Emergency Operations Center
Operations Room
Light Blue Paper
Designed by: Clark Reynolds & Co., www.emergency-planning.com
Operations Room Planning Section Chief
Designed by: Clark Reynolds & Co., www.emergency-planning.com
Planning Chief Binder
Initial Tasks / 1Responsibilities / 2
Overview & Layout / 3
EOC Organization Chart / 4
EOC Administrative Notes / 5
Log / 6
Message Form System / 7
Message Form File Copies / 8
Tab 1: Initial Tasks
Planning Chief
1. [ ] Recruit at least two Planning Section assistants.
2. [ ] Set up work area tables near the EOC Operations table.
3. [ ] Set up equipment for producing typewritten documents and copies from the EOC facility support staff:
a. [ ] Word processor (computer, typewriter, etc.)
b. [ ] Printer.
c. [ ] Printer paper
d. [ ] EOC jurisdiction letterhead
e. [ ] Access to photocopier.
f. [ ] Office supplies, etc.
4. [ ] Obtain a copy of the EOC's All-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for reference information.
5. [ ] Obtain a copy of the State's All-Hazard Emergency Operations Plan (EOP) for reference information.
6. [ ] Assess the emergency situation by reviewing EOC wall displays, interviewing EOC function coordinators, and attending EOC Operations briefings.
7. [ ] Assign an assistant to prepare a typewritten Situation Report (SITREP) to the State for approval by the Operations Chief according to the SITREP Guide on the following pages.
8. [ ] Go to Page 5 and continue this Checklist.
(From New Mexico Office of Emergency Management SITREP Guide 2006)
Essential Information for Situation Reports
Situation reporting from involved agencies and the local level to the State EOC is a dynamic process throughout the lifecycle of an emergency. This SITREP Guide is meant to facilitate the flexible exchange of information while enabling the continued improvement of situational awareness and analysis.
The items listed in this Guide represent important elements of information for use at the local and state level. While the frequency and method of reporting may vary depending on the nature of the situation and established protocols, all SITREPS to the State EOC should address each of the applicable items.
