Complete information below and keep this sheet with you during class while working on this project. Turn in this sheet before your class presentation.

Name: ______

Title of Project______

Date of Presentation: ______Class Period______

Date Assigned: ______Date Due: ______


Be on the lookout for reports about your project topic to include in your presentation. The Internet is a great source to use but remember to cite your resources. Keep an ongoing Resource Page to list your references/resources you use and include it in at the end of your presentation. Look at the rubric and be sure to follow it in planning and working on your project.

The following questions should be answered in your presentations:

·  What does it need to thrive?

·  What are the foods/sources associated with it and possible contaminants?

·  What is the implicated illness?

·  What is the incubation period for the illness?

·  What are the symptoms associated with the illness?

·  What is the duration of the symptoms?

·  What are the steps for prevention?

·  Post a graphic or picture (or make a model of your bacterium or parasite).

·  How is your bacterium or parasite involved in the Farm-to-Table Cycle?

·  How your bacterium or parasite can spread and how it can be prevented at each step listed below.






Ways to Present Your Project

1.  Design

Prepare posters or 3-D models of your pathogen to hang around the classroom, using assorted materials (coat hangers, newspapers, paper Mache, balloons, cardboard, plastic bottles, poster board, fabric scraps, pipe cleaners and beads).

Design a food safety calendar with a theme for removing or eliminating your pathogen for each month of the year

Design and prepare webpages that offer photos and facts about your pathogen

Create an animated flipbook about your microbe.

2.  Write

Interview your pathogen like Dr. X did in the video

Write humorous comic strips featuring your pathogen

Create a recipe book filled with food safety tips for avoiding your pathogen

Write a moving story about a day in that life of your pathogen

Write a moving story about a day in the life of your pathogen

3.  Create

Create a video pertaining to your pathogen using one of the following styles-documentary, news-cast, drama, advertisement, or game show.