FYM Annual Summary of Activities
School of Mathematical & Statistical Sciences
Instructors, Lecturers (L, SL, PL), Faculty Associates
For January 1, to December 31,
Faculty Member:
The purpose of the summary of activities form is to obtain as muchinformation as possible concerning the contributions of the faculty to theuniversity. Therefore, many different categories have been listed. Thisdoes not imply there is an anticipation that a faculty member will havemade contributions in every category, nor does it imply that each categoryof activity is equally valued. The single most important mission of thenon-tenure-track faculty is to make an outstanding contribution in theteaching of assigned courses. The service that will be most valued will beservice directly related to the school's instructional mission. The impact of such service (e.g. number of students, number of sections/instructors who are helped) is what matters.
The school has on file a database with courses taught, studentevaluations and grade distribution for each course. This information willbe used by the chair and the personnel and budget committee in performanceevaluations. The evaluation will also take into consideration thedocumentation provided by department members in completing this summary ofactivities, together with recommendations of the Director of First YearMathematics and the associate chairs, evaluations from classroomvisitations and other evidence of performance in teaching and service.
1. Teaching awards, honors or other recognition (school, college, university, state, national, international).
2. Innovative teaching enhancements.
A. Materials or delivery systems developed or used in your own courses that supplement normal instruction, including creation and use of original labs, projects, computer applications and other technology (attach samples as appropriate). Normal teaching responsibilities such as lesson plans, test and quiz creation, lectures, group work, etc. should NOT be included.
B. Creation and use of original, personalized honors projects (attach samples). Book-work and other pre-written projects should not be included.List the names of the honors students and the total number of hours spent supervising them.
3. Number of non original honors projects supervised. Include the title, a brief description of the project, the names of the students and the total number of hours spent supervising them.
4. Other noteworthy teaching efforts not included in the list above, beyond normal teaching responsibilities.
1. Committees, elected or appointed. Summarize your contribution including estimated total hours spent per semester. If chair, summarize contributions for ALL members. (FYM PC, Curriculum, Technology, Tutor Center, Testing Center, FYM Seminar)
2. Course Coordination. Include number of sections, number of T.A.’s overseen.
3. Facilitated or presented at FYM Seminars.
4. Presentations atTutor Center Workshops.
5. Other Talks, Presentations, Seminars and Workshops that you facilitated.
6. Teaching related workshops and/or seminars attended for professional development (e.g. ASU online workshops, FYM seminars). If these workshops impacted your teaching, or you applied what you learned to your teaching, please explain.
7. Tutor Center/ MC^2, Knewton Labs Activities.
8. Observation and Evaluation of T.A.’s, Instructors, etc.
9. Graduate T.A. Training Activities (Summer, Fall, Spring).
10. Piloting a New Text in an Established Course (does not include new editions).
11. Teaching a New Course (only courses not previously offered by the department).
12. Development of Instructional Materials, Technology, etc. (for courses other than just your own).
13. Grants and Funding for the Department. Provide source, title and date.
14. Relevant Publications (journal articles, books).
15. Community Outreach: Service to elementary and secondary schools and community colleges, etc.
16. Number of class reductions traded for major service activities including FYM Director, IA/Grader Coordinator, Graduate Teaching Assistantships Coordinator, etc.
17. Classes covered for other instructor(s) (number of classes/weeks).
18. Other Service Efforts not included in list above.