Call in SITREPS to ______
E-Mail SITREPS to ______
Fax SITREPS to ______
__ Agency/Jurisdiction
__ SITREP #, Date, and Time
__ Name, Title, and Contact Information of Person Making Report [phone/cell/pager/fax/e-mail]
__ Date & Time of Occurrence [24 hour time]
__ Event Description [What happened? Cause? Cascading events?]
__ Incident Location(s) [Describe in detail, provide Lat/Long or UTM NAD 83, if available]
__ Local Declaration/Resolution Status
__ Emergency/Disaster Declaration [Yes/No. Date]
__ Resolution requesting Governor to declare a state of emergency [Yes/No. Date]
__ Threats to Life, Safety, Security, and Property [Describe in detail]
__ Damages and Impacts
__ Casualties [Fatalities, Injured/Hospitalized, Missing]
__ Displacement [Individuals/Families, Actual/Anticipated]
__ Residential Structures [Damaged, Destroyed, Affected]
__ Business/Agricultural [Damaged, Destroyed, Affected]
__ Critical Infrastructure [Damaged, Destroyed, Affected]
__ Essential Services [Damaged, Destroyed, Affected]
__ Environmental, Cultural, Historic Resources [Damaged, Destroyed, Affected]
__ Resources Status
__ Assigned/Ordered [Kind, Function, and Location]
__ Adequacy of Resources [Describe]
__ Resources Needed [List by Size, Amount, Location, Time, and Type (SALTT)]
__ Operational Status
__ EOC Status [Structure, Hours of Operation, Location, Contact Information by Function]
__ current/completed response priorities & emergency operations
__ warning and emergency public information [Describe]
__ Law Enforcement/Security [Describe]
__ EMS/Fire/Rescue [Describe]
__ Health and Medical [Describe]
__ Public Works and Utilities [Describe]
__ Road Closures [List by type of road, reason/authority, estimated duration]
__ Evacuation [Geographic area(s), # of homes/businesses, authority, estimated duration]
__ Reception and Mass Care
__ # Reception Centers Established [List by location and adequacy]
__ # Shelters Established [List by location, operator, capacity, population, and contact info.]
__ Other mass care facilities and operations
__ Total Shelter Requirements/Deficits
__ Transportation [Describe]
__ Other Priorities and Operations [Describe]
__ Assisting/Cooperating Agencies [List]
__ Mutual Aid [list/describe]
__ Local Response Framework/Interface [List facilities and describe the interface] [Incident/Unified Command Post(s), Local/District/Regional Operations Centers, federal operations, Staging Area(s), other key facilities]
__ Planning Considerations
__ Weather/Road Cnditions [Describe]
__ Incident Behavior [Describe]
__ Incident Prediction/Contingencies [Describe]
__ Issues/Concerns [Explain]
9. [ ] Check the status of the following topics (on the next three pages) with the EOC Manager:
a. [ ] Objectives for Emergency Operations
b. [ ] Priorities for Emergency Operations
c. [ ] Decisions Needed
Courtesy emergency-planning.com
Planning Chief Binder
Chief Executive Official's
Objectives for Emergency Operations:
As of ______(Date/Time)
Objectives for Emergency Operations provide focus for response activities and coordination of support in the EOC.
The level of Objectives are jurisdiction wide in scope and are related to the four emergency phases: 1) Life Safety, 2) Incident Stabilization, 3) Property Conservation including environmental concerns, and 4) Recovery.
Typical jurisdiction wide objectives that the Policy Group must set or approve may include evacuations, curfews, policies affecting responder operations and restoring infrastructure such as power, roads, and air transportation, and others.
Inform the EOC Coordinator of any changes to the Objectives below.
Chief Executive Official's
Priorities for Emergency Operations:
As of ______(Date/Time)
List the jurisdiction wide Priorities below after completing the Objectives for Emergency Operations.
Priorities for Emergency Operations provide specific guidance to the EOC for accomplishing the Objectives for Emergency Operations.
The level of Priorities are jurisdiction wide in scope and are related to the four emergency phases: 1) Life Safety, 2) Incident Stabilization, 3) Property Conservation including environmental concerns, and 4) Recovery.
Rank each Priority by number in the left column: 1 for the highest priority, 2 for the second highest, etc.
Inform the EOC Coordinator of any changes to the Priorities below.
Chief Executive Official
Decisions Needed:
As of ______(Date/Time)
The following represent the Decisions that the EOC needs to coordinate support for response operations.
The level of Decisions needed are jurisdiction wide in scope and are related to the four emergency phases: 1) Life Safety, 2) Incident Stabilization, 3) Property Conservation including environmental concerns, and 4) Recovery.
The EOC Coordinator may have already made recommendations below based on the known situation.
Typical decisions that the Policy Group must make or approve may include emergency declarations, critical public announcements and evacuations, curfews, policies affecting responder operations, and others.
Situation / Decision Needed / Decision10. [ ] Meet with the Operations Chief regarding a County/City Action Plan (CAP) (Format and Example start on Next Page) for the EOC jurisdiction in the current operational period and future operational periods.
11. [ ] Assign an assistant to coordinate with the Operations Chief and to begin a typewritten County/City Action Plan (CAP) (Format and Example start on Next Page) for the EOC jurisdiction in the current operational period and future operational periods.
12. [ ] If a downwind hazard is possible, go to Page 19 of this Checklist.
County/City Action Plan (CAP) Format
County/City of ______
1. OPERATIONAL PERIOD FOR THIS PLAN: (Insert the start and end time and date covered by the County/City Action Plan (CAP))
2. EMERGENCY SITUATION. (In this section, summarize the general picture, which is the basis of the County/City AP. County/City supervisors must understand the current situation, under the following headings.)
a. Situation Outside County/City Area. (Describe the situation outside the County/City area. Describe the impact of the situation on outside public and government communications, facilities, citizens, mutual-aid, or anything that may impact support to the County/City. Describe the Regional Weather situation and forecast.)
b. Situation Inside County/City Area. (Describe the situation in the County/City area. Describe the impact on County/City area governments/agencies. Describe the Regional Weather situation and forecast. Describe the impact of the situation on area public and government communications, facilities, citizens, mutual-aid, or anything that may impact response operations in the County/City. Include information that County/City employees supervisors need to know to accomplish their tasks.)
