PalmScout PC

Table of Contents

Starting PalmScout PC 2

Using the Main Menu 2

Roster Management 3

Setting Up a Game 4

Pregame Screen 4

Lineup Screen 5

Lineup Rules 6

Charting a Game 7

Pitch Screen Components 7

Tagging Video Clip 8

Charting a Game 8

Charting an Action 9

Action Descriptions 10

Field Screen 11

Charting Special Plays 12

Tips and Tricks 13

Pre-Game Screen 13

Line-Up Screen 13

Pitch Screen 13

Pitch Screen with Field 14

General 14


PC Instructions

Starting PalmScout PC

Start PalmScout PC by double-clicking on the Inside Edge icon on your desktop,


1.  Click the Windows Start button and select Programs (or all Programs).

2.  Navigate to the Inside Edge program group, and hover over it (XP) or click it (Vista or Windows 7)

3.  Click on the Inside Edge icon to the right of that (XP) or below (Vista or Windows 7) to start the program.

Using the Main Menu

When starting PalmScout PC, the main menu lists 7 options

Roster Management

You will need to create teams and players before you can use PalmScout PC to chart a game. When you click the Roster Management button on the main menu, the Inside Edge League/Team Manager appears. This allows you to create and edit player and team data.

Setting Up a Game

From the main menu:

1.  Click Chart a Game or Practice

2.  Click Game

Lineup Screen:

1. Click and drag players from the bench to the starting lineup. Double clicking a bench player will automatically place them in the next empty batting order space

2. Click and drag a pitcher into each “Pitching” slot. If the pitcher is in the batting order, you may also drag them down from their lineup slot

3. Designate a catcher for each team by dragging the C from the middle column and dropping it in the position box next to their name

4. When the lineup is set, click Done

Lineup rules

The following rules apply when creating a lineup:

·  You must enter at least a leadoff hitter for the visiting team and a pitcher for the home team before clicking Done.

·  You can move a player within the lineup card by dragging and dropping the player to a new row in the Lineup. If another player was previously in that row, the replaced player will be returned to the Bench or Pitching Staff – whichever is applicable.

·  Any player can be placed in the Pitching box by dragging and dropping the player in the Pitching box. When a player is dragged to the Pitching box, the player’s name is not removed from the originating source (Lineup, Bench, or Pitching Staff).

·  Once you have created a lineup, you can change it at any time during the game by clicking on the Lineup button in the Pitch screen.

·  You can add a new player by clicking the Add a Player button immediately above the team of interest, and entering the player information in the Add a Player dialog box. Or, use the Quick Add buttons to add a player quickly during a game (e.g. just their unif. #), and then enter more on them later.

·  If you need to add a player as a hitter AND pitcher, add them to the hitting spot first, then drag them to the pitching box.

When you are finished working with a lineup, click Done to go to the Pitch Screen and begin entering the charted data, as described in the next section.Charting a Game

Pitch Screen Components

The Pitch Screen contains the following main components (see graphic on page 8)

·  Pitch Type Buttons -- Buttons for selecting various Pitch Types (Baseball -Fastball, Curve, etc./ Softball – Rise, Drop, etc.). Click one of these buttons to select a Pitch Type.

·  Pitch Speed Listbox -- Displays a list of velocities based on the pitch type selected. Clicking on a velocity is optional.

·  Status Grid -- Displays information about the game, such as balls, strikes, outs, score, and inning. If you click on any of these items, the Edit Game Status window appears, which allows you to manually adjust the game status.

·  Game Log -- Displays the event information written to the game file. To see more of the game log, you can click on the Maximize button at the top-right of the log window.

·  Command Buttons -- A series of buttons that allow you to navigate to various portions of PalmScout PC. Clicking Lineup, for example, takes you to the Lineup Card.

·  Batter Graphic -- Displays a batter and home plate, along with a grid for locating pitches. The batter is displayed as either left-handed or right-handed, depending on player data in the PalmScout PC database. You can change this, along with the view (front or back) by clicking one of the option buttons to the right of the batter graphic.

·  Pitch Location grid – you click in or around the strike zone to indicate where the ball crossed the plate. A baseball appears. You can click several times to re-locate it, or click directly on the ball to remove it.

·  Pitch Result Buttons -- A series of buttons for selecting whether the pitch was a taken ball, taken strike, missed, fouled, put in play and not well hit (-), put in play medium hit (=), put in play and well hit (+), or bunted into play (B). Clicking on a Pitch Result logs that pitch to the Game Log and clears out the type, velocity, and location areas. You MUST click a pitch result for each pitch before moving on to any action.

·  Actions Box -- A series of buttons for selecting the batter action, as well as other game events.

·  Undo Button -- A button for removing the last line from the Game Log and “stepping back in time.” Use this button as sparingly as possible, as it can lead to dangerous situations. Also, be sure that you click Undo enough times to get back to where you want to be in the Game Log.

·  Batter Position / Charting View – indicate the hitting side and charting position: front view (pitcher’s view) or back view (hitter’s view).

Charting the Game

The pitch charting area is highlighted red in the diagram below.

Charting a pitch

Work left to right:

1.  Chart the pitch type

2.  Chart the velocity

3.  Chart the location

4.  Choose a result (the result must be charted last)

Charting an Action

Once you click one of the 4 blue “in play” results, use the action area-- highlighted in yellow below, to choose the appropriate game event (single, groundout, etc.)

Also use the yellow section for any non-batted ball action such as strikeouts, walks, and stolen bases

Most actions will automatically send you to the field screen

Action Descriptions

1B / Single
2B / Double
3B / Triple
HR / Home run
FC / Fielder’s Choice
BB / Walk
IBB / Intentional Walk
HBP / Hit by Pitch
ROE / Reach on Error
KS / Strikeout Swinging
KC / Strikeout Called
GO / Groundout
FO / Flyout
LO / Lineout
GIDP / Grounded into Double Play
FODP / Flyout Double Play
LODP / Lineout Double Play
Put Out / Put Out
SF / Sacrifice Fly
SB / Stolen Base
CS / Caught Stealing
SBA / Stolen Base Attempt
HRA / Hit and Run Attempt
E / Error
WP / Wild Pitch
PB / Passed Ball
SH / Sacrifice Hit
BSA / Bunt for Sac Attempt
BHA / Bunt for Hit Attempt
P.TO / Pitcher Throwover
PCS / Pickoff Caught Stealing
PKO / Pickoff
PkSB / Pickoff Stolen Base
C.TO / Catcher Throwover
C.PKO / Catcher Pickoff
Balk / Balk
Cat. Int. / Catcher Interference
B. Int. / Batter Interference
Rnr. Int. / Runner Interference
AutoBall / Automatic Ball
TP / Triple Play
Fld. Int. / Fielder Interference
OutBox / Out of Batter’s Box
OutPth / Out of base path
Def. Ind / Defensive Indifference
Rnr. Hit / Runner hit by batted ball
Appeal / Appeal granted

Field screen

1.  Once you click the type of batted ball (flyball, groundball, etc.) the Field Screen appears

2.  On the field graphic, click where the ball landed and the line will automatically appear

a.  Grounders are typically charted where the fielder first touched the ball

b.  Flyballs/Linedrives are typically charted where the ball first lands

3.  Advance runners as necessary by clicking and dragging the yellow box to the next base

4.  To remove a runner who has been putout on the bases, drag the yellow box to the black line halfway between the bases and drop it

5.  Click the big red At Bat Complete button

6.  In situations where runners moved, but the at bat is not over (like a stolen base), click Hide Field

Charting special plays

Play / Order that it’s entered
1B, E / Pitch type, Velocity, Location, +/=/-/B, 1B, GB/FB/LD/BL, Direction, E, move runners, At Bat Complete
SB/CS / Pitch type, Velocity, Location, Ball/Strike/Miss, SB or CS, confirm runners, Hide Field
WP/PB / Pitch type, Velocity, Location, Ball/Strike/Miss, WP or PB,
SH / Pitch type, Velocity, Location, B, SH, groundball, direction, confirm runners, At Bat Complete
1B, Putout / Pitch type, Velocity, Location, +/=/-/B, 1B, GB/FB/LD/BL, Direction, PO, remove runners, At Bat Complete
Pitchout/IBB / Use green IBB or PitchOut pitchtypes, location, ball (use IBB action after an intentional ball 4)

·  Always chart pitch before an action or attempt (wp, sb, bha)

·  Use SH for a sacrifice bunt, and SF for a sacrifice fly

·  Use the lineup button to make substitutions

·  For a hit by pitch, remember to click the “Called Ball” button before the HBP action

Tips and Tricks

The following tips and tricks can be helpful for both new and advanced PalmScout PC users.

Pre-Game Screen

Be sure to enter the correct game date. PalmScout PC will default to the current date and time, but you should change that if you’re entering a game from a previous date.

It is important to choose the correct series type. If this is the only game of the day, choose single game. For a doubleheader select either game 1 or game 2.

Line-Up Screen

All players can be dragged and dropped into the Lineup Card, but only position players can be double-clicked into the Lineup Card. (The pitcher must be manually dragged and dropped into the Pitching Slot)

You can drag and drop positions (e.g., “SS”) into the line-up card. Those positions will be used to show uniform numbers of players on the field.

Pitch Screen

Always enter the pitch first (e.g., Fastball, 88 MPH, low-away, taken for ball), then the action (e.g., FO), then the hit location (if appropriate), adjusting the runners if necessary, followed by clicking At Bat Complete. This order is especially important with events such as Hit and Run Attempts (enter pitch, then HRA), and SBs (enter pitch, then SB).

You must enter a pitch result for each pitch (one of the Taken or Swung on buttons); as soon as you click a result, that pitch gets entered into the Game Log below.

When charting pitches, enter as much information as possible. For example, if you missed the location and velocity of a pitch but you know the pitch type and result, enter the known information. All you really must enter is a result, but try to enter as much information as possible about each pitch. That will ensure that your reports are complete.

You can enter one or more actions whenever they occur, but you must click At Bat Complete after entering any actions to end a hitter’s at bat and bring up the next hitter.

You can re-enter or change the lineup by clicking Lineup at the bottom left of the screen.

When you click Undo, make sure to monitor the Game Log – you’ll see the last line disappear. You MUST undo all pertinent lines in the Game Log before entering the corrected information.

You can change the view of the batter by clicking the Front or Back option buttons, depending on whether you’re charting from behind the plate or from a centerfield camera. You can make that your default view for future games through the PalmScout PC Configuration screen.

You can quickly change a hitter’s batting side by clicking the L or R option buttons. However, to permanently change the hitter’s batting side, use Manage Leagues and Teams to edit that player’s side.

You can manually change the strikes, balls, outs, inning, or score by clicking inside the Status Grid where these are listed. However, it is better to chart every pitch to keep the counts, etc., up-to-date.

By clicking More Actions you will see uncommon actions such as catcher interference, triple play, defensive indifference, etc.

If a runner attempts to steal a base before the pitcher actually delivers to the plate and the pitcher throws out the runner attempting to steal before throwing to the plate, there are two functions for this: PkSB (pickoff stolen base) and PCS (pickoff caught stealing).

You can expand the Game Log window by clicking on the window icon in the upper-right corner of the Game Log. This can be helpful when using Undo. You can shrink the window back down by clicking the icon again.

Two error functions are available: ROE (reached on error) and E (error). Use ROE when a fielder makes an error and the hitter reaches base as a result. Use E when runners advance because of an error (e.g., 1B and E for a single where the hitter took 2nd on a bad throw).

Only use SBA (stolen base attempt) when the hitter fouls off a pitch and the runner was going! If a runner successfully or unsuccessfully steals a base DO NOT enter SBA – just use SB (stolen base) or CS (caught stealing).

Use the pitch type, Int. Ball, to chart Intentional Walk pitches. After an intentional ball 4, use the IBB action button.

Always check the current hitter and pitcher. If either the pitcher name (above the batter) or batter name (below the batter) is incorrect, click Lineup and correct the information in the Lineup Card by either clicking the arrow next to the correct hitter or dragging the correct pitcher into the Pitching box.