ICT - Assessment of National Curriculum Level

3 / 3 (a) Can present ideas in a short report using a computer
3 (b) Can lay out text, change text font, change text size
3 (c) Can centre and right and left justify text
3 (d) Can design a picture or poster to suite a audience
3 (e) Has written basic instructions to control something
3 (f) Has combined text and image to create a new outcome
3 (g) Can find out information from a database
3 (h) Can describe their use of IT to others
4 / 4 (a) Can collect information, produce a database, add to and change information in a database
4 (b) Can sort and interrogate a database i.e. do queries and reports
4 (c) Has designed a program to control something
4 (d) Has measured data and displayed the results on a computer
4 (e) Can produce a piece of multimedia work with a graphic, text of different sizes, fonts and colours using a layout that is interesting and meaningful to the person reading it
4 (f) Can interpret the findings and recognise that poor quality information leads to unreliable results
4 (g) Can exchange information with others using e-mail
4 (h) Can compare the use of ICT with other alternative methods and can explain the advantages of using ICT for certain tasks
5 / 5 (a) Can produce a newsletter using a desktop publisher which includes graphics and text
5 (b) Can “mail merge” data into a document
5 (c) Can collect and organise information from the internet and non ICT sources
5 (d) Can collect and organise and present information from the Internet and non ICT sources
5 (e) Can write a program to get different results like creating different shapes or movements
5 (f) Understand that ICT devices with sensors can be used to monitor and measure external events
5 (g) Can use a spreadsheet to enter formulae, perform calculations like adding up columns, averaging columns,
5 (h) Can explain to others what they have done and the advantages and disadvantages of the IT they have used
6 / 6 (a) Can produce a clear attractive document using information from a range of sources e.g. import graphics, import information from the Internet
6 (b) Can carry out a complex tasks using a spreadsheet or database using complex searches and formulae
6 (c) Can carry out a complex search of the internet as part of a project
6 (d) Can write a program to efficiently control something using a computer
6 (e) Can monitor and measure and compare external events
6 (f) Can predict the outcomes and vary the rules within models by changing the variables
6 (g) Can discuss the impact of IT on society and in their everyday lives
7 / 7 (a) Can produce a complex project using a range of resources like the Internet, digital camera, scanner, word processor, desktop publisher, and non-ICT sources.
7 (b) Can handle data using a complex database, spreadsheets etc. writing complex queries and reports
7 (c) Can set up data logging experiments while selecting analysing and presenting the data gained
7 (d) Understand the benefits and limitations of ICT tools and information sources and to use these results to inform future judgements
7 (e) Can present information to an unfamiliar and critical audience
8 / 8 (a) Can select appropriate IT facilities for a task taking into account ease of use and suitability for purpose
8 (b) Design a computer template for others to use
8 (c) Can design a successful means of capturing and preparing information for others to use on a computer
8 (d) Can design and implement a feedback system for computerised control of a device
8 (e) Can design and implement a system for others to use including instructions for use
8 (f) Can discuss in an informed way social, economic, ethical and moral issues raised by IT