Programme Specification
Mechanical Engineering - M.Eng
Please note: This specification provides a concise summary of the main features of the programme and the learning outcomes that a typical student might reasonably be expected to achieve and demonstrate if full advantage is taken of the learning opportunities that are provided. More detailed information on the learning outcomes, content and teaching, learning and assessment methods of each module can be found in Module Specifications and other programme documentation and online at http://www.lboro.ac.uk/
The accuracy of the information in this document is reviewed by the University and may be checked by the Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education.
Awarding body/institution; / Loughborough UniversityTeaching institution (if different); / As above
Details of accreditation by a professional/statutory body; / IMechE
Name of the final award; / M.Eng. or M.Eng. DIS
Programme title; / Mechanical Engineering
UCAS code; / H302, H303
Date at which the programme specification was written or revised. / July 2006
1. Aims of the programme:
To provide a fully accredited broad based honours degree programme for well-motivated students with high entry qualifications. The programme seeks to produce high quality graduates who have a strong academic background combined with outstanding integrative skills and the ability to progress rapidly to a position of responsibility and subsequently provide technical, managerial and entrepreneurial leadership.
2. Relevant subject benchmark statements and other external and internal reference points used to inform programme outcomes:
The National Qualifications Framework
QAA Benchmark statements for Engineering
SARTOR 3/UK SPEC Engineering Accreditation
I.Mech.E Accreditation report from accreditation visit 2/5/02
The formation of Mechanical Engineers, Educational Base, I.Mech.E. 1999.
Loughborough University Learning and Teaching Strategy
3. Intended Learning Outcomes
On completion of the programme M.Eng graduates will have acquired technical depth in both core and specialist mechanical engineering subjects combined with a broad base of engineering knowledge and experience. They will have the ability to integrate knowledge of engineering science, mathematical tools and computer based methods to solve a wide range of mechanical engineering problems in industrial or research environments. By using a wide variety of teaching and learning methods which includes making maximum use of industry/university links, graduates will be aware of modern commercial and managerial practices appropriate to engineering industry. They will be versatile, have developed strong interpersonal, communication and team-working skills and be equipped to play a leading role in industry. More specifically they will have:
Comprehensive Knowledge and Understanding of:
· the underpinning mathematics, mechanical, electrical and thermal sciences associated with a career in mechanical engineering.
· engineering principles, quantitative methods, mathematical and computer models.
· developing technologies in at least one area of specialisation and an understanding of concepts from a range of areas peripheral to mechanical engineering including a thorough appreciation of microprocessors and machine control software.
· design processes and methodologies.
· codes of practice, industry standards and quality issues as applicable to a general mechanical engineering career together with an awareness of the nature of intellectual property issues and of environmental, legal and ethical issues within the modern industrial world.
· management and business practices appropriate for a career in engineering and an understanding of the commercial, economic, and human resource context of the engineering business.
· the characteristics of engineering materials, equipment and processes and an awareness of basic mechanical workshop practices.
Skills and other Attributes:
· the skill to identify and define a mechanical engineering problem in an unfamiliar situation and generate innovative solutions
· the ability to apply appropriate methods to model such solutions and assess the limitations of the method.
· the ability to manage a design project taking account of constraints such as cost, heath and safety and environmental issues.
· the ability to make general evaluations of commercial risk.
· the ability to identify and implement appropriate ICT solutions.
Teaching, learning and assessment strategies to enable the above outcomes to be achieved and demonstrated:
Acquisition of the above knowledge and understanding is through a combination of lectures, tutorials, seminars, co-operative projects with industry, internal group and individual projects, practical laboratory work, industrial training (DIS students only) coursework assignments and supervisory experience.
Assessment is through a combination of written examinations and assessed coursework. Coursework assessment varies from module to module and includes the evaluation of laboratory reports, technical reports, problem solving exercises, design portfolios, manufacture of prototypes, computer assisted assessment, oral presentations and viva-voce examinations.
4. Programme structures and requirements, levels, modules, credits and awards:
The M.Eng programme in Mechanical Engineering is offered as a full-time programme four years or a sandwich programme of five years if taken with the optional year of industrial training in year 3 between parts B and C of the programme. The sandwich degree offers the additional award of Diploma of Industrial Studies (DIS). Students study modules with a combined weight of 120 credits in each part (academic year) of the programme and each part is taught in two 15-week semesters.