3. OVERALL COUNTY/CITY OBJECTIVE. (State clearly and concisely the task of the County/City and its purpose in one sentence. The level of the Objective should be jurisdiction wide in scope and related to the four emergency phases: 1) Life Safety, 2) Emergency Stabilization, 3) Property Conservation including environmental concerns, and 4) Recovery. The objective should be Realistic and Measurable. It should answer the question, "How will we know when we have accomplished the Objective?")
a. Area Command's Intent: (Describe the reason for the Overall County/City Objective. It should be stated in the Area Command's own words, so that County/City departments can handle events that are unanticipated in the Overall County/City Objective, or when communications breakdown. The Intent may include emergency declarations, critical public announcements and evacuations, curfews, policies affecting responder operations, and others)
4. EXECUTION OF THE OVERALL COUNTY/CITY OBJECTIVE. (This section summarizes the overall course of action intended, described as a concept of operations, County/City department assignments and coordinating instructions required to accomplish the County/City Objective.)
a. Concept of Operations. (Briefly describe how the Area Command or authorized representative visualizes the execution of the operation from start to completion. Incorporate the Area Command's intent so that Overall County/City Objective accomplishment is possible in the time available and in the absence of additional communications or further instructions. The concept should set forth the phases of the operation, general approach, or describe precisely what the Area Command expects to be done. The concept may include evacuations, curfews, policies affecting responder operations and restoring infrastructure such as power, roads, and air transportation, and others.)
b. Department Assignments. (List the County/City departments or organizations, and specific assignments for each County/City department or element of the task organization needed to accomplish the Concept of Operations. Start the description of assignments with a verb. Departments listed in alphabetical order will help County/City departments identify their assignments.)
c. Coordinating Instructions. (List the coordinating instructions needed to synchronize the efforts of multiple County/City departments or task elements. Typically, such instructions might include boundaries, start and end times of operations, operating or task priorities, a specific sequence of actions, primary or alternate use of critical resources to agencies, a hierarchy of multiple jurisdiction wide objectives, and other specifics needed to coordinate the activities of different County/City departments or task elements. Include other information such as reporting instructions and when the County/City AP becomes effective.)
5. ADMINISTRATION AND LOGISTICS. (In this section, summarize administrative and logistics arrangements applicable to the County/City AP in the sub paragraphs, below. Include enough information to make clear the basic concept for logistics support.)
a. Summary: (Describe the overall impact of the emergency on administration and logistics, both short and long term. Describe of role of the County/City EOC in coordinating support for the County/City AP. List materiel and services for supply, maintenance, transportation, and construction, and allocation of labor for logistics purposes. List plans and policies for hospitalization and evacuation of County/City employees and the public. List County/City department personnel and equipment capacities and the status of volunteers. Reference the administration and logistics policies and procedures that will be used to implement the County/City AP.)
b. Critical Resource Priorities: (List the critical resources that may impact achievement of the Overall County/City Objective. List critical resource and priorities for their use. Critical resources may include supplies, facilities, personnel or organizations, or in the special resources that are critical to the achievement of the Overall County/City Objective.)
6. COMMAND AND COMMUNICATIONS. (The subparagraphs in this section include communications policy; command locations and facilities; and command structure.)
a. Command. (Emergency response operations can have complex command relationships when multiple County/City departments or other governments are affected. The County/City AP must be specific concerning these arrangements, including shifts that may take place as the operation progresses from one phase to the next. Clearly state the command structure including all command relationships. Include primary and alternate operations centers and command posts, along with their times of activation and deactivation.
b. Communications. (Describe communications networks, plans and policies. Describe how the Area Command and County/City departments will communicate with the County/City EOC.)
c. Annexes: (Attach details that support the County/City AP such as maps, routes, lists, diagrams, supporting plans in the County/City AP format, etc.)
Courtesy emergency-planning.com
Planning Chief Binder
County/City Action Plan (CAP)
1. OPERATIONAL PERIOD FOR THIS PLAN: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM, February 6, 2009
a. Situation Outside the County Area
i. Reports indicate widespread power outages throughout the United States. National news media is reporting worldwide power outages and is speculating about the causes, including a powerful solar flare.
ii. Regional Weather: A strong arctic air mass is expected to move south over the next three days and is expected to bring record low temperatures.
iii. All major TV broadcasters are operational except for NBS TV. The only local TV broadcasters that are operational are Channels 14 and 9.
iv. Most radio broadcasters are off the air.
v. The State EOC reports widespread power outages in all cities and counties.
b. Situation Inside County Area
i. All governments within the County report widespread power outages.
ii. Because backup power is intermittent, the County Administration Building has been evacuated and may not be available for several days.
iii. All other County facilities are operating on backup power generators with enough generator fuel for 6 to 8 hours.
iv. Local Weather: A cold front is expected to drop temperatures well below zero by 7:00 PM, tonight, with colder temperatures along the river. Record-breaking low temperatures are expected when another cold front arrives in three days.