/ Dr. Zawar Hussain
Assistant Professor
Department of Statistics
Quaid-i-Azam University 45320 Islamabad, 44000, Pakistan

Cell: +92 (0) 303-5506206
+92 (0) 51-90642185 (Office) /


Name Zawar Hussain

Father Name Muhammad Nawaz

Date of Birth June 01, 1974

Nationality Pakistani

CNIC # 31202-0307272-5

Passport # EP6892721

Marital status Married

Present Address Department of Statistics, Quaid-i-Azam University 45320, Islamabad 44000, Pakistan.


Phone Numbers Office: +92-51-90642185, Mobile: +92-303-5506206.

Current Position Assistant Professor, Department of Statistics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.


Ph.D. (Statistics)

Completion Year: 2009.

Dissertation Title: Various Randomized Response Models in Survey Sampling

Institute/University: Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Supervisor: Dr. Javid Shabbir, Associate Professor of Statistics, Department of Statistics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

M.Sc. (Statistics)

Year: 1998

Marks: 72%

Institution/University: Department of Statistics, Quaid-i-Azam University; Islamabad, Pakistan.

Courses studied: Statistical Inference, Experimental Designs, and Probability & Probability Distributions, Econometrics, Statistical Methods, Sampling Techniques, Operations Research.

Position: First position in the M.Sc.

Graduation (B.Sc.)

Year: 1996

Marks: 60.87%

Institution/University: Government Sadiq Egerton College Bahawalpur, Islamia University Bahawalpur

Major Courses studied: Mathematics A, Mathematics B, and Statistics.

Intermediate (F.Sc.)

Year: 1992

Marks: 52.35%

Institution/University: Government Sadiq Egerton College Bahawalpur, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), Bahawalpur.

Major Courses studied: Mathematics, Physics, and Chemistry.

Matriculation (Science)

Year: 1990

Marks: 71.88%

Institution/University: Government Satellite Town High School Bahawalpur, Board of Intermediate and Secondary Education (BISE), Bahawalpur.

Major Courses studied: Mathematics, Physics, biology and Chemistry.

Professional Certificate (Computer)

Year: 2002

Marks: 79.125%

Institution/University: Computer Center, Quaid-i-Azam University; Islamabad, Pakistan

Major Courses studied: C Language, Database System, Application Packages, System Analysis and Design, Electronic Data Processing


·  Gold medal on standing first in M.Sc. Statistics


·  Statistical Softwares: SPSS, MINITAB, R. etc.

·  Computer Languages: GW BASIC, C++.


·  Served as a Lecturer in the Department of Statistics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan w.e.f. 15-02-2000 to15-01-2010.

·  Serving as Assistant Professor in the Department of Statistics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan w.e.f. 16-01-2010 to date.


Mathematical Methods for Business and Management, Mathematical Methods for Statistics, Statistical Methods, Probability and Probability Distributions (I & II), Sampling Techniques, Regression Analysis (I & II), Experimental Design, Statistical Inference (Estimation & Hypothesis Testing), Econometrics, Operational Research, Nonparametric Tests, Multivariate Analysis and Methods.


Advanced Econometrics, Randomized Response.

Reviewer Services

·  Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operations Research (PJSOR), Punjab University, Pakistan

·  World Applied Science Journal (WASJ), Canada

·  Journal of Applied Statistics.



Published Research Articles

1.  Abbas, N., Zafar, R. F., Riaz, M. and Hussain, Z. (2011). Progressive mean control chart for monitoring process location parameter. Quality and Reliability Engineering International. (Accepted).

2.  Hussain, Z., Shabbir, J. and Riaz, M. (2011). Bayesian Estimation Using Warner’s Randomized Response Model through Simple and Mixture Prior Distributions. Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation. 40(1), 159-176. DOI: 10.1080/03610918.2010.532897.

3.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2011). Improved Estimation of Mean in Randomized Response Models. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics, 40 (1), 91-104.

4.  Shabbir, J. and Hussain, Z. (2011).On modified randomized device for Simmon’s model. International Journal of Agriculture and Statistical Sciences, 7 (1), (To Appear).

5.  Hussain, Z., Cheema, S. A. and Zafar, S. (2011). Extension of Mangat Randomized Response Model. International Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 2(8), 261-266.

6.  Hussain, Z. Anjum S. and Shabbir, J. (2011). Improved Logit estimation through Mangat randomized response model. International Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 2(5), 179-188.

7.  Hussain, Z. Hamraz, M., and Shabbir, J. (2011). An improved Quantitative Randomized Response Model. International Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 2 (4), 200-205.

8.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2011). An estimation of sensitive proportion utilizing higher order moments of auxiliary variable. International Journal of Business and Social Sciences. 2(2), 121-125.

9.  Abid, M., Cheema, S. A. and Hussain, Z. (2011). On efficiency comparison of certain randomized response strategies. International Journal of Business and Social Sciences, 2(7), 188-198.

10.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2010). On Item count Technique in Survey Sampling. Journal of Informatics and Mathematical Sciences. 2(2&3), 161-169.

11.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2010). Three Stage Quantitative Randomized Response Model. Journal of Probability and Statistical Science. 8(2), 223-235.

12.  Hussain, Z and Shabbir, J. (2009). On estimation of mean of a sensitive quantitative variable in complex surveys. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 25(2), 127-134.

13.  Hussain, Z and Shabbir, J. (2009). Improved estimation procedure for the mean of a sensitive variable using randomized response model. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 25(2), 205-220.

14.  Hussain, Z and Shabbir, J. (2009). Bayesian estimation of population proportion of a sensitive characteristic using simple beta prior. Pakistan Journal of Statistics. 25(1), 27-35.

15.  Hussain, Z and Shabbir, J. (2009). Bayesian estimation in Kim and warde (2005) mixed randomized response model using mixed prior distribution. Journal of Probability and Statistical Science. 7(1), 71-80

16.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2008). Logit estimation Using Warner’s (1965) Randomized Response Model. Journal of Modern Applied Statistical Methods, 7(1),140-151.

17.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2008). An Improvement of Christofides’ randomized response technique. Journal of Probability and Statistical Science, 6(1), 85-90.

18.  Shabbir, J., Hussain, Z. and Arshad, I. A. (2007). On modified randomized device of Warner’s model in stratified random sampling. J.Sc. & Tech. Univ. Peshawar. 31(1&2), 1-5.

19.  Hussain, Z., Shabbir, J. and Gupta, S. (2007). An alternative to Ryu et al. randomized response model. Journal of Statistics & Management Systems. 10(4), 511-517.

20.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2007). Estimation of mean of a sensitive quantitative variable. Journal of Statistical Research, 41(2), 83-92.

21.  Tahir, M and Hussain, Z. (2008). Comparison of Non-Informative Priors for Number of Defects (Poisson) Model. InterStat. April, # 002 .

22.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2007). Randomized Use of Warner’s Randomized Response Model. InterStat April, #007.

23.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2007).Improved Mixed Randomized Response Models, InterStat, June, # 002 .

24.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2007). Improvement of Kim and Warde’s mixed randomized response technique for complex surveys. InterStat, July, # 003

25.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2007). On Estimation of Mean of a Sensitive Quantitative Variable. Interstat, July, # 006.

26.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2007). Generalized Quantitative Randomized Response Model. InterStat, January, # 004.

Accepted articles

1.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2011). Bayesian Estimation of Population Proportion in Kim and Warde Mixed Randomized Response Technique. Applied Mathematical Sciences.

Submitted Articles

1.  Abbas, N., Hussain, Z., Riaz, M. and Does, R. J. J. M. (2011). On improved CUSUM control charting based on auxiliary information. Journal of Applied Statistics. Under 1st review.

2.  Abbas, N., Hussain, Z., Riaz, M. and Does, R. J. J. M. (2011). An EWMA control chart for monitoring the process location based on auxiliary variables. Statistical Papers. Under 1st review

3.  Riaz, M. Mehmood, R. Does, R. J. J. M. and Hussain, Z. (2011). An Easy Implementation for out of Runs Rules Schemes for Practitioners. Journal of Statistical Software. Under 2nd review

4.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2010). New Randomized response procedures. REVSTAT. Under 1st review.

5.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2010). On Estimation of Mean, Variance and Sensitivity level of a Sensitive Variable. Communications in Statistics- Theory and Methods. Under 1st review.

6.  Hussain, Z., Hamraz, M. and Shabbir, J. (2010). On Alternative Estimation Techniques Using Bar-Lev et al. (2004) Randomized Response Model. Pakistan Journal of Statistics. Under 1st review.

7.  Hussain, Z. Abid, M., Shabbir, J. and Abbas, N. (2010).On Bayesian Analysis of a General Class of Randomized Response Models in Social Surveys About Stigmatized Traits. Pakistan Journal of Statistics. Under 1st review.

8.  Hussain, Z. Shabbir, J. and Tahir, M. H. (2010). An Alternative Estimator of Population Proportion through Randomized Response Model. Pakistan Journal of Commerce and social Sciences. Under 1st review.

9.  Abbas, N., Aslam, M. and Hussain, Z. (2010). Refining the Judges’ Assessment of Items in paired Preference Experiments. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. Under 1st review.

10.  Hussain, Z. (2010). Simultaneous Estimation of Two Dependent Sensitive Characteristics. Pakistan Journal of Statistics and Operation Research. Under 1st review.

11.  Hussain, Z., Shah, E, A., Shabbir, J. M. (2011). An Improved Item Count Technique in Sensitive Surveys. Revista Colombiana de Estadistica. Under 1st review.

12.  Hussain, Z. Abid, M. Shabbir, J and Riaz, M. (2010). Alternative Estimation Procedures for Estimating the Population Proportion Using Mahmood et al. (1998) Technique-I. Canadian Journal of Statistics. Under 1st review.

13.  Hussain, Z., Shah, E, A., Shabbir, J., and Riaz, M. (2010). Bayesian Analysis for An Improved Proposed ICT Using Different Priors. Arabian Journal of Science & Engineering. Under first review..

14.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2011). Some Randomized Response Models. Journal of Probability and Statistical Sciences. Under 2nd review.

15.  Hussain, Z., Shabbir, J. and Tahir, M. H. (2011). On estimation of mean and sensitivity level in optional randomized response strategies. Journal of statistical Planning and Inference. Under 1st review.

16.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2011). Estimation of Mean, variance and Sensitivity level of a Sensitive Variable using scrambled response technique. World Applied Science Journal. Under 2nd review

17.  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2011). Using Inverse binomial sampling in randomized response models. International Journal of Agricultural and Statistical Sciences. Under 2nd review.

18.  Hussain, Z., Shabbir, J. and Tahir, M. H. (2011). On Estimation of Mean and Sensitivity level of a Sensitive Variable in Complex Surveys. Hacettepe Journal of Mathematics and Statistics. Under 1st review.

Working Papers

1.  Hussain, Z. (2010). Utilizing higher order moments of auxiliary variable in estimation of mean of a sensitive variable.


·  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2006). “On Three stage quantitative randomized response model” Presented in First International Conference on Statistics and Operations Research-2006-April 3-5, University of Punjab, Lahore, Pakistan.

·  Hussain, Z. and Shabbir, J. (2009). Bayesian estimation of population proportion in Kim and Warde Mixed RRM. January 23-25, COMSATS Institute of Information Technology, Lahore, Pakistan.

Research Interests

·  Randomized Response Models

·  Item Count Techniques

·  Regression Analysis

·  Nonparametric Statistical Techniques

·  Sampling Techniques

·  Bayesian Statistics


Research Project

·  Conducted a research project funded by the Quaid-i-Azam University Islamabad on “Model Selection” as a principal investigator

·  Have been providing consultancy to the Ph.D students of other disciplines like Biological sciences Economics and Psychology.

Supervision Of M.Sc. Theses (Completed)

·  Use of progressive Statistics in Quality Control, by Mr. Raja Fawad Zafar.

Supervision Of M.Sc. Theses (In Progress)

·  On randomized response models, by Ms. Fatima Batool.

Supervision Of M.Phil. Theses (Completed)

·  Logit Estimation In Randomized Response, (2010), by Miss Sidra Anjum

·  An Item Count Technique: Comparison of MLE and Bayes Estimator, (2010), by Mr. Ejaz Ali Shah

·  Bayesian Analysis of Some Randomized Response Models, (2010), by Mr. Muhammad Abid

·  On Quantitative Randomized Response Models, (2010), by Mr. Muhammad Hamraz

·  Extension of Recent Randomized Response Models To Complex Surveys (2011), by Mr. Muhammad Rafiq

·  Studying The Theory of Statistical Results and Inferences Under Affects of Human Psychology (2011), by Mrs. Huda Jamil

Supervision of M.Phil. Theses (In Progress)

1.  Log-Linear Models Through Randomized Response Models, by Asma Halim

2.  On Randomized Response Models With Ranked Set Sampling, by Yasir Khan

3.  Estimating Sensitive Proportion Through Ranked Set Sampling, by Ihsanullah

4.  On Estimation of Mean And Sensitivity Level of A Sensitive Variable, by Areeba Sadiq

5.  Enhancing The Performance of Memory Control Charts, by Nasir Abbas

6.  Ranked Set Sampling in some Quantitative Randomized Response Procedures, by Muhammad Asim Rauf.

7.  Non Parametric Control Charting Using Ranked Set Sampling, by Mazhar Hussain

8.  Potential Predictability of Extreme Climate events in Monsoon Dominated Region of Pakistan, by Javeria Ashraf.

Supervision Ph.D Thesis ( In Progress)

Topic to Be Finalized, Student Name: Salma Riaz


·  Cricket, Table Tennis, Squash, Badminton and Football.


·  Dr. Muhammad Aslam, Professor, Department of Statistics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.


·  Dr. Faqir Muhammad , Professor , Department of Mathematics and statistics, Allama Iqbal Open University, Islamabad, Pakistan.

Email: faqir_m@

·  Dr. Javid Shabbir, Professor and Chairman, Department of Statistics, Quaid-i-Azam University, Islamabad, Pakistan.