The programme structure is briefly described below and, in more detail in the Programme Regulations. Details of Module Specifications can be found at the following Web address:- http://cisinfo.lboro.ac.uk:8081/CI/WR0015.MAIN
Modules are listed under the department primarily responsible for them, e.g. module based in the School Module of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering are coded MM (previously MU = Manufacturing Engineering, MC = Mechanical Engineering). The credit weighting of each module is specified, 10 credits being approximately equivalent to 100 hours, on average, of student effort.
Part A
Compulsory Subjects (120)
Engineering Mathematics (20)
Thermofluids (20) introducing. thermodynamics and fluid mechanics.
Engineering Mechanics (20) introducting statics, strength of materials and dynamics.
Materials Technology (10)
Electronics and Electrical Technology (10)
Design Communication and Manufacture (20) Introducing engineering drawing standards, CAD and a major design/make project.
Engineering Insight (20) introducing study and communication skills, ICT systems, business management, manufacturing processes, mechanical and electrical measurement.
Part B
Compulsory Subjects (120)
Engineering Mathematics (10) building on part A
Thermofluids (20) extending thermodynamics heat Transfer and fluid flow
Mechanics of Materials (10) extending Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Dynamics (10)
Control Engineering (10)
Electrical Power and Machines (10)
Application of Engineering Design (30) including an Industry Based project, an internal project on the design and analysis of machine elements and the further use of CAE
Engineering Computation (10)
Engineering Management (10)
DIS or DINTS (optional)
Our accredited industrial placement scheme leads to the additional award of Diploma of Industrial Studies. Alternatively, students may take an integrated year of study and training abroad in co-operation with a partner university, leading to the award of Diploma of International Studies.
Part C
Compulsory Modules (60)
Individual Project (40)
Business Systems (10)
Computer Control and Instrumentation (10)
Deepening Modules - part 1 (20) two from
Vibration and Noise
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Structural Integrity: Finite Element Analysis
Polymer Engineering
Design of Machinery: kinematics
Computer Aided Design
Broadening Modules (40) one of the following pairs of modules
Laser and Optical Measurement (20)
Materials Engineering (20)
Manufacturing Engineering (20)
European Language (20)
Plus two further choices from
Laser Materials Processing (10)
Robotics and Control (10)
Advanced Heat Transfer (10)
Design for Assembly (10)
Digital Image Processing (10)
Sports Engineering (10)
Turbomachinery (10)
Healthcare Engineering (10)
Part D
Compulsory Modules (70)
Project Engineering (30) – industry based tea project
Engineering Design Management (10)
Mechatronics (20) Computer control and instrumentation (part C) is a prerequisite module for this advanced project based study.
A choice of two ‘leadership’ modules (10)
Deepening Modules - part 2 (20) two follow-on modules from:
Vibration and Noise
Computational Fluid Dynamics
Structural Integrity
Polymer Engineering
Design of Machinery: dynamics
Product Data Technology
Broadening Modules (30) - A choice of specialist modules from:
Internal Combustion Engines (20)
European Language (20)
Manufacturing for the Environment (10)
Computer Aided Engineering (10)
Tribology (10)
Metrology (10)
Laser Materials Processing (10)
Advanced Heat Transfer (10)
Turbomachinery (10)
Healthcare Engineering (10)
Study Abroad Within the Academic Year
Students may make arrangements to study part D at an approved overseas institution
5. Criteria for admission to the programme:
Candidates must be able to satisfy the general requirements of the University and of the School of Mechanical and Manufacturing Engineering; typically the requirements are:
A Level Qualifications
300 points from: minimum grade C in Mathematics and Physics at A level plus a third A level or two AS levels.
Vocational A level (VAL)
300 points from a minimum of 18 units or any combination of VAL units and AS or A level units.
Outstanding candidates are considered on an individual basis.
Advanced highers: BCC from mathematics, physics and a third advanced higher (or two highers)
International Baccalaureate: Total score of 30 points with a minimum 6 in higher level mathematics and physics.
