Executive Headteacher Mrs Kath Middlemiss Tel : 01995 640505 9th January 2014
Email : www.john.lancsngfl.ac.uk

John Cross News


Happy New Year!

We would like to wish you all a happy New Year and hope you all had an enjoyable Christmas with family and friends.

We are excited about the year ahead and we have lots of activities planned for the forthcoming term. Please check our newsletter regularly for updates.

Staffing Changes

As from the 1st January 2014 the governors have appointed Mrs Wigley as Assistant Headteacher. She will still be teaching KS1/Yr3 as normal. The appointment was made to recognise the extra responsibility Mrs Wigley has taken on since our collaboration with Lea Endowed School.

Mrs Ruston is now full time in school and is available in the school office to answer any queries or if you require any information.

Manchester Jewish Museum Trip

A whole school trip to Manchester Jewish Museum has been organised. A letter was sent home this week containing more details. Please can all permission slips and money be brought into school by Monday 13th Jan. Thank you.

Winmarliegh Residential Trip

The final instalment for this trip is now due. Please can this be brought into school by the end of January. Thank you

Healthy Snacks

Please can we remind parents to send their children to school with healthy snacks for breaktime. This means no chocolate bars, sweets or crisps.


We regularly send texts to parents with details of events happening in school or just reminders. Please notify school if you haven’t received any texts in the last month. Your contact details may need updating.

Bible Explorer

We are really happy to welcome Lynda Bovenizer to our school. She will be working with our KS1 children every Thursday morning teaching them about the Bible in a fun way.

Walk to School Day

We are arranging a Walk to School Day which will take place on Thursday 23rd January. Further details will follow shortly.

FOBS Meeting

Friends of Bilsborrow School (FOBS) will be holding their next meeting on Monday 13th January at 3:15pm in the middle class room. All parents are welcome to attend.

Please bring with you any ideas for fundraising activities so we can openly discuss them and make some advance decisions as to how and when they will work.

Prayer Group

Our prayer group is still taking place every fortnight. The first one is taking place after school today at 3.15pm.

Bilsborrow and District Children’s Festival and Village Fun Day -AGM

The Bilsborrow Festival AGM is taking place on Wednesday 22nd January 2014 at 7pm in Bilsborrow Village Hall (side room next to the kitchen).

If you cannot make the meeting, but wish to offer help with the 2014 festival or give any form of feedback on last year’s festival please contact Kirsten Swift, Anna Sutcliffe or Karen Swarbrick. This year’s Children’s festival takes place on Sat 14th June – let’s hope the sun shines!

School Nurse Info

Your School Nurse team will be holding a telephone drop-in session every Thursday lunchtime, 12:30 to 1:30pm. If you have any concerns regarding your child’s health or well-being including managing your child’s medical condition in school, healthy lifestyle, eating, sleeping, behaviour and relationships, growth and development, bedwetting, please contact us on 01995 607225 or 01995 607226. All telephone calls are treated confidentially. If you would prefer to make an appointment with the School Nurse, please contact us on the same number. An answer service is available throughout the week. Tracy Dixon(School Nurse), Fiona Brooks (School Staff Nurse) and Janice Whittingham (Health Care Assistant).


Head Lice

Last term we had quite an epidemic of headlice. We would like to remind parents to regularly check your child’s hair so that hopefully this term we can be headlice free! A parent has also notified us that you are able to get treatment for headlice on prescription from your doctors. Headlice treatment is very expensive so this could be a big help.


We would like to wish the following child a ‘Happy Birthday’:



Diary Dates

For the Spring and Summer Terms:

Mon 13th Jan – FOBS meeting being held in school, 3.15pm

Weds 22nd Jan - Bilsborrow Festival meeting

Thurs 23rd Jan – Walk to School Day

Thurs 30th Jan – Whole school trip to Manchester Jewish Museum

Friday 14th Feb School closes for half term

Monday 24th Feb School re-opens

Weds 26th Feb – KS2 visit to Global Renewables

Thurs 20th March – Year 5 visiting Cobble Hey. Trip organised by GCA

Mon 24th March – Residential trip to Winmarleigh Hall

Thursday 10th April School closes for Easter Holidays

Thursday 24th April School re-opens