ENVI 193P - Intro to Bristol Bay Energy

Term: / Fall 2009
Course Title: / Intro to Bristol Bay Energy
Dept. & Num: / ENVI 193P
Credits: / 1
Prerequisites: / None
Dates: / Oct 8-10, 2009
Days and Times: / Thur (Oct 8) 3:30pm – 7pm, Fri (Oct 9) 7:30am – 7:30pm, Sat (Oct 10) 8:30am – 12:30pm
Location: / UAF BBC Rm 128 and Middle School gym



Tom Marsik



Assistant Professor





/ 842-5692



Hours Available:


Available during the days the course is offered

Text: / Course related handouts;
A Guide to Alaska’s Clean, Local, and Inexhaustible Energy Resources, May 2009;
Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy booklet by U.S. Department of Energy, April 2009

Course Description:

This course introduces many topics related to the Bristol Bay region energy problems and possible solutions. In a three day conference setting, students will attend presentations, participate in workshops and discussions, and network with individuals, businesses, and organizations involved in Bristol Bay energy issues.

Instructional Methods:

  • Lectures
  • Workshops
  • Discussions
  • Readings

Course Goals:

To engage students in energy matters related to the Bristol Bay region and provide education that will help solve the current energy situation.

Student Learning Objectives:

Upon successful completion of this course, students will:

  • Understand problems with current energy practices in the Bristol Bay region.
  • Understand economic aspects of energy in the Bristol Bay region.
  • Be able to discuss possible solutions to current energy problems in the Bristol Bay region.
  • Be able to distinguish between energy efficiency and renewable energy approaches to the fossil fuel use reduction in the Bristol Bay region.
  • Have connections with individuals, businesses, and organizations involved in Bristol Bay energy issues.

Course Policies:

  1. UAF requires students to conduct themselves honestly and responsibly, and to respect the rights of others.
  2. Attendance is mandatory.
  3. Late assignments will not be accepted without prior approval of instructor.
  4. The instructor reserves the right to amend this course outline as needed.

Course Calendar:

Thursday, October 8

3:30pm-4:30pmCourse introduction, UAF BBC Room 114

4:30pm-5:00pmConference registration, Middle School gym

5:00pm-6:00pmWelcome reception, networking with other attendees

6:00pm-7:00pmUAF BBC open house – solar panels, wind mill, efficient car show

Friday, October 9

7:30am-8:00amContinental breakfast, networking

8:00am-8:15amWelcome address by Bristol Bay Native Association (BBNA)

8:15am-10:30amPresentations by Office of Governor, Alaska Housing Finance Corporation (AHFC), Alaska Energy Authority (AEA) – state energy issues and relationship to Bristol Bay region

10:30am-11:00amBreak, networking

11:00am-12:00pmPresentations by Alaska Center for Energy & Power (ACEP) and National Renewable Energy Lab (NREL)

12:00pm-1:00pmLunch break, networking

1:00pm-2:45pmPresentations by Renewable Energy Alaska Project (REAP), Alaska State Legislature, AEA

2:45pm-3:30pmBreak and Snack, networking

3:30pm-4:30pmPanel discussion - Financial and technical assistance available

4:30pm-5:30pmUpdates on regional entities and energy-related programs

5:30pm-7:30pmDinner and Senate Special Committee on Energy hearing

Saturday, October 10

8:30am-9:00amContinental breakfast, networking

9:00am-10:00amWorkshops – Lighting and appliances / Weatherizing your home

10:00am-11:00amWorkshops – Energy audits / Advanced lighting technologies

11:00am-12:00pmWorkshops – Biomass: wood as energy / “I want a wind turbine”

12:00pm-12:30pmExit survey


Students will keep notes, journals of networking activities, and will be given an exit survey to discuss key topics.

Attendance and participation10%



Exit survey30%

Grading Policy:

Pass/Fail (Pass >= 70%; Fail < 70%)

Support and Disability Services:

University of Alaska Fairbanks

Bristol Bay Campus – Student Services

PO Box 1070

Dillingham, Alaska 99576



Fax: 907-842-5692

Students can also go to the UAF website or to the College of Rural and Community Development website or to Bristol Bay Campus website

UAF Disability Services for Distance Students

UAF has a Disability Services office that operates in conjunction with the College of Rural and Community Development (CRCD) campuses and UAF’s Center for Distance Education (CDE). Disability Services, a part of UAF’s Center for Health and Counseling, provides academic accommodations to enrolled students who are identified as being eligible for these services. If you believe you are eligible, please visit on the web or contact a student affairs staff person at your nearest local campus. You can also contact Disability Services on the Fairbanks Campus at (907) 474-7043,