2009-06-12 / ISO/TC 67 / SC 4N 435
Title of TC/SC concerned
Drilling and production equipment

To be completed by the secretariat and sent to the ISO Central Secretariat and to all P- and O-members of the TC or SC concerned, with a copy to the TC secretariat in the case of a subcommittee.

Proposal / ISO/TC 67/SC 4 N 414 / Circulation 2008-12-18 / Deadline 2009-03-18
Title (new title if appropriate; French title to be indicated in all cases, even when no French version is envisaged)
English title / Petroleum and natural gas industries — Drilling well control equipment — Control systems for drilling well control equipment and diverter systems
French title
Results (the compilation of results is given as an annex)
The following criteria for acceptance have been met:
 / Approval by a simple majority of the voting P-members
 / 5 or more P-members voting approval have agreed to participate in the development of the project and have nominated an expert
In the light of results, the proposal is therefore:
 / Approved (all approval criteria met)
Not approved (one or more approval criteria not met)
Associated draft
no draft was associated with this ballot. A first draft is expected by (give date)
the associated draft is adopted as a working draft (WD)
 / the associated draft is approved as a Committee draft (CD)
the associated draft is approved as the proposed Draft International Standard (DIS)
Further procedures (attribution to TC/SC/WG, Project Leader, development procedure, meetings, etc.)
The project is to be first registered as a Preliminary Work Item (stage 00.60)
 / The project is to be immediately registered as an active work item
Experts (give details below, or as a separate annex)
See Annex A
Documents to be considered (give details below, or as a separate annex)
Proposed development track 1 (24 months)  2 (36 months - default) 3 (48 months)
Note: Selection of a development track will automatically associate default target dates with critical stages. If you envisage that you can advance a project quicker than the default target dates you may indicate your preferred earlier target dates in the field "Target date for submission'. Important! Quoting earlier target dates implies a commitment to meeting these dates If you do not want to change the defaults to earlier dates do not put anything in the "Target date for submission" fields.
Target date for submission: / as a CD: / asaFDIS: / 2010-09
asaDIS: / 2009-09 / forpublication: / 2010-12
Secretariat / Secretary / Registration by the Central Secretariat
ANSI / Ed Baniak / Date / Allocated project number

Other information, comments, etc. appended

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Result of voting on new work item proposal

Compilation of the results of voting on ISO/NP
When a draft has been attached
Member body / Member
status / Feasible to develop a Globally Relevant Standard / Accepted for Stage 0 / Accepted for Progressing to WD / Accepted as a WD / Accepted as CD / Accepted as DIS / Comments
enclosed / Participation / Expert(s) nominated / no reply (optional)
P/O / Yes / No / Abst. / Y/N / Y/N / Y/N / Y/N / Y/N / Y/N / Y/N / Y/N
Argentina (IRAM) / P / X / Y
Brazil (ABNT) / P / X / Y / Y / Y / N
Canada (SCC) / P / X / Y
China (SAC) / P / X / Y / Y
France (AFNOR) / P / X / Y
Germany (DIN) / P / X
Indonesia (BSN) / P / X / Y / Y / Y
Italy (UNI) / P / X
Kazakhstan (KAZMEMST) / P / X
Korea, Republic of (KATS) / P / X / Y
Netherlands (NEN) / P / X / Y / Y / Y
Norway (SN) / P / X / Y
Poland (PKN) / P / X
United Kingdom (BSI) / P / X / Y / Y / Y
United States (ANSI) / P / X / Y / Y / Y
Spain (AENOR) / O / Y
Totals (P-members only) / 15 / 9 / 1 / 2 / 1 / 1 / 0 / 7 / 0 / 2 / 6 / 6 / 3

Abstentions and incomplete votes are not counted

Total of P-members voting (x): / 10

Annex A- Nominated Experts:


Expert to be nominated later.



Chief Engineer Beijing Petroleum Machinery Factory

Addess: 41#, Zhixin Road, Haidian District, Beijing, P. R. China, 100083

Tel: 86-10-62097490

Fax: 86-10-62311837



Mr. Sunoto Murbini

Organization: Society of Indonesian Petroleum Engineer

Email address:

T./F. 62 21 5203057


Mr. J. C. Rommertz,

Shell Int'l Exploration & Production,

Senior Drilling HSE MS Auditor

Postbus 60, 2280 AB RIJSWIJK, ZH, the Netherlands

tel: 31 070 447 3356, fax: 31 070 447 2165, e-mail:

Mr. Jan van Wijk

Shell Int'l Exploration & Production,

Postbus 60, 2280 AB RIJSWIJK, ZH, the Netherlands

Tel.: 31 70 447 6396,


United Kingdom

Mr J Peters ( ) as its participating expert

United States

Mel Whitby


6650 Bingle Road

Houston, TX 77092

713-423-8875 (P)

713-423-8991 (F)

FORM 6 (ISO)Page 1 of 7

Result of voting on new work item proposal

Template for comments and secretariat observations / Date: 2009-03-17 / Document: NWIP CD 22830
1 / 2 / (3) / 4 / 5 / (6) / (7)
/ Clause No./
Subclause No./
(e.g. 3.1) / Paragraph/
(e.g. Table 1) / Type of com-ment2 / Comment (justification for change) by the MB / Proposed change by the MB / Secretariat observations
on each comment submitted
BR / ge / This standard comprises a number of items with too specific issues. These may deviate attention from some relevant specs, which should be high level ones aimed at establishing more general boundaries and conditions. / Review the standard by removing those too specific issues and bringing more attention on the high levels and general conditions. Those specific items may be moved to annexes.
BR / 1 / First paragraph / te / (i) BOP is also used as safety device to control completion and workover operations, not only drilling;
(ii) It seems unnecessary mentioning that diverter is not control equipment but it is a part of the BOP control. This suggestion also agrees with the first proposed change, more generic;
(iii) It seems unnecessary explaining here that: Control systems for drilling well control equipment typically employ stored energy in the form of pressurized hydraulic fluid (power fluid) to operate (open and close) the BOP stack
components. Each operation of a BOP or other well component is referred to as a control function. The control
system equipment and circuitry vary generally in accordance with the application and environment. / (i) Review the first phase as: This International Standard establishes design standards for control systems used on rig safety equipment employed on combating kick activities, particularly, BOPs – blowout preventers and diverters;
(ii) Exclude: Although diverters are not considered well control devices, their controls are often incorporated as part of the BOP control system. Thus, control systems for diverter equipment are included herein;
(iii) Exclude: Control systems for drilling well control equipment typically employ stored energy in the form of pressurized hydraulic fluid (power fluid) to operate (open and close) the BOP stack components. Each operation of a BOP or other well component is referred to as a control function. The control system equipment and circuitry vary generally in accordance with the application and environment.
BR / 1 / 1st paragraph / ed / “... that are used to control (BOPs (blowout preventers) and associated ...” / We suggest eliminating one parenthesis
BR / 1 / Fourth paragraph / te / It is well known what are direct hydraulic control systems but discrete controls may be subjected to other interpretations. The word discrete seems to refer to single components, such as a shear seal valve, a spm valve a solenoid, etc. Also ISO 13628-6 defines direct hydraulic control as: control method wherein hydraulic pressure is applied through an umbilical line to act directly on a subsea valve actuator. / Review the text replacing discrete by direct.
Template for comments and secretariat observations / Date: 2009-03-17 / Document: NWIP CD 22830
1 / 2 / (3) / 4 / 5 / (6) / (7)
/ Clause No./
Subclause No./
(e.g. 3.1) / Paragraph/
(e.g. Table 1) / Type of com-ment2 / Comment (justification for change) by the MB / Proposed change by the MB / Secretariat observations
on each comment submitted
BR / 1 / Fourth to tenth paragraph, excepted the sixth / These paragraphs are related to subsea bop control systems (3rd paragraph) and they should be shown in these way. / Review the text in a format that can indicate that the 4th to 10th paragraphs, excepting the 6th, are subsea bop control system’s specificities.
BR / 3.6 / First paragraph / te / The BOP annular can also close around other shaper than pipes. / Review the text as: device with a generally toroidal shaped steel-reinforced elastomer packing element that is hydraulically operated to close and seal around any drill pipe size, other shapes tools or to provide full closure of the wellbore.
BR / 3.12 / First paragraph / te / The meaning of the BOP word seems to be more generic than the actual definition is intended. / Generic name given for a safety device integrated to the wellhead comprising of valves used to seal the well off and confine the well fluids in the wellbore.
BR / 3.15 / First paragraph / te / BOP Stack definition needs to be consolidated within the international community. For surface BOP it seems okay but for subsea BOP it is not clear whether or not it also comprises the LMRP, we consider that it does not. / Include a note as following:
Note: For subsea BOPs the BOP Stack comprise an assembly up the interface with LMRP.
BR / 3.33 and 3.34 / definition / ed / “<...> unlatch ...” / We suggest elinating the symbols “<...>”
BR / 3.44 / First paragraph / te / Function has a generic meaning. / Exclude this definition.
BR / 3.54 / First paragraph / te / We consider that the LMRP is not a part of the BOP Stack. / Review the text as: upper section of a two-section subsea BOP system consisting of the hydraulic connector, annular BOP(s), flex/ball joint, riser adapter, flexible choke and kill lines, and subsea control pods.
BR / 3.67 / definition / ed / Potable water definition / We suggest eliminating unnecessary trivial definitions
BR / 3.81 / First paragraph / te / Reliability analysis comprises other meanings than shown here. / Exclude this definition.
Template for comments and secretariat observations / Date: 2009-03-17 / Document: NWIP CD 22830
1 / 2 / (3) / 4 / 5 / (6) / (7)
/ Clause No./
Subclause No./
(e.g. 3.1) / Paragraph/
(e.g. Table 1) / Type of com-ment2 / Comment (justification for change) by the MB / Proposed change by the MB / Secretariat observations
on each comment submitted
BR / 3.98 / definition / ed / “... interface with a pod- mounted ...” / We suggest eliminating the additional space
BR / 3.110 / definition / ed / Symbol and definition / We suggest placing the definition after the symbol and not using bold letters in the definition
BR / 4.2.4 / Whole item / te / It seems that this item is too specific to be a part in the main body of the standard. Perhaps, it should be moved to an annex. / Consider moving this item to an annex.
BR / / symbols / ed, te / Confusing text symbol “*” / We suggest using “X” in the formulas
BR /, and / abbrev. / ed / “is this ...” / We suggest eliminating the “is this ...” expression in all formula abbreviations
BR / / Condition 2 / ed / “... the pressure- limited case ...” / We suggest eliminating the additional space
BR / / page 17 / ed / Formula variable definitions after the expression “so” / We suggest aligning the definitions
BR / / 9th paragraph / te / Web Site reference recommendation / We suggest not recommending Web Sites as a reference in International Standards. This item could be benefial if the the referenced table would be quoted in a Annex
BR / / 1st paragraph and item a) / ed, te / Item a) is not an optional / We suggest inserting the item a) in the sentence above in lieu of “item a) below”, and renumbering the items b) and c) to a) and b)
BR / 5.6.5 / 1st paragraph / ed / “... electro-hydraulic (MULTIPLEXED) ...” / We suggest using lowcase letters for the word “multiplexed”
BR / Annex C / Examples / te / No SI units examples is provided / We suggest providing SI units examples
BR / Annex C / C.5.1 and C.6.1 / ed, te / Expression “To precharge pressure” on pages 86 and 90 / We suggest placing the expression inside the table or creating an additional reference note for the Condition 3
BR / Annex C / C.7.1, C.8.1 and C.9.1 / ed, te / Expression “To precharge density” on pages 93, 95 and 99 / Idem
BR / Annex C / C.8.1 / ed / Additional traces outside the table on page 96 / We suggest eliminating the additional traces
BR / Bibliography / item [1] / te / Standard as a bibliography reference / We suggest eliminating the bibliography and moving the API Y32.10 reference to the item 2 (Normative References)
Template for comments and secretariat observations / Date: 2009-03-17 / Document: NWIP CD 22830
1 / 2 / (3) / 4 / 5 / (6) / (7)
/ Clause No./
Subclause No./
(e.g. 3.1) / Paragraph/
(e.g. Table 1) / Type of com-ment2 / Comment (justification for change) by the MB / Proposed change by the MB / Secretariat observations
on each comment submitted
CN / Table 1 / Pg 13 / The temperature value of Column-Mild in Fahrenheit doesn’t match its value in Centigrade accordingly, please check again
CN / 7.5.4 and / Pg 53 and Pg 58 / It is prescribed here: “Seamless accumulators shall be furnished with ASME-U-1A certificates” and “Accumulator shells shall include a permanently affixed serial number”. / China has the largest output of the drilling control system in the world, and now we have the equivalent national standard on pressure vessels. We appreciate that ISO should take into account the interest of China in the international standard developing. We also hope that the use of accumulators conformed to Chinese regulations can be permitted in this standard. It is better to add the related Chinese standards (For example, GB/T 20663–2006“Bladder type accumulators”) into Clause 2, or take the Chinese standard as another alternative reference.
ES / We agree.

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