Online Code at

Thank You,

Leah McWhorter


Who: Haude students and parents

What: Come visit the classroom and teacher

Where: Haude Elementary

When: Friday, August 21, 2015, from 9:00 – 11:00 a.m.

Make that first day of school a smooth transition for you and your child by visiting and leaving your child’s school supplies in his/her classroom. Check the Haude website and marquee for further

information and updates.


We will be taking pre-orders for school supply packets for the 2015-2016 school year. Information was previously sent home, but additional forms are available in the front office. School supply packets may be ordered in advance and will be ready and waiting in your student’s classroom on the first day of school. Pre-order forms will be accepted through June 9th and we hope you will take advantage of this opportunity to purchase in advance. A limited number of school supply packets will also be available on Meet the Teacher Day in August.


If you have a child who will be 4 years old on or before September 1, 2015, and they meet one of the eligibility requirements listed below, please plan on attending our spring Pre-K Round-Up.

The criteria to receive services in the Pre-Kindergarten program are as follows:

·  Four years of age by September 1, 2015

·  Meets low-income guidelines of the federal free and reduced lunch program and/or meets the guidelines as an English-As-A-Second-Language student.

·  Military Dependents

·  Child is or has been in the Conservatorship of Family & Protective Services

·  Homeless

Pre-K Round-up will be held Thursday, May 7th, from 8:45 – 10 a.m., in the Haude cafeteria. A test will be required to determine eligibility as limited English.



*  Report cards go home the last day of school, Thursday, June 4, 2015. Report cards will not be given out to students who still owe for lunch loans, lost/damaged textbooks or library books.

*  Parents, please be alert to lost library books and/or textbooks that may turn up before school ends. Like everything else, the cost of replacing these books will be greater next year. Your help is appreciated.

*  Please check the Lost & Found for lost articles of clothing. Our supply has grown truly large! Any articles not claimed by the end of this year will be given away to charity.


As the year ends, here is a reminder that sign in/out procedures allow for better communication regarding the security of your child. Teachers will request that these procedures be followed for the accurate accounting of your child. We must have the signature of the adult bringing the child in late or signing the child out early. If you are having another adult pick up your child, we request you send us a note and a phone number where we can reach you if we have questions. Please remind these individuals that ID will be required before we release your child.

You are welcome to eat lunch with your child, however, we do ask that you sign in and wear a name tag. We have a special parent table for you to sit and enjoy your lunch together. Even as the year comes to an end, we want to remain focused and alert to make sure our students are safe. Thank you for your help in following and supporting these procedures.


May 4 - 8

Greeting Others

1.  Look at the person.

2.  Use a pleasant voice.

3.  Say ‘Hi’ or ‘Hello’.

May 11 – 15

Giving Compliments

1. Look at the person.

2. Smile.

3. Use a pleasant voice tone.

4. Make a positive praise statement.

May 18 - 22

Following Instructions

1.  Look at the person.

2.  Say ‘Okay’.

3.  Do what you’ve been asked right away.

4.  Check back.

May 25 - 29

Getting the Teacher’s Attention

1.  Look at the teacher.

2.  Raise your hand.

3.  Wait until the teacher says your name.

4.  Ask your question.

June 1 - 4

Working with Others

1.  Identify the task to be completed.

2.  Assign tasks to each person.

3.  Discuss ideas in a calm quiet voice and let everyone share their ideas.

4.  Work on tasks until completed.


May 4-8 Teacher/Staff Appreciation Week

May 5 Choir and Tone Chimes concert – 7 p.m., Cafeteria

May 7 Future Cougar Night, Strack Intermediate Gym, 6:30 – 8 p.m.

May 8 Haude GT Student Research Showcase for parents – Haude cafeteria, 8:45-9:30 a.m.

May 10 Mother’s Day

May 12 District GT Student Research Showcase – Klein Multipurpose Center,

9:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.

May 14 2nd grade musical – 7 p.m., Gym

May 25 Memorial Day Holiday – No School

June 3 5th Grade Appreciation Assembly – 8:30 a.m., Cafeteria

June 4 Last Day of Classes/Report Cards Issued


Teacher and Staff Appreciation is May 4th through May 8th. We will be showing our appreciation for Haude teachers and staff during this week. You may also want your child to write his/her teacher or special staff member a note of thanks and appreciation.


The Klein Independent School District is sharing information about the district and your child’s campus with you as part of Klein Independent School District’s obligations under the federal No Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (NCLB). Federal Report Cards for the state as a whole, the district, and each of the district’s campuses are now available on the district’s web site at this link:

If you have difficulty accessing the information from the web site, hard copies of the reports are available through the campus principal’s office.


Please be reminded that a student who missed eighteen (18) or more days of school during the school year may not be given credit except as noted below:

·  Illness of the student as verified by a doctor’s written statement showing dates of absence.

·  A parent’s written request for a homebound teacher.

·  Extenuating circumstances approved by the principal or campus attendance committee.

Any student with 18 or more absences will have his/her attendance record reviewed by the campus attendance committee regardless if parent or doctor notes were submitted.

In addition to Haude’s important events, you may view the newsletter in its entirety on the web at: