Food Web Poster Project

Due: May 8, 2015

Objective: Create a food web.

  1. Pick an animal from the container
  2. You will develop a food web using animal and other organisms found in its ecosystem.
  3. You must have a minimum of 14 organisms! They must be members of the biome/habitat to count towards the 14. Example: You pick an animal in the desert ecosystem, but a Polar bear is on your Food Web. The polar bear would result in minus 5 points.
  4. You must have at least 3 producers from that habitat and at least 2 top-level consumers.
  5. All the energy levels must be colored coded! For instance, all the organism names at the producer level could be green, all the herbivore names could be blue, carnivore names red, and so on. Make sure you include a key for the colors and energy levels on the front of your poster.
  6. You must include a colored picture drawn, printed or cut out and the name of the organism.
  7. The arrows will lead from prey to the predator. Example: mouse snake

USE black for the arrows and bright colors for the organisms for neatness points!

  1. The project needs to be on regular sized poster board!
  2. Attach this sheet with name to the back of your poster!!!!

Extra Credit:

You can receive up to 10 points extra credit by adding extra organisms to your web. You can only do a maximum of two at 5 points each!


The project is worth 100 total points (equivalent to a project grade)



Points Deducted

Number of organisms – remember the project must have a minimum of 14 organisms with 3 producers and 2 top-level consumers. Organisms that are not part of the Biome/Habitat selected will not count towards you 14 minimum. (-5 for each missing)
Neatness – arrows lead away from the prey to the predator and can be easily followed. The names and pictures of your organisms are clear and neat! (-2 for each arrow pointing in the wrong direction, messy pictures, messy names, or messy arrows)
Color – the pictures and names are colored and following the color code you have created! (-3 for each picture not in color or organism not following color code)

Accuracy – organisms are classified correctly according to the key. (-3 for each organism incorrectly classified)

Directions – project is on a full sized poster board and rubric is attached. (-10 for each not followed.)

TOTAL 100 pts