Name: ______

BeachPark/ Words in Context 2

Grade 8

Question #1:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

The (subtle, sly) taste of cinnamon made the cookies delicious.

  1. subtle
  2. sly

Question #2:

Choose the word with a negative connotation.

Mr. Raines was very rude during the concert because he kept making (subtle, sly) comments about the singers.

  1. subtle
  2. sly

Question #3:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

Lisa's grandfather was upset because he could hear Lisa (whisper, mumble) from all the way across the gym.

  1. mumble
  2. whisper

Question #4:

Choose the word with a negative connotation.

The teacher told Matt to stop (whispering, mumbling) complaints under his breath.

  1. whispering
  2. mumbling

Question #5:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

Jesse (smirked, smiled) when he learned that he had won the election.

  1. smirked
  2. smiled

Question #6:

Choose the word with a negative connotation.

The (hyper, energetic) child chased the dog around the playground.

  1. energetic
  2. hyper

Question #7:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

Waiting for the children to stop fidgeting and listen proved that Dr. Sein is a (patient, tenacious) person.

  1. tenacious
  2. patient

Question #8:

Choose the word with a negative connotation.

Mrs. Waltrop sent a note home to explain that LeAnna had detention because of LeAnna's (patient, tenacious) attitude.

  1. patient
  2. tenacious

Question #9:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

Ryan's homework was (hurried, reckless), but he checked every answer twice.

  1. reckless
  2. hurried

Question #10:

Choose the word with a negative connotation.

The (hurried, reckless) way that Amir jumped from the stands made Mr. Marple gasp.

  1. hurried
  2. reckless

Question #11:

Choose the word with a negative connotation.

Just like her sister, Judy has such (hatred, dislike) for brussel sprouts that she would rather not eat at all if they are on the table.

  1. dislike
  2. hatred

Question #12:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

Travis has a (hatred, dislike) of baseball, but he will not refuse to play if you ask him.

  1. hatred
  2. dislike

Question #13:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

When Mr. Daniels asked her opinion of Hamlet, Rachel was (honest, blunt) even though she felt badly for not liking it.

  1. blunt
  2. honest

Question #14:

Choose the word with a negative connotation.

Dad's (honest, frank) statement about my clothes made it seem that he really did not care what I wore.

  1. honest
  2. frank

Question #15:

Choose the word with a negative connotation.

Charlie's story about the spiders and his homework paper was so (untrue, deceptive) that even Mrs. Morris believed him.

  1. untrue
  2. deceptive

Question #16:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

The prices in the advertisement were (untrue, deceptive), but it was just an error and the store manager was very apologetic.

  1. deceptive
  2. untrue

Question #17:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

Farley's (shy, coy) nature kept him from making friends because he was afraid

to talk to anyone.

  1. coy
  2. shy

Question #18:

Choose the word with a negative connotation.

Once he lost all the pieces, Parker (abandoned, surrendered) chess to play another game.

  1. surrendered
  2. abandoned

Question #19:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

After Dad threatened to ground him, Wilson (abandoned, surrendered) the puppy he was hiding in his bedroom.

  1. abandoned
  2. surrendered

Question #20:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

Eliza has a very (unique, strange) sense of fashion.

  1. strange
  2. unique

Question #21:

Choose the word with a negative connotation.

Whenever the teacher is in the room, Meredith is (shy, coy), but whenever Mr. Dannely leaves, Meredith is loud and bossy.

  1. shy
  2. coy

Question #22:

Choose the word with a negative connotation.

Ashley saw very (unique, strange) things at the art gallery.

  1. strange
  2. unique

Question #23:

Choose the word with a negative connotation.

The army will (defeat, overcome) its enemy in one brief battle.

  1. overcome
  2. defeat

Question #24:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

With a little persistence, the team will (defeat, overcome) its lack of experience on the field.

  1. overcome
  2. defeat

Question #25:

Choose the word with the more positive connotation.

Mrs. Roads told Aaron that he was not in trouble, but she asked for an (explanation, excuse) for why the paper was scattered around the room.

  1. explanation
  2. excuse

Answer Key

1. A -subtle

2. B -sly

3. B -whisper

4. B -mumbling

5. B -smiled

6. B -hyper

7. B -patient

8. B -tenacious

9. B -hurried

10. B reckless

11. B hatred

12. B dislike

13. B honest

14. B frank

15. B deceptive

16. B untrue

17. B shy

18. B abandoned

19. B surrendered

20. B unique

21. B coy

22. A strange

25. A explanation

24. A overcome

23. B defeat