Raider Roundtable Summary July 23, 2015
Update from Mr. Shepard / The buildings are getting refreshed in preparation for the upcoming school year.
The facilities are being used a lot. The group World Changers has committed to another 4 years of coming back and helping to make improvements to areas in the city. Summer programs are ending.
There were many retirements and personnel added over the summer. Twenty-six new staff will start in the fall.
There was brief discussions on how the three elementary buildings work together on many things, while still holding onto their individuality.
Free Breakfast and Lunch / The program is managed by Beth Davis and averages 120 students per day. Maple is currently hosting the program. Students can eat on school grounds if they wish. The program has also expanded to making meals for PCLS students participating in activities over the summer, i.e. band camp and football.
Looking to continue the program for next summer
Landscaping / We took this in-house this year, as opposed to contracting out for it. Improvements have been made and things are coming along.
Paving was done for the first time since the buildings were built.
Bushes are being removed at HMS and grass is being put in.
Weeding will take place the first week of August at all buildings.
Plowing / This is not taken care of in-house. We do not have the resources to do so.
Back to School Events / These have been scheduled and are posted on the web. Some buildings are trying new things this year. Be looking for more information.
Back to School Bash is being sponsored by the Salvation Army and held at Harvey on 8/08.
Testing / The PARCC is gone as of now. We anticipate ELA and Math tests being provided through AIR.
Technology / The buildings are relatively outdated when it comes to technology. We are working on improving this. We have a strong technology staff helping to bring 1 to 1 in all buildings. We also have new Chrome Books coming to replace some of the old ones.
Shared Services / We are sharing services for nutrition and transportation at this time with some surrounding districts. Our landscaping and mechanics are all in-house.
Negotiations / These went smoothly for both classified and certified staff. A tentative agreement was reached with both groups.
Contracts should be voted on in August.
Transportation/Busing / The transportation department is working on bus routes now. Road closures and construction by Harvey may cause some adjustments to be made.
Letters will be mailed to all families to notify them about transportation for their child(ren).
Cedarbrook / The building just got a new broiler. The sign is also going to be changed to Red Raider Preschool ELC. It's the only 5 star pre-school in Lake County. Upping security in there with doors and active shooter button and protocol.
Please contact the BOE if you have a son/daughter who is of age to attend.
Academic Dress / There is no uniform swap scheduled at this time, but it's a great idea. Old Navy was selling uniform pieces for $5.00.
Lake County Fair / If your child will miss school due to the fair, please make sure to contact your child's school. You can begin doing that as of August 3rd.
Parade will be on 8/18, starting at Harvey.
Parent Questions/Concerns
  1. On 7/15 there was supposed to be reading help for HMS students at Harvey, but we didn't have any idea how to get in the building.
Action Taken:It stated online that students should enter through the front of the building.
  1. The HLI group field trip was changed and some parents were not made aware, which led to confusion.
Action Taken: A call was made to families, but it seems some did not receive it. The group was reminded of who the teacher in charge is so she can be contacted if need be.
  1. Our family lives .99 miles from school and it was recommended by transportation that our children walk a longer route to school to avoid a traffic-heavy area. Can't we just get a bus?
Action Taken: No, a bus will not be provided due to where your house is.