Applicants who miss their offer are automatically reconsidered for entry to the corresponding B.Eng programme that shares a common part A. Transfer from B.Eng to M.Eng at the end of the first year is possible but is dependent upon high achievement on course.
Selection procedures
Applicants are informally interviewed. We invite the candidates to visit the university to meet staff and current students and to tour the facilities. These can be one or two day's duration. Our special overnight visits which incorporate an informal interview have proved to be the best way to find out what living and studying in Loughborough is really like. Candidates who fail to meet the M.Eng entry requirements are offered entry to the B.Eng programme subject to normal B.Eng entry conditions. Upward transfer after year one is possible.
6. Information about assessment regulations:
The method of assessment for each module is described within the relevant module specification (see section 4 above).
Examinations are held in each subject for which an examination is required in the assessment period at the end of the semester in which it is taught. At the end of each year the results from examinations and coursework assessment will be combined, as detailed in each module specification. Percentage scores are calculated to one decimal place and then rounded to the nearest integer.
The results for each module are compiled and considered by an examination board, which awards credit for each satisfactorily completed module ( 40%). Students who achieve sufficient credit to meet the assessment requirements of their programme regulations will be allowed to proceed to the next year of their course.
Briefly, all 120 credits are needed for progression in each year of this M.Eng degree however, in addition, this programme demands that students achieve a minimum standard of 50% in three-quarters of modules. Students on the M.Eng programme are therefore expected to demonstrate both breadth of learning and a high overall standard. Readers are directed to the programme regulations (attached) for full details of this and the criteria for the award of a degree.
Candidates in parts A, B or C not meeting the criteria for progression will have the right to be re-assessed on one further occasion. The student may choose to be re-assessed in the University’s Special Assessment Period in early September or in the next academic year. Alternatively, candidates in parts A or B may elect to enter the BEng degree programme in Mechanical Engineering provided that they have achieved the criteria for progression for that programme. IMechE accreditation will not be granted for MEng candidates who graduate 3rd Class Honours or who are reassessed in the Individual Project module.
7. Indicators of quality:
The course is fully accredited by the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. In Teaching Quality Assessment, the School was awarded 23 points out of a maximum of 24, confirming it as a leader in quality of teaching.
In the last Research Assessment Exercise (RAE) we achieved a grade 5; the School is continually building on this achievement and is confident of improving its rating in the future.
8. Particular support for learning:
The Wolfson School employs a full time officer to offer advice regarding careers and industrial placements. Also the University’s Careers Office run timetabled tutorial sessions within the programme’s curriculum.
See also University’s Careers Service information: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/service/careers/section/careers_service/welcome.html
Computing Facilities:
The School has installed many computers to enhance the extensive central facilities provided by the Computing Services (see below). The additional facilities provided by the School fall into two general categories:-
Group 1 – Computing services primarily intended to support teaching activities. Access to these machines is limited only by timetabled teaching/tutorial requirements.
Group 2 – Computers intended to support research in the School, but to which students have access whilst undertaking certain electives and/or by prior arrangement with their project supervisor.
Group 1
The School has many PCs that are used to support its teaching activities by exposing students to relevant applications software. The largest concentration of these is in the PC Rooms TW/1/15 and T/2/10. All of these computers use Microsoft Windows NT. CAE Room (TW/1/14) houses Engineering Workstations that are used extensively to support CAD and CAE teaching. These workstations use the UNIX operating system with the Common Desktop Environment as windowing systems. A further substantial group of workstations and PCs have been installed in the Design Projects area as part of an Engineering Faculty initiative.
Group 2
The majority of the computer based research in the School is done on similar Sun Microsystems and Windows NT workstations. Those students opting for projects closely allied to these research projects in their final year should therefore already be familiar with this type of facility.
See also University’s Computing Services information: http://www.lboro.ac.uk/computing/index.html
Professional Development
Counselling Service
Engineering Student Centre:
English Language Study Unit:
The Mathematics Learning Support Centre:
Disabilities & Additional Needs Service:
Mental Health Support Service:
9. Methods for evaluating and improving the quality and standards of learning: